Chapter twenty.

It's been almost a week since Thomas confessed to me.

After what he said the anger I've been holding onto is disappearing. The more I think the more I understand where he's coming from.

I don't agree with him on some stuff. He still should have let me go to his grave, but I can see his point of why he's scared to let me go back.

I haven't heard from Lucas since the night of my birthday.

I don't know if he's still in New York or if he's back in Washington. He's not been at the house and hasn't as much as sent me a text. I'm not texting him first, If I'm being honest I don't know what to say.

It's Friday and I'm almost finished school. Being my last year I've not got much left to do as a school is finishing up in just over a week. I have no idea where I want to go for college so I had Thomas help me with that a few months back.

I think I want to be a nurse. Or maybe someone who helps people dealing with drugs and drink.

I'm not sure yet.

I'm at my locker gathering the rest of my stuff when I hear someone come up beside me.

Looking beside me I see Alex, Steven Mia, and Jason.

"Hey, guys what's up.?" I asked closing my locker.

"Nothing much we are heading to the mall want to come.?" Alex asks me

"I would but my mum texted me asking if I wanted a girls night." I shrug my shoulders making our way outside

"Maybe tomorrow.?" I ask them as we walk towards my car.

"Yeah sure, just give me a phone tomorrow okay." Says Alex.

"okay see you all tomorrow." I wave getting into my car.

Setting up my Bluetooth I play some music and reverse out heading for home.

Opening the front door of the house I shout for mum and Thomas.

"I'm in here." calls mum from the living room.

Walking in I see her suitcases crammed pack waiting by the door.

"Going somewhere," I ask her.

In her light yellow sundress, she looks over at me.

"Thomas surprised me with a weekend away to Barbados." she beams at me.

"I thought we were going to have a girls much.?" I ask trying to keep the irritation out its tone.

Her smile drops and she slaps herself In the head.

"I'm so stupid I completely forgot baby, you know what I'll just tell Thomas to forget it." she says in a hurry grabbing her phone.

"Don't be silly mum. You can't cancel God knows if it was me I would already be on the plane." I give her a smile and hope she believes me.

"Are you sure.?"

tolling my eyes I walk over until standing in front of her.

"Yes I'm sure mum it's fine. I think I'm going to chill and catch up on some tv. I've been so busy

lately, I just want to relax."

"Okay hunni well I need to get going and pick up Thomas. He and Lucas are finishing some things in the office then we are off." her smile comes back full force.My mum has a happy go lucky look about her that I can't help but smile back.

I'm ignoring the feeling that's threatening to to bubble up overhearing Lucas is with Thomas.

The dick head can work but can't give me as much as a text.? Arshole.

Saying goodbye to my mum I head upstairs to run a bath and loosen up the tension in my shoulders.

I'm lying on the couch in the movie room watching a film working on my phone.

I'm on the phone to Natalie and she's telling me about how her boyfriends away drinking with his friends and left her.

When I came out the bath I had two missed calls from Lucas. I'm not answering his call. If he thinks I was just going to answer like nothings wrong after he ignored me all week he has another thing coming.

"He's a dick, Natalie all men are the same just tell him to fuck off and dump him." I'm advising her. I'm still passed at Lucas so I probably shouldn't be giving anyone advice.

"Aye, I ken that but I love him Keira and he's just been an ars lately."

" Can we get off the subject of how my love life is shit and talk about yours." she asks.

"What love life? You mean the one where the love of my life dumped me and I've been single for two years and oh yeah almost kissed my stepbrother." I throw my hands around even though she can't see me. I told Natalie that happened and the good thing about Natalia she doesn't judge.

"Has anything else happened between you two anyway I've been meaning to ask.?" she says.

"No he's ignored me all week and tried to call me today. I never answered and not planning to either."

I hear her sighing before she talks again.

"Keita may be here him out.? He's probably been busy and waiting for the right time to call and talk to you."

"I couldn't give a fuck. He's never missed a day texting or calling Natalie, then all this week nothing." I snap my fingers.

"Besides I'm not planning to see him. It's going to be awkward what would I even say? Hey, how are you Lucas by the way I wanted you to kiss me on my birthday while our parents could have seen? Pfft, no thanks. He's probably on his way back to Washington anyway so as long as I don't answer the phone I'll be fine." I tell her.

"Well, I'm not on way back to Washington." comes a voice from behind me.

Closing my eyes I prey for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

"Nat I'll call you back." I tell her ending the call without giving her a chance to answer.

Peeking over my shoulder I see Lucas standing with his legs and arms crossed leaning against the door. In grey joggers and a white vest, my mouth goes dry. I shouldn't be this attracted to him.

His hair has grown a bit over the last two years and is just long enough it sits perfectly spiked. He has a week's worth of stubble that covers his jaw.

Turning quickly back around I try and focus on the tv hopeing he never noticed.

"How much did you hear." I finally ask.

"Enough to know your upset." he lets out.

" It's rude to eavesdrop." I muttered trying to make my voice sound calm.

"I had to open the door and close it .I did it quite loud. Not my fault you were too busy talking about me."

" I wasn't talking about you." I try to lie peeking back over.

He raises his eyebrows looking at me as to say he's calling bullshit.

I look back at the tv and tell him.

"Don't you have somewhere to be? I'm trying to watch the film."

I cross my arms and try to ignore him.

I hear him moving so I hope he's going away. Maybe it is childish but he could have at least text me. I don't think I was asking for much instead he ignored me all week.

When I can't hear him I blow out a breath thinking his gone.

Just then the tv switches off.

"What the fuck." I shout to myself.

Lucas comes around holding the remote.

"We" gesturing between me and him. " Have to talk." he tells me standing in front of where I'm sitting.

I get off the couch going around needing as much distance as I can get.

"I've got nothing to say," I tell him shrugging my shoulders.

Lucas stares me down. Annoyance flashes over his face.

"Yes we do" he bites out.

"Okay fine what do to want to talk about.?" I ask leaning my hands on the couch.

After an minute he finally says.

"I wasn't ignoring you."

"Pfft I'm not stupid Lucas i know you were." He goes to talk but I cut him off.

"What happened at my birthday was a mistake. Let's just forget it. Pretend it didn't happen." I wave my arms at him.

" I had to much champagne and you giving me the necklace just.. I don't know triggered an emotion or something. We are meant to be brother and sister and that can't happen again." I tell him trying to dismiss it.

He doesn't say anything but gazes at me. I can't tell what's he thinking. Lucas is very careful not to give anything away. I knew if I talked to him I would have to dismiss it before he did.

He casually walks around the couch until he is standing in front of me.

Not taking his eyes off mine he lifts his hand before resting it in cheek. The another hand slowly moves around my back.

"Does this feel brotherly to you Keira.?"

He moves his mouth and kisses one side of my lips before moving to the other and doing the same to that side. Sweetbabyjesus.

"Have I ever gave you the impression I'm your brother?." his lips are so close. If I moved even an inch they would be on mine. Moving his face back he gazes at me with such emotion.

"I haven't called or phoned you because I've been giving you space to come to terms with what happened between us." he explains rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

"I'm not your brother. I've never looked at you as a sister. Tell me the truth has it ever crossed your mind we are siblings Kiera.?" he asks me.

I can't talk I can only shake my head. He's not wrong. I've never referenced Lucas as my brother. Society says how we feel is wrong. Deep down I know it is too, but sometimes you can't help who you're attracted to.

Still stroking my cheek he starts talking again.

" When I saw you at the party it was like my heart stopped. Every feeling I've been trying to ignore between us come at me with full force.

It took everything in my power not to drag you off that dancefloor. Grab you by the neck and do what I've I'm been wanting to do for the last two years, princess." he slowly says each word.

I'm almost shaking. Every part of me is anticipation of what he's about to do next.

Finally, finding my voice I say.

"And what was that.?"


I have no time to register his words before Lucas's lips meet mine.