Chapter five

The turbulence woke me up. Jolting awake, I open my eyes to look around inside the airplane. After what happened at the house, Thomas and Lucas took me back to the hotel. There we met with a social worker who tried to explain to me that mum and Thomas had full custody of me and that I would be staying with them. Im sixteen In two days, but apparently that doesnt matter to them. My life has been uprooted and now im, leaving the only place I know to move halfway across the world.

Giving myself a stretch, I lie back on the plush seat and think about the past twelve hours? After the hotel i was kidnapped?. Thats right im going with kidnapped. Ive been manhandled into the back of a car twice! I was took to the airport where the rich fucker has his own airplane. This is bullshit! I didnt even get to say goodbye to anyone and they have my phone which there refusing to give me. So I havent spike to them since we got on the plane and im not talking to them again.

Rubbing my temple and eyes I look around the plane. With a red carpet, plush white seats and one air hostess. If i could take a picture

, they could feature it in a magazine. rich panes for discks.

On my left Is Thomas and mums right across from. Im on a single seat with one across from me and Lucas is at the front of the plane. Gritting my teeth, I stare at the fucker who looks to be asleep. Its all his fault. I could have outrun Thomas, but that wee fucker right there caught me twice . I may have burst his nose, but he deserved it .As soon as I get any money im booking the first plane to Scotland. Hes wearing a grey top and grey tracksuit bottoms, with trainers. It must be warm in New York because his tan would make most women jealous. With his head tilted back and one leg over the other one, he looks like an angel. Yeah, right, more like the prince of darkness."

Turning away, I close my eyes and try to sort through my head. Scotts going to be worried. I wonder how hes doing? Does he notice im gone yet? As soon as I get my phone, Ill phone him and tell him what happened. If I Can get away back home, then by law in the UK they cant take me back. I here mummered voices coming from beside me from mum and Thomas. there talking about school god I hate them.

Sighing to myself, I open my eyes and stare out the window. Its clear and beautiful, unlike the raging storm thats inside of me. Looking down a bit, I see birds flying in an arrow shape thats calming to watch. Where are you going birds?

Feeling someone sitting in the seat across for me, I turn my head to see the bane of my existence has woken up. OH great here we go.. Keeping eye contact with Lucas I wont break away. Im showing him every pain, everything I feel about him, Ive already given him too much with breaking down in the back of the car. Fucker.

"How you feeling" He asks me. Not answering, I keep staring at him. How am I feeling? Well isnt hat the question of the year. Yet it doesnt matter if I answer or not, he keeps talking.

"When we arrive try to not act like a brat so we can just go home. Two weeks in you country and I think I need to get a shot" He says to me his voice cold. Still not answering I finally break eye contact and look out the window. No birds anymore, I sigh to myself and keep looking out the window. They think they have won but little do they know as soon as I Can im gone fuck this place.

"You can try to ignore me all you want i pre-fair it actually your voice is like nails on a chalkboard." HE says again.

God this guy.Turning my head I look at Lucas again and even though I said I wouldnt, my mouth has no filter plus im on withdrawal and im angry as fuck.

"Fuck yourself you fucking cunt" I practically spit at him

"Keira Language" this time Its Thomas.

Sitting back, I turn my head and stare at the devil."You can fuck yourself is well" I tell him. Sighing to his self and rubbing his temples, Thomas pins me to my seat with a stare and says.

"Keira please can we have one conversation without you tell me to fuck myself."

"Thomas language" I say with a fake tone in my voice. Rolling his eyes, he turns away and continues talking to my mum.


We are about to land buckle up" comes from Lucas. Gritting my teeth, I put on the stupid belt and buckle myself in. Giving Lucas one last death glare I tilt my head up close my eyes and wish for this fucking day to be over.

Two hours later we are pulling up to the house. Well, I say house, but more like a mansion that even the queen would be i suppose this is prison for the time being in is until I can get away. Opening the car door im the first one out and heading up the steps to the door before i get there a man with salt and pepper hair, black and white suit answers the door.

"Good even miss Keira Glad to be having you with us" he says and tips his head.. "yeah yeah sure now move it old man"

I say to him and barge past inside the prison. I came here every year so I know my way around and no way in hell am i waiting for all of them coming in. When I get three steps up i here Thomas loud booming voice yells my name. Stopping dead in my tracks I spin slowly and say What.

"Dinners at 7 be down here and eat I think we have a lot to discuss dont you." He asks me, "when can I get my phone? i say back.

"Come down for dinner and we will discuss it." he tell's me. Yeah right im not getting it back the fuckers trying to act like my dad but he will never be him. He will never walk in his shoes to me. My dad was everything to me. now im angry. again!.

"Not hungry fuck your food" is my reply.

I spin and make my way up to my room i can here cursing coming from them. Well, what did they expect? Im not going to lie over like a dog and have them ruin my life and think im going to roll over and take that.No chance.

Getting to my room door, I open it and look inside. Everything is so clean.Four poster bed in the middle, White blankets and sheets. Grey carpet. Cream walls, two white dressers at each side. Coming in and closing the door, I walk into the middle of the room. Theres a walk-in closet to my right and my bathroom to the left. Taking a deep breath, I go into the bathroom and start running myself a bath. After the drug and drink binge im sweating like a pig and in need of some tlc. I need clothes I think to myself but all my clothes are at home. Walking over to the cupboard i open it and see clothes beyond clothes hanging up. Walking over I look for a white top and shorts with isnt hard to find since everything has a place in the house. Grabbing them I head back into the bathroom strip off my clothes and lie back in the bath.turning the water off I lie back and close my eyes. Images of dad and Scott take over my mind. See, this why I choose to snort coke with Scott i need to forget. I wonder how hard it would be to find a dealer.? I mean rich kids do drugs to right?

Sighing to myself I sit up and wash. I start with my body shave everywhere then finally wash my hair which is takes me the most time over the length. When washed and fixed my hair hangs down my back almost to my bum.

I havent washed it in so long it takes two washes of shampoo and conditioner to at less than be able to brush it.

Getting out, I grab a thick white robe off the door and wrap in around myself. Heading over to the sink I grab a new toothbrush and brush my teeth. I wont look in the mirror at myself, I hate what I see. Hurrying up I spit rinse then head into my room. Throwing on the top and shirts, I towel dry my hair and brush it. When Im done, I lie on the bed and wrap myself up in the blankets and darkness overtakes.

I startled awake by a noise. What the..? I think trying to gather my surroundings open my eyes I peek around and see nothing throwing myself in the bed I hear the noise again. Oh fuck. Its the door maybe the Devil has come to collect my soul. Getting up from the bed I look outside and see its dark bug without it phone I dont know what time it is. Heading to the door I rip it open and you guessed it Lucas fucking star is the one knocking.

"what do you want now" I ask him.

"Come downstairs, dinners ready." He instructs to me.

"i told you all in not hungry" I declare in an angry voice.

I "couldn't fucking care less eve and dad want you there so come on down". He says again.

When I dont answer, he sighs and looks at me and says. "if you dont, you wont get this" as he takes out my phone and dangles it above head.

"give me that now" i say in a stern voice.

"uh uh uh not until you come down and eat" he says putting the phone back in his pocket

"I hate you" I tell him.

"so you keep tell me hurry up " is all he replies before walking away. Breathing hard through my nose, I close the room door and make my way downstairs. If I can play nice for one meal and get my phone fuck It why not? I need to talk to Scott.

Eventually I make my way to the dinning room where therere eating.

On a Mahogany large table fit for ten people, Thomas is at the head, mums to his right and Lucas to the left. Wow, the the perfect family. I think you myself Ive always felt like an outcast here I Dont fit in anywhere. Im half a gypsy who wasnt accepted by other gypsy because in half and by accepted by none gypsy because Im half. Then when I was here, I was not accepted because Im not rich and a fucking cow. Im not doing this to feel sorry for myself but a girl cant catch a break, the only place I truly felt accepted was with Scott and these people took that away from me!.

Seeing a place set up next to Lucas, I stroll over and take a seat. Ill eat my food then ilk go back upstairs hopefully with my phone.

"Nice of you to join us Keira dinner will be served in a moment" comes from Thomas.

I choose not to talk because lets be truthful I cant be trusted with my mouth. When I dont reply no-one talks, I sit quite staring down at an empty plate. Why do people just look at empty pates while waiting for food? Weird.

Within two minutes the door opens and two people come in with two plates each on their hand. Stopping at Thomas. First then mom then lift the empty plate and replace it with a plate full of food. Why have an empty plate if therre just going to replace it? Told you this place is horrible .

When they get to me they replace mine and looking down is a plate full of food. Chicken mash heavy and veg. My mouth slightly waters instantly ate in.. Actually, I cant remove the last time. I ate.

Lifting one of the 3 forks, I dig in and start to eat

When Im done, I hear Thomas clear his throat. Okay here we go.

"Ok so Keira we have enrolled you into the school"

says Thomas says getting straight to the point.

When I say nothing he continues.

"Your school uniform is not ready yet it so they will deliver it tomorrow. Me and your mom was talking and we feel like it be good for you to start Monday?. Since its Thursday today, we feel it would be best if you start then.Also your mom has booked you into get your hair done tomorrow and to the spa". he finishes with a wave of his hand.

"fine I reply but when do I get my phone?." I say while glaring at Him. Thomas narrows his eyes and side glances to my mom.

"Keira" says my mum. Wow, shes talking.

"I will give you your phone back but theres a condition to it" She tells me, her voice quiet.

"What is it.?" i asks suspiciously. While crossing my hands over my chest.

"Well, um. We feel it would be best if you um.. " she doesnt finish glancing nervously at Thomas but before they can talk Lucas jumps in.

"They want you to break up with your little boyfriend." he says mimicking me crossing his arms over his chest.

I jump back like someone has slapped me. Are these people for real? They expect me to dump Scott after he was the only one there? fuck keeping my mouth quiet.


"Keira language" Says Thomas it what im assuming is his authority voice.

jumping up from the table, I shout more.

"Why are youse all doing this? NO way I love Scott and as soon as i get a chance im gone do YOU HERE ME!" I scream.

"Keira baby calm down.." comes mums voice.


How can they do this im not dumping Scott? Under no circumstances.

Shaking my head from left-to-right I keep saying no no over again.

"Keira calm down. We have allowed your outburst because your hurting and on withdrawal we understand but im not going to stand for that attitude under my roof." says Thomas, his voice stern as he stands up from the table putting his hands between his plate.

"Och fuck you, you fucking cock."I shout again. "I have an idea if you dont like my attitude send me home." I tell him.

"This is your home, keira." He tells me, looking sad. Peering around, I can see Lucas is smirking and mums on the verge of tears.

All the anger over the last week comes out and i grab the chair I was sitting on and with all my power and throw it at Lucas is all his fault, anyway.

Seeing what im about to do he jumps out the way but not before the chair clips him on the hip. I jump over the table and land on Lucas back. I rip his hair and start punching him while screaming.

"THIS IS ALL YOURE FUCKING FAULT YOU FUCKING COCKSUCKING DICKFACE SCOOTBAG." I scream as i keep trying to hurt him. Thomass hands come around and pulls me off him. Its no use im so angry and I Can feel tears sliding down my face.

"I HATE YOUSE. I HATE ALL OF YOU" I-scream and start sobbing as Thomas holds me, Lucas gets up and stares at me with so much hatred if I wasnt so angry I would be scared. Wiping his mouth, he looks at me and says. "That all you got..? bird."

"ARhhhhhh" I scream and try to break free from Thomas.

"Stop it, Lucas. Im taking her to her room" he tells them before lifting out the dinning room and up the stairs.

"Let me go, you fucking prick" Ishout at Thomas but he ignores me carrying me to my room. I keep hitting and screaming until we reach my room door. Moving his hand, he opens the door and lets me go. I hear him close the door and retreat down the stairs. I fall to the floor and break out in a full body sob.

I cover my face wit with my hands and keep crying. I hate it here. Ive been here a few hours and already I hate it. I cry into my hands until eventually I cry myself to sleep.