Chapter twenty-six

It's been almost three days since what happened between me and Lucas. He told me he had to go back to Washington to clear a few things up but he would be back before the end of the week.

I haven't really left my room since.

I'm avoiding Thomas like the plague and refusing to see him or my mum.

What he said in the kitchen was just cruel. I know I'm partly to blame for the what happened but it still didn't give him the right. Just when I think I and Thomas have made progress something happens and BOOM!

I'm.sitting on my bed watching tv when my phone rings. Looking down I furrow my eyebrow at the number. Curiosity gets the best of me so I answer.


"You. Are fuckin cunt." a voice slurs on the other end.

"Scott.?" I ask confused.

"I loved you. I fucking loved you and you hate me." I can hear him crying on the other end.

"Scott what are you on.?"

"Why him bird.? Why not everybody did it have to be him." he slurs worse.

"Scott are you ok.?" I ask him. He sounds fucked on drugs. I don't know what he's took but I've never heard him like this.

Completely ignoring me he rambles on.

" I kent he would do this. I thought you were smarter than that." I here him drink something before he continues.

"It doesn't matter noo I'm not going to bother you anymore."

"Scott what the fuck have you took.?" I ask once again. It's obvious he's not in the right frame of mind. I'm don't want to argue with him.

"Goodbye bird remember I love you always have" he barely gets out before the line goes dead.

Looking down at my phone I try to ring the number back. After four tries when there's no answer I phone Natalie.

"Hiya." she answers.

"Natalie Scott just phoned me and he doesn't sound right can you go and check on him." I rush out.

After a beat, of silence, she talks again.

"I seen him yesterday and to be truthful he was angry he's probably just trying to get a reaction out tho keira.

"Probly but could you go and check anyway.? I'm sure he's just high but I'm worried." I explain.

"Aye sure, I'm way lee and we will go round to his noo and check." she tells me.

I can her her moving about and telling lee what's going on.

"I'll phone ye back." she says before we hang up.

I get off my bed and pace around the room.

I didn't like the way he was talking something didn't sound right.

Lucas is away and won't be back for a few days. Mum and Thomas are at a works dinner so I'm in the house myself.

I make a decision. I can't leave things like this. Scott hates me. I'm worried in case something goes wrong what if he hurts himself.?

He doesn't sound too stable and I'm can't just sit back and do nothing. Scott was my best friend before we together. I might not be in love with him anymore, but I do care for him.

Looking towards my wardrobe I need to decide.

Fuck it. I can't live with the guilt if something happens and do nothing.

Going over I grab my suitcase and put it on my bed. I grab a handful of clothes and throw them then in before zipping it.

I walk over open my side drawer and get my passport.

Throwing it into a small bag I grab my stuff and leave my room.

I manage to get downstairs and I'm almost out the door before I hear someone clearing their throat.

Peeking over my shoulder I see mum is standing with her arms folded looking at me.

"I thought you were with Thomas.?" I manage to get out.

She doesn't answer but Looks at my suitcase in my hand and gives me a worried look.

"Dont go back there." she asks me her eyes full of water.

"Mum I have to Please done fight me on this."

She gives me a sad smile and its almost enough to make me think twice.

"I can't stop you I know that but baby if you go you won't like what you find there."

"I need to make sure he's ok. Please mum just let me go and I will come back. I promise you." I tell her truthfully.

We presses her lips together before shaking her head.

"Whats Lucas going to say.? Have you thought about him?. He's not going to be happy knowing your went halfway across the world for another boy."

I look away from her because I know she's right. He won't understand but it's not like what she's thinking. He was my family before anyone else and I can't have him believing I hate him.

"He will get over it. I'll be back in a few days I won't stay long. I need to go. I'm sorry mum" Grabbing the suitcase I walk out the door.

"Im sorry too" I hear her say.

When I reach the bottom step I look around for my car but cant see it.

Confusion is on my face as I do a 360 realizing my cars not there.

Looking up at the house I see Thomas is with my mum now.

Walking back up the steps I stand in front of then before asking.

"Where is my car."

Thomas has his hands in his pockets. my mum he looks back at me before clearing his throat.

" You're not getting your car Keira."

Moving my fingers between the eyes I close then briefly begging God to give me strength.

"Not today Thomas. Give me the fucking keys."

Mum steps forward and places her hands on my shoulders.

"Keira this has nothing to do with Thomas. I don't want you going. Just give me the holiday? One holiday with all of us together then if. you still want to go I'll come with you." she tries to plead with me.

"Mum I love you and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I couldn't give a fuck for the stupid holdiay." I explain to her.

"I want to go and see Scott. I need to explain everything to him. Why don't use all just come with me?" at this point I'm desperate. I need to go and if they won't let me go on my own they can come.

She shakes her head and steps back.

"No sweetheart. The holiday is coming up in a few weeks-

"Oh fuck your holiday and give me the keys to my car now.!" I shout this time.

"Keira don't talk to your mother like that." Thomas stern voice warns me.

Pointing my finger into his face I tell him.

"Don't you fucking dare tell me what to do. I told you, your not my father so shut up."

"I have your keys your not getting your car. You are not leaving this house. You can kick and scream all you want but you not going." he says.

I grit my teeth so hard I think I might chip a tooth.

"You better hope nothing happens to him. If it does I will never forgive you for this." I sneer before moving past them and heading back up to my fucking room.

Hours past and I'm sitting out my balcony staring at the stars. Drinking a gas of juice I'm looking right up.

The sky is so clear tonight and the stars are so bright. I like to think my dad is up there looking down at me. I haven't seen Thomas and mum since I've barricaded myself in my room.

I'm so lost in thought I barely hear the phone ring.

Glancing down I see its Lucas.

I don't even get to say hello before Lucas is shouting at me.


"Hello to you too" I mutter.

"I'm serious Keira. You said you wouldn't go and the minute I'm away you make a run for it." he spits out.

"Actually I didn't run I tried to walk and I didn't say I wouldn't go. I want to make sure he's ok why is it so hard for you all to understand." I ask him. I don't have it in my to shout anymore over the past week I think I've screamed more than one done in over two year.

"Hes a big fucking grown man he will be fine. He doesn't need you run and make sure he's ok."

"You didn't hear him, Lucas. He didn't sound right somethings wrong I can feel it." I try to explain.

"Theres nothing wrong Kiera." he halves shout.

"Lucas Can you please stop shouting at me."

I whisper to him.

"Look I will be home tomorrow then we can talk okay. I don't want to argue my dad just called and I panicked." hearing him inhale a breath he continues.

"Can you just wait until I'm home and we can talk.?"

"Sure." I tell him.

"Okay its late here I just wanted to hear your voice. I'm sorry for shouting" he pauses before saying

" I miss you."

"I miss you to" I Quietly reply before hanging up.

Looking back up at the sky I start talking to myself.

"What am I going to do dad?."

The stars blink at me and I stare as if they have the answer. I don't understand why there being so strict about it. Do they think I'm not going to come back?. I was born and bred in Scotland that will always be a part of me.

I'm about to get up when my phone rings.

I Answer before looking Assuming its Lucas calling back.


"Keira you need to come back now."

Sitting up straight I realize that it's Natalie.

" Natalie what is it."

" Keira it's Scott you need to get home now." she rushes out before the line goes dead.

I jump up and head into my room. I pause for a moment and try to think. There is no way Thomas and mum are going to let me leave this house.

I need a plan.

grabbing my phone I dial Alex.

"This better be good I was sleeping." Her tired voice speaks.

"Alex I need you to do me favour."

She must tell there's something wrong with the sound of my voice because she quickly answers.

"What is it."

" I need you to book me the first flight to Scotland if not there London. somethings wrong with one of my friends back home I need to get there to make sure they're okay."

"Keira why not ask Thomas."

Shaking my head Even though she can't see me I tell her.

"They won't let me go I wouldn't ask you but I need your help, please."

After a moment of silence she says.

"Okay anything else."

"Yeah actually could you come and pick me up and take me to the airport."

"Yeah no problem. Where will I get you.?"

" I'll meet you at the gate." saying goodbye I get up before I just lift my passport and phone.

I take my small bag making sure I have my purse into it.

Securing it on my back I go towards the balcony and look down.

It's a good drop so I make my way back into my room and lift the sheets off my bed before returning to the balcony.

Tying them together I tie them as tight as I can to the post and let it drop.

I reach is an a good bit down and if I can make it to the bottom I should be able to jump.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I tell myself.

Saying a Quick prayer I climb over and start to lower myself down.

When I reach the bottom of the sheets I give myself a swing and jump.

I land on my feet before I rollover.

Dusting my self off I quietly make a run down towards the gate. Not taking the chance to look back to the house.

Mum and Thomas shouldn't notice I'm home for a least a day. When we argue are use a lock myself in my room for two or three days before the check on me.

I reach the gate and climb over. Alex doesn't live dad a couple of miles at most and I spot her waiting down the road. jogging to her car I open the passenger seat before climbing in.

She still in her pajamas and house for and is quickly typing on the phone.

"I have some good news I called my mum and asked her if I could use the jet. I just told herI was going to go across to the UK for a break."

When she doesn't continue I raise my eyebrow and ask

"and what did she say."

Giving me a pointy stare she says.

" I wouldn't be telling you this if she said no would I.?"

Nodding my head I tell her

"Thank you, Alex."

"No problem let's get going mum hasn't been long back since using it so the jet is waiting."

"Are you coming with me?" I.ask

"Of course I am. She winks before driving off.

Looking through the trees I pray I'm not too late