
Quick note - Thank you to everyone who has been reading and voting for this story so far, it means a lot to me.

The reason for me writing this story is because I feel that there should be more stories like this in terms of those of us living with a disability and it personal to me, I myself have a disability (Cerebral palsy) and I feel that there should be even more diverse stories out there hence why I'm going to be writing this.


Before long, there was a knock at the door before Jungkook saw six familiar faces poke around the door.

With a smile on his face, he gestured for his hyungs to come in but was quick to put his finger to his mouth to let them know to be quiet as possible.

The boy's looked upon Jungkook in awe as his daughter still was still fast asleep on his chest, with Jimin being the first to speak up first.

"I can't believe how tiny she is.", he said his voice being quiet and soft as possible not wanting to disturb Aylin. 

The others were quick to agree with Jimin's words as they all took a step closer to see the baby girl, none of them had never seen a premature until now let alone a baby so small. 

"How is she?", asked Hoseok worry evident in his features as he looked upon his friend's daughter but Jungkook could see they all did and knew they would all have questions.

"She's doing well Hyung, but I don't want to get everyone's hopes up including mine because as heartwrenching as it is to say... the doctor had told me between now and when she'll be strong enough to leave the hospital, there is a chance that... she may not survive should she become unwell."

The six males could see how though he was trying to be strong this thought was tearing him apart and was upsetting him greatly even if he wasn't showing it.

For a moment, they watched as Aylin began moving to snuggle closer to her appa's chest and Jungkook was quick to respond to the gesture placing a kiss on her head while rubbing her tiny back.

One by one, being mindful of Aylin on his chest they each gave Kook a gentle hug to reassure him.

"Kook, remember what I had told you over the phone the other day?"

Looking towards Namjoon, Jungkook waited a second before he gave his reply to his question.

"I know that you're worried and scared, we all do but that's okay It's normal to feel like that especially when you have a premature baby but I promise that you are not alone in this."

Thinking about his words Jungkook knew that Namjoon was right, he had people around him that loved and cared for him and always to be by his side his bandmates and family. With a small smile appearing on his face he began feeling a lot better and calmer for having his hyungs there, feeling contented once again.

Two hours on and Jungkook had since put his daughter back in the incubator but he was already starting to see she was becoming unsettled again and wanted to be back in her appa's arms for more cuddles. 

As she started to whimper he carefully lifted her out and into the safety and security of his arms, letting her know that she was okay.

"Shh, shh It's okay darling don't cry It's okay baby."

With his little girl in his arms, he watched as she instantly began to calm down and he knew it was because she was starting to find comfort within him and was getting used to his sent and gentle touch and soothing ministrations.

Now that she was wide awake and no longer sleeping he wanted to introduce her to her uncles, turning to face them Jungkook watched as they all had bright smiles on their faces eager to now have the chance to meet her properly now that she was awake.

"Here we are guys I think now would be a good time, you can now officially meet your niece."

Holding her with a proud smile on his face, Jungkook watches as Aylin opens her eyes before blinking a couple of times as she looks around to see six unfamiliar men looking down upon her and the guys can't help but look at her in awe of what they are seeing, they have been proud of Jungkook for many things but never more so than right in this moment.