Chapter twentyone

Lucas's lips move against mine. With one hand on my face, he uses his other to pull me closer. It starts out slow and we both put as much emotion as we can into it. I lift my hands and wrap them around his neck. I pull on his hair trying to bring him closer. A sound almost a growl escapes Lucas. The kiss turns hungry and possessive and I start to match him back with as much passion.

His tongue dances with mine, and he moves his hands down and picks me up effortlessly. Lifting me to the couch he doesn't break the kiss and I feel the cushions hit my back.

He lowers himself on top of me and I wrap my legs around him. I move my hands to his hair and grab on for dear life.

Maneuvering his hand he runs it up my leg until he reaches under my shirt. A moan escapes me. Groaning He slowly breaks the kiss and pulls back looking down at me.

I'm gazing into his eyes. I've never seen anything like that and could get lost staring in them.

I find them memorizing. I think always did. Then like a cold bucket of water, a thought hits me.

What I'm I doing.? This is Lucas if anyone found out.

That is enough to clear the fog from my head. I push Lucas off and jump off the couch.

I back up until I'm a few feet away. I refuse to look at him in the eye. This isn't right I can't believe what I've done. Moving my hands over my face I take a deep breath.

"This can't happen again," I say my voice shaky,

Lucas carefully stands up and faces me.

"That was a mistake this is wrong Lucas."

I'm almost vibrating and the Anxiety is coursing through me.

"Please just.. Stay away from me." I quickly blurt out and turn and leave Lucas who still hadn't spoken a word.

It's been a month.

A month since I kissed Lucas. A month since I've spoken to him. When I got up the next morning he was gone and I haven't spoken to him since. I shouldn't have let it go that far. Speaking to him every day for two years than not talking to him at all has left me feeling empty. I do care for him but I can't go down that road. No one would understand and I couldn't handle there judgment. Thinking back I try and figure out where things changed for me. I did hate him with every fiber of my being at one point, but now? I couldn't imaging being like that towards him again. I care about Lucas. Maybe more than that but I'm not ready to admit that to myself yet.

I hate this has happened even if it did feel right it's wrong. What would Thomas and mum say?? I don't even know what Lucas is thinking. He must agree because he didn't stop me from leaving.

Trying to bring me out my head and back to the present, I look down at what I'm wearing.

My black rob covers my blue jeans and a white shirt. My hat is beside me in my bed the same color as my rob.

It's finally graduation day and I'm in my room getting ready.

It's still surreal to know I've finished high school and will be starting college soon.

I wonder what dad would say? Would he be proud of me?. Lifting up the picture of me and him I run my finger down his face.

"Miss you dad," I whisper to the empty room.

"I miss you so much."

I promised myself I wasn't going to cry today, but the reality is sinking in and it hurts like a bitch.

Placing the photo back down I stand up and give myself a once over in the mirror and head downstairs.

I'm standing on top of the podium waiting for my name to be called. Looking down at the crowd I see Thomas and mum sitting in the front row. In his Signature blue suit and mum in her blue dress, they look happy. After Thomas told me how they met I see them in a whole new light. , Mums not a bad person and neither is Thomas. I painted them out to be these horrible people and where's I don't agree with some of there actions. I understand them. An empty chair is beside them and a pang goes through my chest. Lucas was supposed to be here but I can understand why he's not. I asked Thomas earlier if he was coming and he told me Lucas couldn't get out of work.

I know that's a lie. He's upset with me and that's understandable. Truth be told I don't want to face him either.

"Keira Campbell."

Realizing that I walk across the stage and get my diploma. Given the principle a smile, I shake his hand and leave the stage before sitting on my seat next to Thomas and mum.

Bending his head, Thomas looks at me and says.

"I'm proud of you Keira. We both our and I'm sure your dad would be to."

Feeling myself getting sentimental I turn around before I can think twice I throw my arms around Thomas.

"Thank you." I gratefully tell him. He's still for a moment before he wraps his hands around me squeezing me back.

"Your welcome sweetheart."

Pulling back I wipe my eyes before facing front.

Once the graduation is over I'm hounded for pictures.

"Keira!, come and take one with me."

" Come here then!" I shout back at Alex. Who's standing with my friends.

Alex, Jason Steven, and mia come running over.

"Oh my God, can you believe it.? We have finally graduated I'm so excited." she beams at me.

"Yeah, me too." I smile back.

Seven and Jason take my right and Alex and mia are at my left.

"Hey Mr. Thomas can you take a picture of us.?" asks Jason. Thankfully about a year ago he decided to ditch the Mohawk for a full buzz cut.

Nodding his head Thomas walks over and takes the phone Jason is holden out.

Stepping back he holds the camera and tells us all to smile.

" No, we need something better than that Everyone says no more fucking school," shouts Steven excitedly.

Turning my head I gawk at him. I think that is the first time I have ever heard Steven swear.

We all shout as Thomas snaps the picture.

We take a couple more than a young girl who was the school Photographer who walks up to me.

"Hi is it ok if I get a picture with you and your dad.? I'm trying to get one's with mum and sons and dad and daughters." she shyly asks.

Looking at her Thomas quickly try's to say.

"Oh, I'm not her-"

"Yeah that's fine" I blurt out.

I peek up at Thomas and he's staring at me with awe on his face.

I shift my gaze to the girl and put one arm around Thomas.

It takes him a moment and he does the same pulling me close.

"Perfect, now Smile," she says.

I give a cheesy smile and the flash goes off.

"Okay thank you." she moves away to another group.

I remove my hand and give Thomas a small smile.

He looks like he's about to say something but Alex moves beside me.

"Ugh, I'm so glad it's over," she says.

Looking around I turn to her and ask.

"Where are your parents.?"

Her smile drops before she quickly masks it answering.

"Oh um There already away. So what's the plans tonight.?"

"I'm not sure." glancing at Thomas I ask him.

"Do we have plans tonight?"

"Yes, actually I booked us a family dinner tonight. You can invite your friends if you like," he says to me.

I Look at Alex

"Want to come.?"

"Hell yeah, I want to come the guys will be there too." Peeking down at her phone she looks back up.

"I need to go I will see you tonight. What time.?"

She asks Thomas.

"Seven. I will have Keira send you the details."

He informs her.

"Cool see you then." she waves heading away.

Turning to Thomas I ask if he's ready to go.

"Yes let's get going. I need to run a few things by the office before tonight." shaking his head he says.

"Fucking people can't do anything unless I tell them too."

Putting my hand on my chest dramatically I tell him.

"Thomas language."

A massive laugh erupts from Thomas.

I'll have never heard Thomas laugh before and I start laughing with him.

"Come on." he tells me heading for the car.

I start following him but when I'm almost there I feel eyes on me.

Turning around I do a sweep of all the students. Not seeing anyone looking in my direction. Thinking it's my imagination I shake my head and get in the car.