
By the next morning, Jungkook was woken by the bright morning sun peeking through the window. Turning over in the bed he was greeted by the sight of his daughter still fast asleep watching as she made small movements, for a moment he couldn't help but wonder if she was dreaming and if she was what could it be?

Sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed, a small smile appeared on his face. From the moment Aylin was born she was his whole world and he felt like his heart could burst from the amount of love he felt for her and nothing was ever going to change that not now not ever.

For a few moments, all was quiet with the only noise being the heart monitor but it wasn't long before that changed, with Jungkook noticing she was waking up he could see that she was unsettled and soon began to whimper.

Standing up from the bed, he was quick to his daughter's side in the hope he could try and figure out why she was feeling upset and to comfort her for one of the many things was he didn't like to see her upset.

"Shh, It's okay, It's okay sweetheart", he whispered softly gently stroking her head with his thumb. For a few seconds, it looked like that motion seemed to work and help her calm down but before long Aylin was once again upset and agitated.

"Oh, It's okay bunny, come here."

Supporting her head and body being very mindful of the tubes, Jungkook lifts his little girl towards his chest hoping that being in the comfort of his arms would be a significant help to her as he began leaving gently kisses on her head.

"There, is that better sweetheart hmm? You just needed cuddles with appa."

Aylin now significantly calmer, Jungkook himself felt more relaxed seeing that she was no longer upset and was content being in his arms. Looking at his daughter she soon opened her eyes for him to see that she had big beautiful doe eyes instantly reminding him of his own eyes, in fact, many of her features resembled his own.

With his eyes only leaving her for a second, he looked at the clock to see it wouldn't be long before the other members would arrive to visit Aylin. But before that, he knew it would only be a few minutes until it was time for her to have her feed, and as the minutes ticked by there was soon a knock at the door before opening and revealing the nurse also caring for Aylin.

"Morning Mr Jeon, I've come to bring Aylin's bottle for you."

"Thank you."

Accepting the bottle from the nurse and getting comfortable in the chair he gently adjusted his hold on his daughter before beginning to feed her, however, she soon stopped drinking as she seemed uncomfortable Jungkook could only frown in confusion as he then looked towards the nurse.

"Is she alright?"

"She is, It's alright just let her take a breath for a moment and then try again."

Thankfully after a minute or two once he had tried feeding her again she opened her mouth and accepted the bottle, and with a smile on his face, Jungkook placed a kiss on her head.

"That's my girl."


A short while later and Jungkook found himself sitting back in the chair as he lay back getting comfortable before gently and carefully laying his daughter on his chest. Grabbing a blanket from beside him, Jungkook placed it over himself and Aylin to keep her warm and comfortable.

Looking down at her he smiled, "Is better sweetheart?", he didn't need an answer to that as he could see that she was already falling asleep. He was glad that she was able to fall back to sleep even if it meant she was more comfortable against his chest rather than sleeping in the incubator even if it was just for a short while.

Gently moving his hand up and down her back he continued the soothing motion watching as it helped her relax and fall into a comfortable sleep, Placing a kiss atop her head a small smile appeared on his face as a sigh of contentment left his mouth. For Jungkook becoming a father was the best feeling in the world and it still is and nobody could ever change his mind not even for the rest of his whole life because now, he felt complete.