
Three days later and Jungkook was still yet to hold his daughter but he knew that he had to be patient and wait for the all-clear from the doctor before Aylin could be moved out of the incubator even if it was just for a short amount of time.

He had been given his own private room so he could stay with his little girl in the hospital and would no longer have to return home, while Aylin's doctor would regularly visit the room to check up on her and give her a special type of formula since she wasn't able to have breast milk.

Though one thing he wasn't able to get used to was the tubes all on her little body, he knew right at this moment it was the only way at giving her a chance of survival but he also knew in himself that he would be lying if he had said he wasn't the least bit anxious because he was. Because he knew in reality at any moment something could happen so much so that her heart would stop and she would stop breathing, he just hoped that would never ever happen.

For now, all he was able to do was watch over her and put his hand inside the incubator and stroke her head or hold her little hand to give her comfort to let her know that her appa was right beside her never to leave her side.

With a sound emitting from his phone, he knew it was for a message he had been sent, and upon opening his phone and reading the message from Namjoon he couldn't help but smile.

'Hey, Kook myself and the others hope that Aylin and yourself are doing well and we hope if it's alright with you we can all come by the hospital tomorrow and see the both of you. We all very much love the pictures and updates you have sent, and although you are happy in some of those photo's it's not hard to see that you are worried and scared but don't worry because everything will be alright from here on out you'll see.'

Seeing that message filled Jungkook with hope and made his heart swell with warmth as he looked down at his daughter in the incubator, and in that moment he knew that Namjoon was right in what he had said. Yes, he was worried and scared but he knew that everything would work out and that his little bunny would be fine and he couldn't wait to see his Hyungs as he began messaging his reply.

'Hey Namjoon Hyung that'll be fine, it would be great to see you guys and I'm sure Aylin would love to meet her uncles.'


An hour later it wasn't long before Aylin had woken from her sleep and began fussing, seeing Jungkook was quick to comfort his daughter. Gently grabbing her hand he rubbed his thumb up and down the back of her hand.

"Hey, It's okay bubba what's wrong? It's okay."

Continuing the soothing ministrations it helped her calm down a little but he could see she was still unsettled. By this point, he longed to be able to pick her up, hold her and comfort her but he knew he couldn't do anything until the doctors had shown him knowing that she is a premature baby and he would have to be very careful when holding her.

Though thankfully before long there was a knock at the door and in entered the doctor looking after Aylin.

"Good morning Mr Jeon, I've come to check on Aylin and I've brought her formula. Now it will be safe to do so, you can feed and hold her if you would like."

Without needing to think twice, Jungkook nodded and smiled his heart jumping for joy, "Yes, please I would like that more than anything."

"Alright, If you can sit right to the back of the chair for me and get yourself comfortable I'll hand her over to you."

In that moment, Jungkook felt like his heart was going to burst from excitement today was the day he was going to hold his daughter and feed her.

He watched intently as the doctor carefully lifted his little girl out of the incubator before making the few steps towards him as he instinctively reached out to take a gentle hold of his daughter.

For Jungkook, having his daughter in his arms was the most beautiful feeling in the world and he had a beaming smile on his face as he couldn't help but begin to cry from happiness.

"Hi, Aylin my beautiful girl... Are you appa's little bunny hmm? You're so tiny baby."

Being very careful and not wanting to make any sudden movements and being wary of the tubes Jungkook soon relaxed as he began feeding her the bottle of formula and she began making cute contented little noises, clear that she was ready for her feed.