Chapter 9: The lies and deceit.

POV Althea.

"Are you alright?" I asked Elias, the total aftermath of what happened today. "I'm alright miss. Sorry that I put you into trouble like that." He gave me an apologetic look, "I'm only doing my job." Then I noticed his hands and arms wounded not by the officers because of how old it looked. Is this boy getting himself into trouble?

"Where did you get these wounds from?" I questioned, examining it carefully around his body. "Oh it's nothing! I just got by me being clumsy." He tried to avert his eyes away from me, but I didn't question him any further. Then Edward came back with a cup of coffee and biscuits for Elias, and he thanked him profusely him for everything that he has done, and all can Edward do was give him a hearty laugh in exchange.

"I'm only doing my job, along with Miss Althea." He look at me and smiled.

"Sir, am I going home now?" He asked. Me and Edward look at each other for a moment, ushering me to go tell what I have to do. "Well," I started off, "me and Mr. Dean here want to ask some questions from you. If we could get some answers from you, then you are free to do so."

"Is it about the robberies going around the neighbor where I live?" He answered calmly. "Yes. Give us everything with the knowledge you have, and we are in no rush going on." Elias starts to recount with what is happening to the recent robberies around his community to the best of his abilities and both Edward and Althea already knew through other interviews that they have done. Him looking at a shadow coming in and out from ether windows or exiting out through the door with no forced entry.

"Well I remember that I woke up in the middle of the night, I heard footsteps coming up," Elias started off, "the steps were slow, only echoes. It came from the front door, and I thought my mother was there!"

Mrs. Goltz? What was she doing in an hour like this? "Elias, what does your mother do for a living?" I asked. "Mama work as a telephone operator. She comes home around 1 in the morning," he explained, "but on that night she came home dead of the night, 3 o'clock."

"I noted it on my notepad and saved it for a later reference, it could be used as evidence. "That's all of the things that we have in for questioning," He stood up from his arm rest, "we would have to drop you off to your place, if that is fine with you." Elias' eyes widened in curiosity, "are we using the new automobile that the police have?" I intently look at Edward and nodded no, "Elias, can you go outside for a second, I have something to tell him." He nodded obediently, and went outside. "Can't you get someone to come pick him up? We still have work to do."

"Althea this is part of our job, we are the one serving the people around here." He explained but I can't help but disagree, "we do serve the people I agree with you, but surely his father must have known that something happened to his son, it's already 6 o'clock," Then I had a sudden realization, "try calling Mr. Goltz to pick him up, surely he would be worried and question why he is in prison."

Surely that he loves his children to an unconditional amount, surely he would be worried for them. "Can you connect me to the Goltz residence for me?" He calmly replied back. There was a long silence and finally there was a voice. "I am sorry sir, it seems that Goltz residence has not picked up the call for me. Would you like to wait?" She questioned. Edward sighed and mouthed, "He didn't even call back," and replied with, "try waiting," giving a benefit of the doubt. "I'll wait."

Again there was a long silence on the other side of the line, "I am truly sorry sir. I think it's best to call him back." He took a deep sigh, and put the phone back. "Not one picked up the phone, he really didn't give a damn about his son." I remark. "Doll let's not jump into conclusion. We should bring him back to his family." In the end, I agreed for us to take Elias back to his home. I opened up the door and quickly got up from his nap state.

"Sorry that you have to wait, are you tired?" I look at him with worry. "I'm alright, are you still taking me back?" He questioned, and all I can do is nod in agreement, "and we are riding on Mr. Edward's car." His eyes widened in curiosity, "a car? The one I see on the streets?" Edward gave out a hearty laugh. "Let me tell you a secret," He whispered, "I own a great amount of these automobiles that you have ever seen." He couldn't contain his happiness, as we walked out of his office, and head out of the precinct.

"Officer Palmer," he called out the man in the uniform, "do you have my car keys?"

"Prosecutor Edward, I do have your keys." He grabbed a shiny new keys at a secured shelves, and tossed it as him. "Thank you Palmer!" Walking out of the precinct, going around the back, to see his yet another new car. "You have bought yet another car." I sighed, whether to be surprised or not.

"Oh doll, I have bought this while my time in Detroit, just recently gotten it polished. The beauty we have here." He objectifies cars as if they are women, might as well marry in one to satisfy his questionable obsession

"We are riding on this one?" He questioned making Edward nod. Elias frantically opening the car door, almost breaking the handle. "Dear, I don't think it's the way you do it," I signaled him to throw him the keys, in which he complied and taught Elias, properly to open one up. "Putting the key in the hole here, twist, and voila, an open door."

"Huh? Why does it have to be accessed by a key? Can it be closed like a cart?"

"They can but see this car goes by like a horse, when you want to go fast, it goes fast but the contents ain't gonna be there when you reach to your destination. In many ways, it's a great advancement in what we have now than past decades or so."

Elias nodded in understanding and entered inside and gave back Edward's keys back. "You speak to him like a little boy there?"

"It's a habit of mine." I replied back to his backhanded comment. We both went inside his car and turned the engine on to get out of the parking area. The wind swept through my hair and I can't help but enjoy the place in such a fast moving machine that I am in. "Ms. Althea, how did you become a detective?" Elias asked me. "A detective," I paused for a while to articulate my words, "I was in university where I don't know what to do after my time in university, and when I went to Virginia over the summer to work, since men have been out during the war, I have utilized my techniques and observe quietly when I meet suspects, going hand in hand with my psychological work. I think I found my purpose in life."

"What school did you go to?"

"University of Pennsylvania."

"In the state of Pennsylvania! Did you live there?"

He sure loves to ask questions, that's a good place to start as a person. "I did for school, before I used to live in Montana. It's not like the big buildings and it's blinding lights around New York City, but living in forest, and it's riverbeds that flow through the land." I was homesick, just the thought of a vivid description of my formidable girlhood memories, my prized horse, Emile, mama and papa, "It's a beautiful place to go to, it's a quiet and beautiful town to be in. Enough about me, you should ask Mr. Edward about himself."

I looked at him and gave out a loud chuckle, "my life is interesting. What questions do you have for me?"

"Where did you go to school?"

"Are you talking about primary, secondary or high school?

"For university and I guess your high school."

"Eton College when I was only at the age of 15. I stayed in England for 2 years before I came back to New York, where I went to Xavier High school in the Chelsea area of Manhattan. And for university, I went to Harvard, it was painstakingly the best decisions that I have made in my whole life."

"That's dull. I think I much prefer Ms.Althea." He simply said, which made me laugh. "Are you joking there Elias?" In which he nodded no and I can see Edward's eyes of defeat. "It's alright Edward." I patted his back, and couldn't really contain my laughter.

The whole ride back to his parents home is a calm one, and I hope we can put this case to rest. Arriving in front of the house, I helped Elias out of the car and walked up the steps at the cute townhouse. I was ready to accompany him up the stairs, when the door swung open, to be confronted by Mr. Goltz and his lover, with trunks on their doorsteps.

"Where do you think you are going?" Edward asked them. "Miss Althea what's going on?" He looks at me with such uncertainty, I think he is all grown up to know what is happening around him. "Get out of the way!" Mr. Goltz yelled. "Stay here for me. I'll help out Mr. Edwards here." With no hesitation, I aided Edward trying to get him to open up the door.

"Mr. Goltz, why are you planning to leave together with your lover," I asked, "your son was arrested but he is let out. It's a shame that you don't have the thought to come pick your child up, instead that two officers of the law dropping off his son and here is the father running away with his mistress."

"We tried to call your residence to inform you that your son is arrested, and you as a responsible father to pick up your son from a predicament like that!"

Mr. Goltz stopped the struggling and opened the door to us, "is my son alright?" He didn't keep his eye contact to either me or Edward, he seems to be shaking a little bit, and would presume that he might not notice. "Your son is fine, nothing happened to him," I replied back to his answer, "but I did notice that there are many scars and brand new bruises on his arms."

"Those bruises are nothing, he plays sports, bruises like that aren't to alarming detective." I look at Edward and he seems to be thinking the same thing as me. He cleared his throat, "where are you guys heading? Are you heading somewhere?" I can see from Mr. Goltz side that Esther getting out from the side. "You have to excuse me," I walked away from the interrogation and stalked to get Esther. I let her slide, but what she has caused is a misdemeanor.

Not getting within in the proximity of the home, we are far away to not get caught with Mr. Goltz. "Esther." I called her name, but she continued to walk. "Esther." Calling her name for the second time.

"Esther Stein!" She turned around and their eyes met, where I was walking up to her. "Where are you going?" She stayed quiet for a minute and I sighed in disappointment, "what you are doing is considered a crime, you are coveting someone's husband, I can arrest you right here."

"I know," she calm replies back to my statement, "I..." Esther's head drops down and I escorted her to somewhere that no one would listen to us. We sat down at a local park, just the two of us and the hot sun shining above us. It was silent, and neither of us don't want to start the conversation.

"How did you meet Mr. Goltz?" I asked Esther. She was silent and sighed, "I met Martin when I was working at a pharmacy, he is a regular patron and I would help him out with anything that he ask for. That grew into a friendship, I felt as I can tell anything, my problems, life, and my life story."

"Not even my own husband, I don't even trust him in anything. He just ends up telling my family about it and I get a severe scolding from them." She laughed softly and I only listened to her.

"My husband was a great man when he presents himself. But without wandering eyes he would degrade me, in some ways I am lacking as a submissive wife. When I am with Martin, he gave me so much passion and love that I have been craving for a very long time, and I thought I had found my match. Until I found out that Martin is a married man, a loving wife and three boys."

"I was jealous of the perfect life that they have built in comparison to mines, I was a useless woman who couldn't bear any children." She looked at me and I saw her eyes water down. "I'm sorry if I am being a sentimental wretched slut of a cheater. In the name of love, it makes you do the most craziest thing imaginable."

"That's why you went to city hall, you were requesting paper works to get a divorce." And all she did was nod to the answer, confirming my suspicions. "And Martin promised me that he will get a divorce papers with me that day. I waited in front of the door, looked around me, trying to get a glimpse of him to the crowd. I then realize that he isn't ready to give up the marriage that they have with his wife. I was foolish to think that this fantasy that I have with him, but it all could be a dream that is unattainable."

She looked at the distance and closed her eyes. "That night I cried my whole heart as I washed myself, it felt symbolic that I am trying to baptize myself again, washing my sins away. I had a sense of renewed spirits within myself that I will break off this affair, it's been going on for a very long time and my conscious is slowly killing me inside.Not long before you arrived, I went to his home and said that this affair is not something that I want to continue on, and rightfully so, he is upset by it and pleaded with his whole heart not leave him. Promised me that he will leave his wife and children."

She again started laughed sarcastically, "and then the telephone rang, I was about to pick it up and he has told me to ignore it. Within those ten minutes, I looked around the his home and I had so many questions circulating in my mind that why would he leave his family behind for someone like. If I were in his shoes, leaving my family would be the last thing to be doing."

Esther looked at me with her melancholic smile at me and I can't help but feel pity for her situation. "I'm sorry you had to go through with that." That was the only thing that I said and laughed it off. "Love is a choice that you make, and I made the choice of giving myself to my husband. It goes the same with cheating, I made the choice of starting a passionate love affair."

"So I have come to accept the fact that I will be charged for committing adultery and I don't know if my husband would take me back for someone like me." I placed my hand on her shoulder, "even if your husband does not take you back, you don't need someone to make you complete. There is so many things out of life that you can do as a woman."

"What do you suggest I should be doing? Suppose he kicked me out."

"I know a place for you to move in and the possibility for you to start over again, a fresh new slate for you." Esther scoffed at me, "I'll let you know if all is well on my part of life." We stayed at the park for another half hour or so, just enjoying each other's company, and as the sun starts to sets down, I escort Esther back to Martin's house, completely forgetting that I had forgotten about Edward being with me. Then there were hoards of officers surrounding the home and I ran to him.

"Althea where were you?!" Edward exclaimed. "I had to follow Esther, I was afraid of what might've happened to her. But that is not the point that I am trying to get at here." He explained to me that after I left to go chase Esther, Edward explained that he what transpired with Elias that afternoon, he even invited him over inside. Then from the corner of his eye, he saw something particularly out of place. Out of curiosity, he got up and grabbed what seemed to be out of place. In conclusion of it, a simple question has led to erratic behavior on Mr. Goltz's part, pushing Edward out of his home.

"What happened afterward?"

"I heard screams from Elias, hurting noises. I banged on the door, yelling Martin to stop what he is doing. I heard cries of pleas to stop, that I grabbed my gun behind me. I kicked the door open and I saw his very own son being beaten up like a rag doll. He lets go from his grip and went behind me, all bloodied, I was at my wits end. I threatened him to put his hand behind his head, and surrender. It happened to so quickly where he punched me in the stomach and for god knows how, my keys fell off in my pocket and stole my car. I tried to chase after him, but he was already gone."

Martin used Esther as a shield from us, not to sell himself out for his own good. I asked Edward where Elias is and said that he is in the living room with his brothers. "We are just waiting for Mrs. Goltz to come home."

I climbed up the stairs, greeting the other officers, where I see Elias and his other brothers, Otto and Walter. The oldest occupies the youngest, not wanting to see Elias in that state.

Elias's eye's met mine and he suddenly got up and hugged me. I stroked his back lovingly, once more looking at him. "Are you alright?" He started to cry uncontrollably and I can't help but comfort him. "I'm sorry Ms. Althea for lying to you."

I hushed him quietly, "there's nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault." I gave him a reassuring smile, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Boys can't cry, everyone will think of me as a sissy." But I nodded no to that response, "you are not a sissy for crying, it's alright to cry."

"I'm not a man if I cry."

"Don't belittle yourself, Elias." I continued to wipe the tears from his eyes. I escorted him back to the officer questioned him and told him to get him some bandages to get him stitched up, I don't know how Mrs. Goltz would feel about this.

I went to Otto, who he is playing with Walter playing his yoyo around. I introduced myself to them and while Walter is himself happy to meet me, Otto is reserved, stoic would be a better term. "Are you alright?" I asked Otto. He sighed deeply, "not well at all. I just can't believe that he would do something like this." His face turned solemn, I don't think he has any idea that his own father would also have a mistress. "What time did you get here?" I asked.

"Around the time when officers are already in the presence. I'm waiting for mama to come home-" Otto's explanation was cut off short when I heard loud screams outside, making me excuse myself and run to check up on Edward. I see Mrs. Goltz, with messy hair and dark circles around her eyes, slapping and yelling at Esther, now being restrained by the two officers.


"I'm sorry that I have coveted your husband. The thing I came to his home was what I should have done a long time ago." Esther's head drooped down as Mrs. Goltz continued to berate her, to the point that onlookers started to stop and look at what is happening. I went to Mrs. Goltz side, persuading her to stop yelling and calm herself down. "She's the reason why everything started to fall apart." Then Elias and Otto came down to their mother's defense.

"ELIAS!" Mrs. Goltz kneeled to look at her own beaten-up son. "Mama, Detective Althea and Mr. Dean didn't do anything, wrong mama." Elias said, but she nodded no, "I know schatz, where is your father?" Otto and I looked at each other, I don't think if he would have the heart to tell her. "Mrs. Goltz, your husband," I started off, "your husband has escaped through force, not only hurting Mr.Dean but also, he also hurt Elias, when trying to further ask more questions about an item. When he was about to be apprehended, he used Mr. Dean's car as means of escape." Mrs. Goltz was in utter disbelief, "my husband can never do that! He never steals nor hurts his children." But all I did was nod in disagreement, "officer Palmer, please escort Mrs. Goltz back inside, please secure the whole premise and do not let anyone come in here." I instructed, in which he nodded.

Edward followed me back to the house and headed up to their bedroom. We opened the door together to see the utter mess that is in. I made a suggestion that I look through the closet and bathroom, and all the while Edward goes through the dresser and the whole of the bedroom, which he agreed to it. We went straight to work, as I walk into their small closet, his side looks almost cleaned out, taking the things that are needed to run away. He even stole his wife's clothes for his beloved Esther to wear.

Clothing after clothing, was never-ending, to say the least until I saw something that is out of the ordinary, at least rare to have in a middle-class household like this. "Edward I found something rather unusual." I announced. I got up and went to the corner where he lit up a lamp, "well then, how can he afford a Cartier watch like this?" He scoffed examining it carefully. "I'll put it somewhere safe for now, whatever you find that is out of place, we'll look through it together." I explained, to which he agreed.

The whole thorough investigation took a very long time, we have an unprecedented amount of place trinkets, accessories, clothing, and leftover money that was found in the vault, that I don't even dare "Martin Goltz," He sighed, "you have amassed many items, pushing your luck to the point of running out." Edward found it amusing and I too couldn't believe that they are getting this amount of objects.

In the end, we had found so many things, luxury things, not even I could afford (ironic of me to be saying that when I own them myself). "There is so much to cover ground with these stolen items, I think we have to talk to the people who had their personal items stolen throughout this neighborhood." Edward sighed deeply, it's been a long day for everyone and I can see the sun setting down.

We concluded our investigation here as I folded the clothes and wrapped the jewelry in separate tightly, tomorrow will be a long day. That night, I went home first and Edward insists that I should get rest, and the next day, he will fill me in on what he has done. He instructed Officer Palmer to take me home safely, to which he agreed. "How will you get home?" I asked him. "Don't worry about me getting home, I have ways to know how I would get home." He winked at me, as I enter inside, closing the door for me. As it started to move, I can only sigh, what a hectic way to end the day.

Once I reached back at the station, I start to write down a report of what happened for today, and how the case is going much faster than neither I nor Edward had ever anticipated. I finish any final touches that I missed before turning in a 5-page report to Chief Traver. He looked at the papers and told me to go home. I clocked out, on my way back to my apartment which reminds me, I haven't seen Chelsea the whole day. Maybe she went home today.

Heading inside, I saw Ida sorting out mail and greeting her when I went inside."You look terrible! Did something bad happen to you!" She exclaimed. "Well during work something happened so, it's a very long day for me." I laugh.

"Well get yourself cleaned up and eat dinner first, I'll bring your letters when I am done sorting them out." I excused myself, retreating back to my room. Once opening my room, immediately removed my oxford shoes and closed the door behind me. Removing my clothes and throwing them in my wash basket and took a cold bath, washing away all of the sweat and dirt all over my face.

I look up at the ceiling, closing my eyes and relaxing my body like it was nothing. After 20 minutes on the long soak, looking up at the ceiling. The investigation is going at a speed that I have never thought that I would accomplish. My whole body becomes numb 20 minutes later when I dried off with my towel. I brush straight long hair and tie it in a loose chignon. I wore my light pink nightgown and I start to cook rice and grilled chicken. I open my window, before turning on my stove.

The stove started to sizzle as I pour a glaze of oil, placing the chicken down the pan and at the same time cooking the rice in a pot. Preparing my food last 15 minutes later, plating them in new china plates and silver cutlery that I bought at a local general goods store many weeks ago.

I cleaned up my plate and place it down in my sink, washing it completely and wiping it dry. Ida hasn't come up and given me letters from the mailbox. I walk out of my room where and head downstairs, to see Edward downstairs. When coming down, I was already embarrassed of myself in this state.

"MR.DEAN!" She exclaimed. "What brings you here at this hour?"

"Sorry Ida for coming unannounced, but I have something to discuss with Detective Hammerstein about work." He avoids making eye contact with me, but at least he is respectful. "No problem Mr. Dean," She promptly gets up and hands me a stack of letters. Upon quickly scanning to see they're from mama, papa, Emile, and friends that I haven't written to in a long while."

We start to walk, "it's disrespectful to show up unannounced."

"Well, it won't take long, just give me your attention."

When reaching my room once more, I said to make himself comfortable while I get a bathrobe to cover myself up. But I look in the mirror to see myself with so much skin exposed for a nightgown. It's been so long since I've shown anyone this amount of skin, it's almost embarrassing.

I walk out of my room, to see him reading one chapter of a brand new book on hand, "Kilmeny of the Orchard," by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I haven't had the chance to read it, so this is a great opportunity to do so. "Goodness me Althea, why do you read such a frumpy novel here!" He whined. I snatch the book away from him, "I haven't enjoyed this novel for a long while! Don't judge me on that!"

"Besides the point of being here, my contacts have come with news that you might be happy to hear." I knew it would be long news to be hearing, so I ask him if he ate anything for dinner, which he didn't. I serve him the same grilled chicken and rice that I had. I went to my ice box of cold water and grabbed a bottle of vodka. I pour a cold glass of water and his eyes widened in surprise to see that I am holding a bottle of alcohol.

"I didn't know you drink." I look back and chuckle, "you want one?" He nods and I set it down on the table and grab little glasses from the cupboard.

"Where did you get the bottle of spirit?" He asks, sitting down at the creaky chair. "My father bought this spirit all the way in Russia before Prohibition was in full effect. He gave it to me as a present when I graduate from university. He told me this spirit has no scent attached to it and the taste is clean. Vodka is called. " I open the bottle up and took a whiff of the odorless spirit before pouring it into the tiny glasses. Edward made himself comfortable and all of the sudden made a sign of the cross.

"Blessed this food and drink in which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen." He did the sign of the cross once more and started to eat his dinner. The silence was unbearable, all I did was watch him eat and hear the scrapping of knife and fork together. The plate was clean and he made an X with the cutlery.

"Your cooking is delicious, much better than what I would usually cook." He laughs, as I take the plate off the table. "Well don't expect me to cook you something like that if you are visiting." I joked, washing it off in the sink. I put it aside after I cleaned it, as I see that the little glasses are there.

"This is the first time that to be drinking this." I smile. "It's an honor to do so." We both clink our glasses and drank it, with the alcohol going straight down my throat. Edward suddenly coughs, "God how can you keep a dignified look!"

"I'm used to drinking to strong spirits, but this is a different taste." He continued to cough as I continued to take another shot of vodka again. "So what are you going to tell me?" Edward gets something out of his jacket to see a manila envelope. I open up to see a face and a list of crimes that he was arrested for.

"How did you manage to get your contacts to get ahold of this information?" I ask. "Turns out, I don't have to wait three days. Price has asked around his wider contacts and they did not hesitate to spill one or more things that they had done in the past. Martin assault, soliciting a prostitute, and an attempted murder that's dropped due to lack of evidence." I let Edward ramble on and on about what he had found, I'm just surprised by the amount of influence he has, what is he?

"And would you be so surprised, Petra did time for her crimes but they are only misdemeanors such as showing indecent behavior but it does not involve the present case we have right now?" I sigh at the rapid progress of the case, "you never cease to amaze me, Edward Dean." I had him back the folder, and I drank the last glass of vodka, before putting it back in the ice box. "You don't want anymore?" I ask one last time which he declines drinking anymore, "I think one shot is good."

"By the way, what did you study while you studied at University of Pennsylvania?" He suddenly asks. "I studied psychology," I reply back, "as you can see on the wall right there." I pointed at the wall. He looks at the wall and examines it quietly.

"Your name," Edward points to the middle name, "Viola, reminds me of someone." He had his hand in his pocket and paused for a moment, surely he isn't talking about my old job? What am I talking about I don't think he would be the type to be going to shows 5 years ago, I wasn't the type for him to be attracting the type of crowd in my shows, more or less my performances.

"What does my middle name remind you of?" I ask. He turns to look at me, head going up and down, examining every being of me. "I don't know," Edward looks at me, with the most incredulous look on his face. I felt that immense surge of unknown fragments of time started to come together that it feels familiar, "it's been a long time, I just remember the name itself but the face, it's hard to make a face of it." He smiles and continues to look at my diploma as I finish up with the dishes.

After the whole cleanup, I escort Edward out of the building, with nothing to report on and just wants to keep me updated. "I talked to Chief Traver, and since you have been working very hard, you should take a day off."

I couldn't believe my ears, a day off?! "Pardon?"

"You have done the 3/4 of this whole investigation, I'll fulfill the other 1/4 of it," Edward explains, "you've been a great help to the whole of the investigation, and though we may have some disagreement between us, you make a great partner." That compliment made my heart skip a beat for some reason. "You have a way with words there," I tease, "but thank you for being a good partner, and I hope there are many years to working together." I extend my hand to his and gladly gives me a firm handshake.

His eyes glowed under this golden yellow streetlight, a tint of green and golden, just the beautiful specks, the ones you could get lost. "Make sure you drive home safe." I bid Edward goodbye as he got on his car and drives off to the dirty smoke of New York City. I stood there for a minute, aimlessly looking out to the distance before I go inside.

I went back to my room and close the door behind me, I haven't written anything to my family, especially Emilie, she would be fuming. I'm pampering myself and grab my letter opener, where I see Pierre's address.

My dearest Althea,

Since the last time we have seen each other, I had finally found a place and currently staying at the address that you see on the front of the envelope. So many things happened that we can set up a date to meet up. But on second thought, you have a penchant for giving a surprise of a lifetime. I await the sudden presence of the beautiful fairy of the west. There are so many stories that I have to tell you.

Your lovely manager,


I smiled, folding it back and slipping it back into the envelope. I'll pay a visit to dear Pierre.


Violet stopped reading the journal, where it finished loading up the picture onto the flash drive, and placed it somewhere it would be safe for now. From there, she starts to examine what the picture contains and the findings are as shocking as the last. Aside from drugs in large containers, laboratories can be found, and a much more horrifying fact is the amount of guns, homes, and girls, which she assumed were prostitutes.

"What in the world?" The more Violet looks at the photos, the more that something has to be done. With everything going on with her, it would be impossible to look at the situation now. She can't tell Granny Lou, not wanting to endanger her life just for the mess she made. Violet barely knows Harry Jung, she doesn't know what runs in his handsome mind of his. Then her train of thoughts, her phone rang see that her mom is calling her.

Violet can only laugh, it's been a month of radio silence, and has decided to call her when things start to become dangerous. "Hello," She greeted her, "you haven't called me since I came to Montana"

"Violet I was working just so I could pay off the things that you have been paying the debt you had given me." Her mom replied back, which made Violet roll her eyes. "But that's not the point that I'm trying to point here. I tried to call you from time to time, but you always end up not answering me. So the excuse of working 14 days and not contacting me is bullshit."

"Don't talk to your mother like that, what did that old woman say to you?!" She yelled back, and Violet can't help but yell back at her. She never truly understands her mother, whatever goes in her head. There were times in her life when she rarely saw her happy at anything that matter. Great grades, colleges, or anything in that particular, she's dissatisfied.

"Mom, Granny Lou has not said anything ill about you, while you are here making things that aren't true!" Violet doesn't know who to believe anymore, so in the end, she ended her phone call with her mother, and sat there in silence, as the tears in her eyes flow down uncontrollably.

Violet found herself sobbing alone, with the light only illuminating of what the room is inside. Then she heard a knock on the door and looking up there was a slight opening and from a heartbeat, "Granny Lou?"

"Was that your mother on the phone with you? I can hear you yelling through the walls." She closes the door behind her and sat down next to Violet, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this." She gave a weak smile and all she did was hug her tightly. "Your mother is still angry with me to this day isn't she?"

Violet looked at her, and the silence says a lot, and all Granny Lou did was sigh. "Your mother, she was never like this. She was much happier before, and all of the sudden, after your father died, she decided to blame everything on me. All of the shortcomings that I am as a mother, and such painful words after his memorial. That's when she cursed me to live my life until I die alone."

Granny Lou laughed and her eyes are filled with sadness, "you're a young child when your mother has said poisonous thoughts on your mind. But what I don't understand is why she would send her only daughter to Montana, when you don't like me." She continued to laugh as if anger is invisible.

"Granny Lou," Violet quietly murmured, "I'm sorry if mom has said those things to you and even to the point that it started to believe in it." Granny Lou cupped her face and kissed her on the forehead.

"There is nothing to say sorry about Violet. It's not your fault." They both hugged it out until her eyes looked at the mess on the floor.

"I can explain what the mess is all about Granny, and to come clean with you that I have been going out of town and investigating what is happening in Big Sky," Granny Lou's face became grave, "the incident that I am in is not isolated. They are taking advantage of the quietness of the town, and they starting a business here which could possibly ruin the very safety here."

Granny Lou was silent for a while, and has no clue what to say. "Violet, I am worried for your safety, and maybe we should let the police do their job." She finally replied back. But Violet, on the other hand, despite asking for updates, their excuse was always, investigating these types of things takes a while to do.

"Granny it's been weeks since the police have made any updates on me and all they told us is nothing. If they are not doing anything, then I don't know who will." Violet held her hand tightly, "I will be extra careful. I will find out why this town is turning into a shithole."

Violet, for the first time, has found a purpose.


Epilogue: Trying to get over you.

Recommended song: Stuck in love: Kim Kyung Hee

Before Edward leaves Althea's home, he looks around her place, with photographs of herself and most especially her family, all together in one little piece of film. He finds himself smiling, just wondering what kind of life did she had back in her home. Her hair swept through the cool air and ran wild and free to the vast grasslands. Then his eyes follow through the diploma she has on the wall. "Althea Viola Hammerstein, who has finished the Course for a said degree, in a manner satisfactory to the faculty and by this diploma, has invested her with all the rights, privileges, and honors everywhere pertaining to this degree."

She graduated as the only female valedictorian in an all-male class within the college of medicine, a feat that is unheard of. But that is not the only thing he wonders about, the middle name, Viola, seems familiar. "Your name, Viola reminds me of someone." He says. "What does my middle name remind you of?" Althea asks. He stays silent before he replies back with, "I don't know." He stops to look at her, squinting his eyes to recall any striking features that this Viola had.

"It's been a long time, I just remember the name itself but the face, it's hard to make a face of it." He smiles at her and continues to look at the diploma, 5 years seems like a long-forgotten memory that has come to her quietly. Edward felt that he had overstayed, after all, he has already told her what she needs to hear. He calls it a night and Althea escorts her out, all the way down to the lobby.

Edward almost forgot another piece of news that she needs to tell. A day off is what she needs for the time being, after all, she worked diligently to get an unexplained amount of evidence needed to charge Martin for his crimes. Once he approached Chief Traver with this request, there was no hesitation to do so. She has done so much and it's his turn to take justice once more and do its due justice once more.

The small smile that she displayed on her face was all it needed to reaffirm. As he drives off away, he looks in the side mirror, despite all of the dust and smoke that was left behind, she was still there, not disappearing from his sight. Only when they are now apart, she was no longer there. His mind remained stuck on Althea's simple smile, as he disappears into the hectic and now bustling New York City.

Meanwhile, someone lurks in the shadows of darkness. There he was looking at the window in Althea's room. A smile still brandishes in his mind, a whisper coming from his mouth, "Callista." He extends his hands out, a dream that was all too attainable, within his reach, but soon becomes apparent that something is holding him back.

He can't help but continue to whisper her name, those sweet lips that he had longed for her to say completely, without no falter. "Mr. Brichese," called out his loyal associate, "shall we get going?"

He gives a final glance at Althea before he turns his head away and starts to walk in the dark alleyways of New York City, the place not even he wants to go to.