Chapter 8: Parts of the Truth.


Another sleepless night, this is starting to bother Violet deeply and on top of a bloody murder, might as well be forming insomnia now. Her body is just aching from the lack of energy of twist and turns in my bed but the head is active, and didn't drink any coffee. She heard unsettling noises coming from the outside and it was Granny Lou's voice.

"Sheriff Thomas, did you make a follow up on the matter with my granddaughter?" She questioned. Violet heard a loud sigh on the other end of the line, "look Louise, we are trying everything in the department to close this case but it takes time."

"Time?! I don't have time! We are talking about my granddaughter's life here. She witnessed a crime scene and almost the victim of a shoot out in this quiet town. We are never in anyones good graces of time, so I would suggest get to it before it's too late!" Granny Lou slammed the phone down and took a labored breath. What she said to Sheriff Thomas was right, time is never on our side or in good graces in how she had said it.

Their eyes met, "did you hear everything?" And nodding seems to be an answer that I could give in that moment. Walking up and hugging her so tightly in that moment is the only thing that I could do. "I'm sorry Granny that you have to be involved into my mess." I softly said. "No Violet, it's not your fault. Don't say that." A reassuring pat on my back seemed to calm my early morning nerves.

Violet look at her once more, and the thought of Althea suddenly popped into her mind. This is what she has to go through in her work, the victim part of it all can cause a strain on that relationship. The thought of being in danger and dying in the line of work, so death defying to say the least. Since last night, she has been thinking a lot and it clearly confirmed her hunch that the police aren't doing anything to solve her case.

Violet have made an official witness statement in both times and it seems that they aren't putting any effort to solving this case. "Granny there is something I have to tell you." Her mind is set now to do the digging around this place. If there are plans to do so, it would have to be her.

Before Violet could open her mouth, a doorbell ringing on the front and the guard is up to investigate who it is. She lets go of my embrace from Granny and cautiously unlock the door, removing the deadbolt and the chain that hangs from the little hole there. Opening up the door, and she was almost jumped in surprise.

Her body froze up, both of their eyes have met with the man that she met yesterday in Yellowstone, he's breathless to look at, Violet's lips quivering, unbeknownst to her own feelings. "Hello there," His sweet voice greeted me. "Oh Harry Jung, I didn't know you were coming to Big Sky!" Granny exclaimed. I look at her, she knows this guy in front.

"You know this man?" Violet questioned, and her chest tightened by the sight of him, what are the chances of meeting him in this small town. "This is Harry, he has been staying here few times already and he's an accomplished writer," He introduced to me, "his books are marvelous, they are worth your time!"

A slight smile formed in his face, bowing down slightly, "It's nice to meet you." He extended his hand to and a firm hand shakes it. Violet was in awe with how he looks, proper and polished, that is something that I don't think about a writer, messy looking.There was some jealousy on her part, so young and successful to be an accomplished writer like he is.

"Well of course, as you know this is my granddaughter, Violet Toussaint," She introduced to Harry again, "anyway, I bet you had a tiring time, why don't you wait at the living room while I cook up some breakfast."

Immediately, there was an opportunity for Violet to slip out of the house again and the obvious lie is to tell about getting some groceries. She tied hair up and a splash of blush on my cheek, walking out of the house, and riding out of the house. She cannot stop thinking about Harry, there was so mesmerizing to look at, large black eyes and though he showed a small smile, he can't help but feel her cheeks and ears burning up. Weirdo, why she would be thinking him, they merely met twice. She bets that he has a girlfriend somewhere. But a missed opportunity to tell Granny Lou about the plans, but for now, she'll have to keep her in the dark again.

She needs to go back to the repair shop, a gut feeling within her that there is something that the police didn't thoroughly look at. She kept on looking at the back, making sure no one is following her. She arrived at the repair shop and it was covered by yellow tape, not letting anyone coming in and out of the scene. The smell of decomposing body lingers around, the smell of death. She look around and no one was there to follow, after all, she is tampering with the crime scene and a high probability that any fingerprints or DNA would make me a suspect on this case.

She went at the back door, which is surprisingly unlocked and should be locked for anyone to come in and out, what a bad police work. Once entering, it was dark and little light is coming in through the window. The scent of dried blood fills up her nose that she almost throw up on the floor. "Control yourself. Don't leave any evidence." Violet muttered under her breath. She grab her phone from the little brown bag and pressed the flashlight app on and she venture forth inside trying to find any evidence that the police didn't find here. Then she found a wiped off footprint and it's following through the storage.

When Violet looked at the storage room with boxes on the shelves and continued to examine around the room, when she saw a latch underneath one of the shelves. She has to wonder if they ever examined around the storage room. At first try, it didn't budge open, but after many tries, Violet managed to get it up and the pungent smell that it should be forbidden to ever escaping from this building ever. "Endure it a little more, just a bit more, you are looking around this place to search the dark truths that these people are trying hiding." Her mind dictated.

As she descended down the dark hole, the smell becomes more pervasive and it is a mix of body odor that someone forgot to use a deodorant and rotten trash that hasn't been taken out for 10 years. A mean a decade seems to be a stretch but it was disgusting. Violet can feel acid coming through my stomach but again, she has to endure it a little longer. She explored around the makeshift storage or basement, then all of the sudden, saw something that is stained in red and decided to investigate further.

Violet opened up the crate and saw that it contained cocaine, and was not only shocked but confused, how in the world did drugs come into this seemingly quiet town. Nonetheless, she took a picture as a way of evidence. Then she heard a vibrating sound somewhere and is also looking around to what object that is making that noise.

Violet explored around, until she saw a phone and it flashed in her eyes. The name caller has been popping up in the name of Boss. She swiped up and it was many messages going back and forth,

"Has the shipment been sent?"

"Why aren't you picking up?!"

"Did you kill that repair man? He's been paying us late for the last 6 months now, I think it's better for him to die now. He knows too much. Oh if that girl comes back inside of that, kill her too. She's has been saying too much to the police, and might've said something about our operations."

Violet froze in place and then it occurred to her that they might be keeping tabs on her and the possibility that they knew where Granny Lou lived. Then she heard a deep footsteps from above and is heading to the hatchet from above. She can only panicked, frantically looked around her surroundings. Her mind couldn't keep up with the speed of the situation going on, then she found a small crate that and that's the only spot that would only save herself from an uncertain death. Violet opened the lid up and herself inside, turning off her flashlight not making any sound.

As she heard the footsteps and looking through the little holes, where she saw three people present. "Are you sure your phone is here?" They questioned. "I'm sure it's here man, it's somewhere there." Violet's grip tightened not trying to make any noise escaping around her mouth, not making any noises. The footsteps started to get closer to the crate and she closed her eyes tightly, bracing to what happens to her next. Then all of the sudden, a sound of another voice was heard up above, slowly ascending up. She waited for all three to get out of there, and by the time, they have gone away, immediately escaped out of her hiding spot.

Violet continued to look through anything suspicious, until she found a ledger book. Opening the notebook, it was an address of different street names, some of them were familiar it seemed familiar. "Why is St. Agatha's here?" She questioned, noticing many sums of money being in transaction and many more establishments that didn't know it existed. She took the ledger, then the phone started to ring again and panic sets in for Violet as she now can't hide at the crate again. Then she saw a door with a wooden boards up, as if magically that it appeared in her eyes. She ran to them and pulled them with all her might, with the fast paced footsteps descending once again back down. Managing to get all the boards down and kicked the metal door leading to the sewage system, this is where the forbidden smell that she has some troubling picking at.

Violet heard footsteps behind her and didn't dare to look behind her, as the thudding sounds of get closer every step of the way. The whole sewage system is a maze, and her body is starting to become more fatigued the more she runs. She stopped and lets her heart rest for a while before continuing on again. Once again, the phone started to ring again, but her hands quickly does the job of opening the stupid phone case of whomever who owns this.

There was a sinister silence and the only thing that Violet's mind is going is to stay alive and not get killed, it repeats over and over in her head until she not only got the case opening but now removing the SIM card holder that this phone holds. But before she can completely remove the SIM card out of the phone a manual transfer of everything that it can hold. Violet pressed yes after yes on the buttons but now there is a long loading screen to go. A faint footsteps can be heard, and Violet did not dare make a any noise, not even a shuffle of her own shoes. All of the sudden, a miracle happened and saw that there was a door.

It maybe a long shot but she can't stay any longer in the sewage. With enough plucked up courage, Violet bolted out of her hiding spot, not looking behind her. By some miracle, the door was open and she locked the door behind her, her soul has already restored inside. She looked at the phone and the transfer of data has been completed.

Removing the SD card out and discarded the phone immediately. Violet exited out of the room and finally fresh air has taken over her nose. "Thank God, I escaped." She exclaimed. She looked at her watch and it's already the afternoon, Granny Lou must be wondering where Violet has been, and soon realized that she has no means of transportation now that her bicycle was left behind at the scene of the crime. She can't take an Uber and taxi as a mode of transportation and is only left to hike up the hill all the way up. But first, she can't really have an empty hand groceries, after all, she volunteered to get the groceries.

Violet looked for the nearest store and bought the necessities that Granny might need, tomatoes, onions and maybe some ginger. When she is finished with her groceries, she exited out of there and heading now to the treacherous hike back to Granny Lou's place. the walk itself was tiring, holding bags of groceries and trekking up the hill seems to be a challenge.

Violet went through the back door and drop the groceries as she entered her house. "Violet is that you?" Granny Lou called out. "Yes Granny, I'm back and sorry it took so long, they don't have some goods that I am looking for." She replied back.

"I have to go take a bath. The groceries is at the back!" She removed her shoes and rushed to the bathroom, removing the article of clothes off. Opening the faucet of the bathtub and immediately stepped in and slowly crash down the lukewarm water touching her bare skin. It's a rough day for her and a needed break is needed.

Violet grab her brown bag and took out the diary out of there and she opened a page where she left off at. The part where they are investigate the burglary that is happening, but they so far stuck on a limbo.

(POV Althea)

I wake up early in the morning and immediately headed to the station, an early start on the investigation. I brew myself coffee and cook myself breakfast to get my day going and going over the morning news delivered today and have a little briefing of the case before leaving.

I change myself in my finest clothes, a yellow I greeted my neighbors and exit out of the building. Looking at my clock, early as usual for me but I'm not complaining.

I see the station from a distance and cross the busy streets looking left and right, avoiding cars hitting me. I saw a familiar figure at the entrance calling out, "Chelsea!" She turned around and waved hello back to her. "Is Edward here?" I asked. She gave me a smug smirk on me, "would you like to know?"

"You have a wild imagination going on, but a new case going on. Edward and I are working together, so I asked you where he is." I explained. There was a pause on Chelsea's part, "he usually comes later, he's mystical in ways that can't be explained."

We walked around, trying to pass the time. "Mystical? Surely he has ulterior motives." I replied to the statement. "I'm only joking! Are you always this serious!" I can only shrug and Chelsea roll her eyes. "You are such Debbie Downer."

We continued to walk around, until we went our separate ways to do our respective jobs. I asked the employees around where would Edward be, they all have their same response of, "I don't know."

"Excuse me," I turned around and it was the elevator boy that I gave my five dollars from. "Hello there! I haven't seen you around for a while!" I exclaimed. "I heard that you became a detective and working with Edward now!" The young boy said, making me nod in agreement.

"Word travels fast around here, but speaking of Edward, have you seen him?" I questioned. "Edward," He repeated, "he might be in the cafeteria, he's usually there eating his lunch." I let out a sigh of relief, at least this boy knows his whereabouts. "Thank you so much!" I opened up my purse and giving him two dollars.

"And I haven't properly introduce myself to you miss, the name is Cornelius Clark." He extended his young hands at me and I removed my gloves to return the gesture. "Nice to meet you then, Cornelius. My name is Althea." His youthful smile of his warmed my heart more of how courteous and well mannered at that age.

"I'll have you get going Cornelius, but I will see you again."

He nodded and bid goodbye and now my next objective is to get Edward and solve this case once and for all. I hurried to the hall with the echoes of heels ringing in my ear, I hope that he is only eating his food, but wishful thinking for me. But making my way inside, I didn't expect him to be passing time playing a round of chess.

"Mr. Dean!" I called his name out. He turn his head around and cocky grin formed in his face, an insolent bastard he is. "Hello there doll!" He jovially greeting me. I walk up to him and greeted the officer in front of me. "Are you done?" I ask in annoyance. "Oh not yet! Have a seat next to me." I was impatient and ready slap his head off for him to function.

I look at the pieces and it started to disappear right in front of my face, that quick too. "Have you played chess before?" Edward ask. "I am familiar with the game-"

"Check!" He interjected. Then the officer had a face of worry drawn all over, and he has a great reason why. With his pieces gone, the opposing part surrounded the king and what ever is left over from it. The officer made a move to the left and Edward swiftly move and said, "checkmate."

Both men stood up and shake hands. "Edward you never cease to amaze me, the unbeaten champion of chess in New York City's police station." The officer sighed. "It takes practice to get to my level. Better luck next time." He gave him a pat on the back and promptly left, finally.

"We are in a middle of a case going, and here you are wasting precious time playing games!" I fume. He chuckled lightly, "don't worry about that, we have plenty of time to be doing the work." He finished his chess board up and following him. "Oh really?! There is nothing to be worried about?!"

What a headache he is and even I try to complain to Chief, then my answers would be unheard of. I continue to follow him, all the way to his office. He goes through his pockets and out is a key. Edward used it to open a drawers and placed the board inside. Afterwards he looks at me and sticks his hand out. Handing out the folder and immediately gets to do some briefing, and all he can do is sigh, a sudden change of mood.

"Something is not right here." He quietly muttered. "Their testimony is lacking from Martin Goltz, and it's suspicious that Mrs. Goltz is not there." I added on. The more we discuss and try to connect the dots, we are left feeling more confused than ever. The witness say that it was dark to identify the intruders and it only leaves hole on the case.

"We can go back to the Goltz residence and talk to their children. They might be the key that could make breakaway for the case." I explain. Edward was left in though for a minute and nodded no, "I would have to disagree with you. We are no longer welcome to their residence, after what you did yesterday, Martin is much more aware of you and has a hard time to reveal anything."

I was taken aback in what Edward has said, "excuse me?! I am showing off my authority to him and he is not taking me too seriously! You would've done something if you see them being close to the hip!" I retorted. Edward scoffed at me, "being aggressive would not lead into anything good. You can't let your emotions get the best of you, it clouds your judgement, " I was left speechless what he said to me, "I know you are impatient to solve this case and so am I. We must plan our next steps, Martin would certainly be hesitant when he sees us again."

It was silent once again and I can help but ponder about my actions that I showed yesterday, and sighed. I'm ready to speak up, "I have an idea on how to get more information," Edward suddenly said, "but it might be a stretch to do so, but if we get it right it would lead us closer to the truth." He gets up from his armchair and walks out of the door. I follow behind him and his stride is elegant and militaristic, more so ladylike than I will ever be.

He suddenly stop and I too stop, and looks back at me. "Walk with me doll."

"I am walking with you? Why are you stopping?" I ask. "It's rude for me to be going on ahead. Join me." I catch up to him and continued to discuss about the direction that of the case. Then once we reached the lobby and into the telephone booth. "I have to make a phone call, You stay here."

"Stay here," I objected, "you know I have the right to know you may be talking to. Afterall, we are partners now." I look at his eyes and itching close. "The phone book is too tight. How are we supposed to fit in?"

"I'll sit down and you make yourself a call," I replied back to his question, "and I'll try to listen to what kind of idea that your intelligent mind is making." I went inside the booth and sat down at the edge of the seat. Edward came in afterwards and they certainly did not fit inside. I slight stand up and he almost trip down, using his hands leaning all of his body weight on the wall. The enclosed space is so hard to move around, that our faces are almost in close proximity.

"Can you connect the line to Fletcher Price household." He said in a firm voice. I held onto the speaker in one hand and the other holding myself up, it was an uncomfortable and awkward position to be in. The conversation went straight to the point, giving information about Martin Goltz and any information that would come into light for a case. His light brown eyes pierced through my soul, something about it, I couldn't quite grasp it.

"Meet me at the lobby after 3 days of your findings. I'll give you sufficient amount of money for your work." Edward puts away the phone and speaker away. Edward went out first and I went out afterwards.

"3 days from now, my informant would bring us some evidence about Martin," Edwards said, "in the meantime, we can try to investigate further on Mrs. Goltz or maybe do some field work?" He suggested. The loud sound of grumble ran deep in my stomach and I sighed in sadness. "On the second thought, let's have lunch. You want to come along with me?"

I waved my hand no, "it's alright, I will buy something from my local shop." He only nodded and he left me all alone in the lobby. I look at my watch and clock hasn't struck 12 in the afternoon. In the meantime, I have paperwork to do and minor cases I can try to fix the dispute right now. I find myself doing everything like it was nothing, like a mechanical machinery. Tidying up the file room and helping other colleagues out with anything small going. Of course, they ignore my existence but I know that I am staying here on the long run, they will see my face in this station for a while until I say it is enough for me.

Time seems to be slow for me and before I know it, I had already finished everything that I need to do, an early lunch for me I guess. I opened my desk up and grab my bag and exit out of the station for a long while. I have some money to spare, a break from eating sandwiches at the local shop would be a nice change. While going to work, there is a diner right around the corner. It clearly piqued my interest, so I went to that direction.

Just following that scent of this scrumptious food has me hooked. I speed walk to the diner, only to find on the inside to be almost full. Nonetheless, I enter inside and where I encounter hungry, blue collared workers of society. I excuse myself, making a way for myself to have someone to lead me to the table. No waiters came to me, as they ring up more of hungry workers, mostly men. I would like to think that they didn't see me at first, but as time pass, I think that I am waiting for a man.

I gave up on the pursuit and was ready to storm off when, "EXCUSE ME MAAM!" I turn around to see a waitress, a girl with black hair, beautiful blue eyes and a petite shape. "I'm so sorry that they didn't take notice of you," she apologized, "if you want, we would like to make it up to you. A free desert of your choice." I softened a little, "what's your name?"

"My name is Charlotte Arnold," she replied back to my question, "and I would love to be the one to serve you the food ma'am." I scoffed, "don't call me ma'am, I haven't even hit 40 years old yet." I return back inside the diner with an eager steps behind me of Charlotte. By the way I look at her, she looks to be around my age with a hint of naivete. She ushered me to sit down by the window as people are passing by through my eyes. "Here's the menu and please do let me know when you are ready to order your food!" She smiled sweetly as she attends to other customers. I opened up the booklet and I can't help but imagine eating these scrumptious lunch for myself. As much as I want to order the more delicious things, I have things to pay. I settled for a simple tomato soup with a side of freshly baked bread, sweet ice tea and chocolate cake bites.

"Would you like you're dessert to come now or after your main course?" She questioned. "After my lunch." I gave her the menu booklet, "your food will be here around 20 minutes or so." She smiled sweetly at me and I wait for my food to be served. I look around the establishment, I have a great feeling that business would grow here, they are at a central location, in the heart of city. Despite me being having a break, time is precious. I opened the files and rest my hand on my chin, examining the reports that was compiled by other detectives, along with Edward's and I, but all I can do was just nod in disappointment, what am I doing wrong?

"Your tomato soup is here!" Charlotte's loud voice interrupted my train of thought. She placed the soup down and the side of freshly baked bread out of the oven. "Your face looks so familiar." She examined my face in such scrutiny. "You have a face of an actress!" Surely you have been on the stage?" Her eyes twinkled in eagerness, she is one of those girls who has dreams of being famous. "I have been told countless times that I'm an actress," I explained, " I'm just your lowly detective just trying to solve this missing puzzle." Then I had this thought that came into my mind, but I have no clue how she will respond to that question. "Do you know by chance Martin Goltz?" She paused for a moment, I guess trying to recount anything for a good minute or so.

"The man dirty blonde hair and looks quite unkempt up?" And all I can do is nod trying to envision how Martin looked like. "He was with the lady, who is younger than you and older than me. I think her name is Esther." I found a breakthrough into this investigation, I have someone to investigate about, "do you what's her last name?" But unfortunately, she nodded no, at least a name can be produced. "Thank you for your information, it's the oe lead that I could at least explore on." I explained. "I'm glad that I can help you in any way Miss?"

"Althea." I replied my name back. "Miss Althea, I would definitely remember your name!" Charlotte went away to tend to other customers once more while I started to eat my lunch. The bread and tomato soup really compliment each other well and not even 20 minutes, I finished everything my bowl, didn't really eat anything for breakfast. And for desserts, I went to finish my brownie and I must say, it clearly melts in your mouth so much. I went to get my check and paid on the house and gave a big tip for Charlotte.

I left the diner and took a detour to City Hall. I look at my watch and it was way past my break time and should possibly going to the Police station, but I might have to look over things there, just in case things me and Edward must've over looked something. I hurried along, running through traffic and passing through incoming. Once I reached my intended destination, I entered inside, to the receptionist.

"Excuse me," I signal the attention to him, "my partner and I came here and looked through your files of particular people that the NYPD are currently investigating." He looked at me incredulously, "do you have a form of identification on you?" I took a deep sigh as I go through my purse and found my shiny badge. "Is this enough for an identification?"

The receptionist looked at the badge once more and gave it back to me once more. "Come with me to the back room." He suddenly said. I followed him inside and showed me archives of names in here.

"Don't even dare take anything from here." He threatened. "Do you think I'm stupid enough to steal anything." He grinned in annoyance and left me all alone. Immediately after he left, I look through the heaving piles of files of people that I don't think I will ever meet in my own lifetime. Looking, and looking, till my fingers burned, I hit gold when I saw the very name that I am looking for.

Esther Jones.

Born on November 12, 1898

National Origin: German.

Status: Married

Job: Telephone operator.

Height: 5'4

Appearance: Blonde short hair, black sunken eyes, and olive fair skin tone.

I only had to stop at the part of her status, she is married. It's illegal to cheat on your husband in the bindings of marriage. And its logic to restraint yourself, lusting over other men, and it would lead you to in a very dark place, abysmal. I took notes on the files for a very long time, getting every single detail that I have now on Esther before I get to leave the archives. My hands are becoming tired by the time, I got to finish it's last details. I think I have enough notes to go look for now. I exited out the archives, when I saw the same Esther out of here and with some paper work at hand. "Do you guys perform divorces here?" She questioned. "Don't you know woman, divorces are illegal, you can get arrested." He threatened.

"Sorry, I was just asking, please don't arrest me." She pleaded. "Shoo, don't come back here until you ask real questions." Esther left the city hall immediately and I also head out of their, back to the job. It took a while to get back to the office. I saw Edward is outside in the police station, waiting. "Edward," I called his name out, "what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you! Where were you!" He panicked. "I went to the local diner near, and I found out the name of Martin's lover!"

"That's nice but the son of Martin is here."

"Who?!" I rushed inside and Edward pulled me aside, now following where he is going. "Elias the middle child and witnesses reported him stealing groceries in the Manhattan area. He is currently in the holding cell and ready to be questioned." I sigh in stress, couldn't this case get anymore confusing. Then I saw the boy and the officers were threatening him with such obscenities into the air and I can't help but go into my protective self.

"EXCUSE ME!" I call them out. "What are exactly doing to him?!" I put myself in the middle of Elias, and the officer's eyes pierced through my soul. "This is not under your jurisdiction Althea please see your way out." The officer threatened. I didn't move one bit, "I am not moving myself, he is one of the suspect's child here and he is a witness to the disturbances that is happening around their neighborhood," I know what I am doing is illegal, protecting this young boy from getting arrested but he is a potential witness and his parents can complain about it, or even worse would do something vile just by thinking about it.

I saw Edward stepped in, "let the child go, if he did something wrong, I am responsible to what happens to him." He had his hands on the pocket and furrowed his brows deeply at the officers. "Fine!" They threw Elias to me and left us all alone. "Are you okay there boy?" He asked, and he could do was just nod in agreement.


As the bath water became cold, Violet stopped midway what she was reading to get out of the bathtub and grabbing a towel nearby. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed to what has happened the whole day, now that they know who she is, are they planning to stake out the property, will they try to take her grandmother as hostage.

"Fuck." She cursed under her breath, splashing a cold water on her face. Wrapping the towel around her body and walked out to her own room. She got herself dressed in a comfortable pajamas and is ready to sleep for the day, but a sudden knock on the door scares Violet. Cautiously, she twisted the door knob and slowly opening it to see it was Harry.

"Hello," She greeted him politely, "do you need anything?"

There was an unexplained tension between them, Violet could feel this energy for some reason. "Louise was trying to call your phone for a while. Where were you?" Harry asked. Violet averted her eyes, not making eye contact with him. "Like I told Granny that I went to the grocery store and grab what she wanted to get me." She reply back, holding back her nervousness.

"You sure you only went to the supermarket?" He questions her once more, "because when I heard the door open up, I smelled shit that you have been in a landfill."

"Landfill? You are calling me a landfill? Do you even know what it smells like?" Violet looked at him intently, his mysterious dark brown eyes. "If you don't have anything to say to me, then I need to rest." She close the door and sighed deeply, that was a close call on her part.

She looks at the situation at hand, recounting to what is happening to her. The drugs, an ordered killing on two people and her included, what else are they operating under. Whatever it maybe, there has to be a way to stop them and to further anymore damage in this beautiful town.

Violet sat down at her study desk and opened her laptop, this will be a long night to get through messages going on.