Chapter twenty seven.

Hours later I and Alex arrive in Scotland and are in a taxi on our way to Natalie's house.

I tried calling her but there's no answer. Anxiety is creeping up my throat, my hands are sweaty and I'm starting to feel sick.

Alex grabs my hand and looks at me

"He will be fine Keira."

Nodding my head I look out the window. We are on the motorway and are coming towards the cut off for the scheme.

I have a bunch of missed calls from Lucas and three missed calls from Thomas.

I'm guessing that they know that I've gone.

They have also sent me a bunch of texts but I don't want to read them right now.

After ten minutes we are pulling into my old street. Looking around I see nothing changed.

It's like walking back in time. Passing my old house I feel pain hit my heart before looking away.

"This is where you grew up.?" Alex asks me.

"Yeah." I smile. It might not look much but it's home.

Arriving at Natalie's I pay the taxi driver and I and Alex get out.

I walk up slowly to Natalie's door. I go to knock but I hesitate. What is going to be beyond this door? I've not been this scared since I walked into Tams's living room and seen my dad on that couch.

Taking a breath I draw my Hand back and knock on the door.

Within seconds it's ripped open with Natalie Standing. Jumping forward she wraps me in a hug.

"I'm so glad ye made it." she tells me pulling back.

"Natalie what happened is he ok.?" I ask her terrified of her reply.

She smiles sadly before speaking.

"He took an overdose and was rushed to the hospital. He's in induced coma Keira.

Doctors said there wasn't a lot of oxygen that went to his brain. The doctors said he should pull through I didny get a chance tae answer I was at the hospital all night."

Sadness washes through me and I close my eyes and nearly fall to the ground.

"I need to go and see him." I barely get out.

"Aken I was so scared I thought he was gonna die, Keira," she says tears gathering in her eyes.

Rubbing my face I look at her.

"Well, I'm here now, I'll go and see him."

"I think he's gonna be orite keira. Everyone seems to think so even the Doctors said he should be." she tells me she goes to say something else but before she can there's shouting inside.

"That better naw be her if it is I'm killing her." just then lee comes running out face pale.

"Keira run." he shouts jumping the fence.

"What the fuck.?" I manage to get out before I turn to see the cause of the shouting.

My eyes widen and I throw down my bag before I run joining lee over the fence.

"You could have warned me he was gonna be fucking here." I shout over at Natalie.

She looks apologetic but a small smile creeps up on her face.

That's when the scariest dude of the street walks out.

"You," he says pointing his massive finger towards me."

"Your wanting to do this now.?. I've just found out scotts in fucking coma.! I shout at him.

"Dont ye fucking dare shout at me. Scott will be fine you need to pay for what ye did."

Holding my hands up I try to reason with him.

"Big shank I'm sorry orite. I didny mean it." I tell him

"I'm naw geeing two fucks. I left you alane after year daddy its time you face up to what you did bird." he shouts at me.

" I understand your upset but it wisney just me."

Narrowing his eyes he takes one step closer making me gulp. That dude is fucking crazy.

"I ken I've already dealt with Scott and Lee and your gonna get what's coming to ye."

"Listing big man i was young and didny mean it. I never meant tae hurt pinky It was an accident." I try to explain.

"Whos pinky." asks Alex confused still standing next to Natalie.

Lee looks at her and shows his most generous smile.

"It was his fish." says lee trying not to laugh.

"Dinny say her name ye wee prick or ill tank ye." that makes lee drop his smile and gulp.

"So this is over a fish.?" asks Alex.

Big shank looks down at Alex.

"naw just a fish hen, she was like a daughter tae me I had her fer years until these two." he says point at me and lee.

"Decided to steal her and they killed her. Do you ken.who yer friend really is.? She's a murderer." he yells

"I.never killed it." I shout to him.

"The seagull ripped it oot the bowl in ma hand I tried tae get it back naw my fault it flew away."I try and explain. That moment me and lee burst out laughing not even able to contain it anymore.

Big shanks face goes bright red before he makes a run for us. He might be big but he's fucking fast.

Me and lee run left trying not to get caught. Lee trips and goes flying on the pavement.

"Keira help." he shouts.

I don't stop just shout over my shoulder.

" I canny dinny worry I'll say a speech at the funeral."

"How could ye." he yells as big shank gets to him.

I jump the small face and make my way back over the gardens to alex

"Im sorry man it's keiras fault she made me laugh."

Big shank bends down and lifts lee up with one hand on his t-shirt.

"You ever laugh over pinky again I'll kill ye and make sure no one finds the body." lee shakes his head up and down agreeing.

"Aye big man never again I promise." he's squealing.

Me Alex and Natalie are nearly doubled over laughing. When big shank turns around I Instantly sober.

Releasing lee he falls to the ground and big shank points to me.

"yer lucky I have an appointment or you would get it tae."

He narrows his eyes before walking down to the street.

God, I missed this place. No matter what everyone tries there best to make the good out of a bad situation. Reality comes crashing back down around me and j feel the tears starting. I try to blink them away before Tuning to Natalie I ask.

"Okay, now I'm not dead can we go and see Scott."

"We cant bird, he's in the ICU. There only letting family in." she says.

I nod my head. I'll stay as long as I have. From what everyone is saying it does sound like he's going to be okay.

I look to Alex.

"Do you want to go home.? I'm gonna stay until he wakes up to make sure he's okay."

"Pfft no. I'll stay with you besides I like your friends and I've not laughed that hard in months." she smiles.

I smile and bend down to lift my bag and head into Natalie's house.

I'm sitting in the living room having a drink with my old friends. News has spread quickly I'm back and before I knew it the whole street has been to see me. I've been hugged and kissed by so many people. My phone hasn't stopped ringing all day.

Feeling it vibrate again I get up and excuse myself. I head out the back and sit on the bench. I've got a few good vodkas and I really shouldn't be answering the phone.

Looking at the screen I have so many missed calls from Lucas I phone him back first.

It doesn't even ring once before he's answering.

"WHAT THE FUCK KEIRA." he roars down the phone.

I wince and pull the phone back from my ear.

"Erm hi." I say.

"Dont Fucking hi me. I asked you to wait until I was back Why the fuck did you leave."

"I had to." I reply.

"No you didn't. Do you have an idea of how worried we have all been? The only fucking reason I didn't call the cops was because I found out your back in that God-forsaken place."

"How did you find out.?"

"Das called Alex's father and he told her she was away with the jet. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out you went with her." he says still shouting.

"Can you stop shouting for five minutes and let talk.?" I shout back.

Thankfully he shuts up.

"I'm here. I'm ok and yes Alex is with me." I blow out a breath before telling him.

"Scotts in a coma. The doctors are saying he's going to be ok I'm going to stay for a few days to make sure. Then I'll come home ok."

He doesn't talk at first but when he does is voice is cold.

"Get home"

"No." I automatically answer.

"Keira get. Home. Now."

"I.said. No." I tell him again.

"If you make me come there your not going to like what happens princess" his voice is cold and angry. I knew he would be it's why I've been avoiding him all day.

"Don't threaten me Lucas. I'll be hame when I can. I'm can't leave just noo.

"Your drinking." he says ignoring everything I just said to him.

"I've only had a couple." I mutter.

"This is what I'm talking about. Your there five minutes and your already drinking alcohol. Doing coke again are we.?" he sneers down the phone.

That's it I've had enough.

"Listing to me one fucking minute. I'm having a couple of drinks with my friends. I'm not leaving until I can talk to Scott. Stop being so fucking jealous and stop shouting at me. I'll talk to you when I get home and if your just going to be a dick then don't phone back!" I shout to him before cutting him off. I power off my phone before putting it in my back pocket.

I just want to make sure he's ok what is wrong with them.?.

I'm angry now. He thinks so little of me. I wouldn't do that again. Yes okay, I did drugs in the past but I wouldn't now. I'm notan idiot for fuck sake. I get up and head into Natalie's.

When I enter the living room the atmosphere has changed and everyone has tears in their eyes.

"What's wrong." I ask them all.

Natalie looks up her eyes full of water.

"Keira it's Scott." she can't finish before she's breaking down.

"What about Scott." I whisper. I know what there going to say I can feel it. Please don't be true.

Lee gets up and comes to stand in front of me.

"Lee." I say asking the question with my eyes.

He looks at me and can see the tears about to fall form him.

"I'm sorry bird."

"No No No your wrong he can't please lee tell me your lying." I beg the tears already making their way down my face.

He grabs me and holds me close to his chest.

"He's gone I'm so sorry bird."

When lee says that I start crying. A scream rips out of me before I fall to the floor lee still holding me.

He's dead. He didn't make it. Scott's gone.