Chapter six

Chapter Six

Withdrawal really is a bitch. It starts from your toes all the way up to your body. My body feels like I've been run over by a truck. My teeth a chattering and I'm covered in sweat.

Slowly opening my eyes I see I'm lying on top of my bed face down on the blanket. "Oh fuck"

I quickly say before making a run for the toilet. Sinking to my knees, I'm gagging and choking as the contents of the stomach come up. My body's shaking as I hold my hair back and dry heave. Resting my head on the toilet seat, I try to take long breaths through my nose and out my mouth. My body's shaking so bad I swear my bones are hurting. My head's throbbing. Just what I need, I think to myself. Slowly pushing myself up, I flush the toilet, brush my teeth, and head back to my bed. Closing my eyes I try to forget about the pain which is very fucking difficult when my entire body is itching. I need to find a dealer. It can't bet that hard, surely rich kid to drugs, right? Maybe when everyone leaves, I can find one. I just need one a line.

Knocking interrupts my thoughts and I turn my head to the door. I'm so weak I can't even tell whoever it is to fuck off. Ignoring it, I close my eyes again and think of Scott.

I wonder how he is? I miss him so much. I never even got to say goodbye. Holding the tears at bay, which is difficult considering how bad I fucking feel.

" You don't look so good" comes a voice beside me

" no shit Sherlock," I say barely above a whisper. God, it hurts to talk. Not opening my eyes I hope and pray that Thomas fuck offs and else me to die in peace.

" We really need to talk about your language" He mumbles.

Al I can manage is a wave of my hand, and even that takes its toll. He puts his hand on my forehead.

" you're going through withdrawal. The worst will be over this weekend. How much did you take over the past week keria?." he asks me while moving his hand back in his pockets.

Open in my mouth to talk I close it instead. I can't be bothered talking it's not going to get me anywhere.

shaking his head, he talks again.

"Drugs is never the answer Keira and your far too young to be going through this. I know the pain of losing your father.."

"Don't," I say my voice a little above a whisper. I can't handle him talking about him right now. . He was my dad. Non one in this house has the right to fucking say his Name. Opening my eyes I look like Thomas. Wearing his trademark blue fucking suit he stares down at me with a hint of worry and sadness.

Pressing his lips in a thin line, Thomas nods his head.

"Keira we need to talk about what happened last night." Declares Thomas.

" I'm not saying sorry he deserved it." I declare in a firm voice. Well, try to at least.

" Violence isn't how we do things in this house. If you are upset you should talk about it but lifting chairs and throwing them is dangerous, you could have hurt Lucas last night" he tells me.

" Unfortunately," I say with a. Roll of my eyes.

"ok enough is enough it's obvious no matter what we are going to say you're not going to list. So here's the deal." he declares.

" you are to stay in here all weekend, you will have meals bought for you since now you can't be trusted to sit downstairs. Tomorrow is your birthday but you won't be receiving anything nor will we celebrate it. This is your punishment for the way you have behaved. I can excuse the shouting and cursing, but the way you acted needs to have consequences. I will not allow you on your phone until I'm confident that you will start listing to me and your mother." he finishes.

Blinking away the tears, I nod my head. I want nothing of them anyway, it's not a birthday without the people I want to be there.

" Okay try to sleep and I'll have someone bring you some painkillers for the pain," he says before turning and head in for the door. I say nothing, just stare in at the roof. Nothing for my birthday? even that's low for them. When he reaches the door he slowly turns and says one last thing. "I'm sorry it's come to this" he confesses to me before closing the door and leaving me to drown in my misery. I hate them and if I had one ounce of strength I would throw something at his big fucking head.

Over the next two days, I'm so sick. My heart feels like it's bursting from my chest. I can't keep anything down. My body is trembling and quivering all over. God, it hurts so much. I'm taking anger fits and At one point I trashed my room to see if it would make me feel better. Turns out it doesn't.

I don't see anyone except the maid bringing me food and water. She won't even talk to me. I tried to make a conversation with her but she completely ignored me. fucking cunt. Same as everyone in this place.

I just want a joint. They won't even let me have that. What's the harm in weed anyway? It would take the edge off.

Saturday was my birthday and true to his word I got nothing. No cake, no presents no card, not even a happy birthday. I took that harder than I thought I would. Fair enough with Thomas but mum? They could have at least let me use their phone. I could have called Scott of one of my friends. A girl only turns sixteen once. No one wants nothing on their birthday I know I was in the wrong for hitting Lucas but come on. It's not like I did any real damage? I can hear them laughing and talking so in assuming the pricks okay. They have let me sit in this fucking room myself. They haven't talked to me. I won't forgive them for this. Bet the sick bastards are loving it. Who doesn't even buy someone anything for their birthday? No matter how high or sick my dad was every year on my birthday he would wake me up with a cake and sing me a song. He might not have been rich and sometimes he couldn't afford big gifts but he would never not get me anything. I would give anything to hear his voice right now. For him to say " happy birthday my little bird.". Feeling sad again I give myself a shake and gaze around my room.

it's Sunday and thankfully I feel a bit better. It's also the dreaded day before school. I'm not going anyway. I will set dressed and go but as soon as I cross the gate I'm off. If they think they can make me accept loving here then they have another thing coming. I need to get out of here. These four walls are driving me fucking insane. Why would my mum do this?. I would never let anyone treat my child the way she and Thomas treat me. Don't they care about me at all? It's not fair.

Getting up from the floor and pace back and forth trying to come up with a plan.

If I can get a phone I can call Scott and tell him to buy me a plane ticket. Then when he does I just need to get my passport and make a run for sure it will be in Thomas and mom's room.


I hope I'll be on the plane before they notice.

I can't be far from the airport and even if I am I will make my way there but I will need money.

I could just steal it? But I highly doubt Thoms keeps cash in the house. With my hands in my hips, I try and think of a way to get the money. I've no chance of them actually giving me anything. If he can't trust me to eat downstairs then he's not going to give me it. Thomas isn't stupid he will know what I'm up to if I ask. Ooh forget it I would only need money for it to get to the airport anyway but I can walk. Fuck it. I just need to make a friend a loner or an idiot to let me use their phone. I can make friends easily so it shouldn't be too hard.

Nodding my head to myself and With newfound determination and a plan in place, I lay on my bed smiling to myself. Tomorrow can't come quick enough.