Chapter three

Opening the front door of my house I make my way inside Scott behind me following me into the kitchen.Grabbing two cans of Juice we make our way upstairs to my room.Opening my room door We head inside. My rooms quite small there's enough room for a bed wardrobe and a tv.My walls are white I don't have anything covering them I'm not into posters and shit.

Dropping on my bed Scott follows and lies down behind me rubbing his hand over my arm he says.

"Tell me what's up bird what's wrong".When I called him outside of the hotel.I told him to meet me here without saying to much.Luckily the bus pulled up right as I called so I didn't need to go into further detail.

"They know Scott"I say.My voice breaking turning round so I'm facing him I tell him everything when I'm done I start to say.

"They want me to go with them they want me to leave dad I can't Scott I can't leave you".

Burying my face into his chest  I circle my arms round him. Then his arms come round and he hugs me.

"Its going to be ok bird they can't take you away three more weeks then they can't."Whispers Scott.

Lifting my head I look at him.His dark eyes have zoomed in on mine wiping my tears he leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips.

Lifting my self up I wipe my face get off the bed and head to the bathroom.

After washing my face I walk out and head downstairs to get my phone so I can all my dad.

Scrolling through until I find his name I press on his name and wait for the call to go through.

When it goes straight to voicemail I hang up and shout for Scott.

"Phones off we need to head to Tam's I need to talk to my dad"I say while grabbing my jacket and heading towards the door.

"I can't I promised peter I would help him cut his grass"says Scott.Turning around I look at Scott.

Wearing grey joggers and a black hoddie with Nike air max as he stand at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok let me get this straight you can't come with me to get my dad because you have to help cut peters grass ? I ask sarcastically lifting one eyebrow up.

"Aye I promised I would do it I left him to get here after you phoned me."Says Scott.

"They might take me away Scott. I might need to leave and you would rather go to peters then help me?" I ask him.

"It's not like that bird there not going to take you away. Your dad won't sign custody to your mom you know that."Coming towards me he wraps his arms round my shoulders and pulls me towards him.

"I love you baby there not going to take you I won't let it happen"he says.

Taking a breath I back up and open the door waiting for Scott to come out.

Locking the door behind me I give him one final kiss and watch as he walks down the road towards peters.

Leaving my house i put on my ear buds and start blasting music making my way towards Tam's.

Looking round there's not much to see here.Flats and houses scatter all over the estate.Houses are side by side The buildings are Dark grey with chip falling off.Toys and black bin bags sit into the front garden of some of the houses.As I get towards tams house Derek one of his neighbours is outside with his mates drinking if I had to guess.

Seeing me he waves and shouts me over.Walking towards them I lean over the fence and give Derek a hug.

"What's happening lassie"Says Derek his big voice echoing through the street.

Realeasing  me for his hold he sits down on the plastic chair in his garden.

"Not much Derek".I say leaning my arms over the steel fence.

"Going to get my da tried to phone him but his phones off ."I say with a shrug.

"Aye I seen him in tams last night But I've not seen him the day. Want me to go and give him a shout?"Derek Asks me. Nodding his head towards tams.

"Nah I'll go need to talk to him about something"I say moving away.

"Aye no bother doll tell him I was asking for him "says Derek lifting his hand to give me a wave.

"Will do"I  mutter walking towards Tams house.

Opening his gate I walk down the broken slab path to his front door.Over grown grass lines the lawn cans of alcohol line the other sides like I said most houses are the same on the estate.

Making it to the door I try it first and it's locked so I start to knock. After about 10 minutes of knocking there's no answer,walking around the back of the house I try the back door thankfully it's opening.

"Da you here"I shout walking into the kitchen from the back door.Dirty cups  and glasses fill the table tops it's disgusting to look at but the smells worse

"Dad Tam "I shout again walking in the hallway.Theres no carpet on the floor and the walls used to white I think but the stains and dirt make it hard to tell.The houses aren't every big inside the front door is straight ahead from the kitchen. Stairs are to the left and living room to to the right.

The door of the living room is opening.Peeking inside I stop dead in my tracts from what I see.

Dads on tams sofa all he's wearing is  pair of black jogging bottoms no top no socks or shoes.His heads thrown backs mouth wide opening.It looks like he's sleeping but his eyes look almost open and he's so still I'm terrified to move.

So very carefully I walk into the room and creep near my dad.Shaking him I say "Dad" but he's not responding "Dad"I shake him again.Hes still not moving.Looking at him this close his eyes are wide open.

I start to shake him more "Dad"I shout . "Shit dad wake the fuck up"I shout a I slap him. He's been like this before but he usually starts moving now. I look round the living room there's so much rubbish I can't see the floor. The TVs on but there's no should coming from it. Looking down at my feet I can see used needles. There's brunt spoons on the coffee table as well as silver foil.Looking back at my daddy I pull him off the sofa on to the dirty floor. He's still not moving. "No no no dad wake up dad come on"I start shouting and shaking him. He's really not waking up. "dad please dad wake up please daddy please I need you come on"I say while pumping his chest. Nothings working "HELPPP"I scream I keep pumping his chest and blowing into his mouth. "Someone help me please" I shout my voice becoming horse.

I can here someone shouting from outside the front door before banging starts. I here a crash all while I'm still trying to wake up my dad.

"Keira what's wrong"I can here Derek shouting out but all my focus is all on waking my dad up.

"He's not waking up Derek call an ambulance Someone please"I shout. Derek pushes me away and takes my dads wrist I think he's checking for a pulse.

One of Dereks mates James comes in "There on there way is he awake? Is he ok Derek "? James asks

My backs to James so I'm facing Derek when he looks up there's tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry lass"says Derek."Noo no no no nooooooo dad"I scream I move over and push Derek out the way.I put hands on my dads face "Your wrong he's ok please daddy wake up please I can't live with them. I can't live without you"I shout lifting my dads head on my lap I start full on sobbing. I feel like my heart is getting ripped out my chest I can't breath I can't see out eyes with tears. This isn't real. He can't be gone. I talked to him yesterday he was fine. How can this happen?

Derek stands up and walks over to James I can't here what there saying the only noise I can here is my own breathing and crying.

Why is this happening to me he was getting better he promised he wouldn't. He told me he was getting clean he was only suppose to being having a few beers.

I don't know how long passes before two paramedics come rushing in. They move me out the way and Derek comes over and pulls me to him.

I don't here what they say I'm numb right now i can't breath I can't think. My dads gone I'm never going to see him again.

Derek takes me out the house and sits me in front on the fence that lines tams and the neighbours houses.

I'm not crying anymore I'm in shock can I go into shock that quick?. What is shock. Why am I thinking about what shock means when I've just found my dad dead.

"Give me your phone lass and I'll answer it " says Derek. Reaching into my back pocket I give him my phone. I never even heard it ringing.

"Hello"says Derek.

"She can't come on the phone the now. "Derek says.

"Oh ok yeah well there's been an incident Thomas." When he says that I get up and I run.

I ignore the shouting behind me I ignore the noise of the sirens. I just keep running I don't want to think. I don't want to here what anyone has to say. I just want Scott.