The True Beginning


I'm… I'm a child. Like a full-blown infant.

I never really believed in any higher power. I've never felt that there was anything above me or humanity for that matter, not out of pride or anything of that sort, just that I've never seen anything proving they existed. If you can't tell, I was a bit of an atheist. At this point in time, I'm still a bit on edge about things, because there's also a possibility that souls are real and this is how I was reborn. What if my soul was so strong I retained my memories from my past life? But there are inconsistencies in that theory as well. How am I in the past? Why do I look different? The history of this place was also different? My mind is far faster, clearer, and eidetic. I felt far smarter than I ever was. How is this possible?

With my new mind, I can retain everything, including my last set of memories. The last memory of my past dying mind was brought to my attention with these thoughts. I had essentially wished to go to the marvel universe with a level of intelligence incomprehensible to my past self.

The pace of my mind was that of a super-computer on steroids and this is what let me figure out where I was. I'd been in this life for around 3 months and the English language hadn't changed to the point that I couldn't understand it. My mother talked constantly about her adoration of the past hero, Captain America and she'd also talked a couple of times about a murderer named Victor Creed, going by the name Sabretooth, when he was around town for a month or so.

I was truly amazed and honestly, I couldn't be more excited. I was in a world of gods, magic, superhumans, and items capable of intergalactic destruction. To say the least, I wasn't an atheist any longer. My first plan of attack is to get stronger mentally and physically. I want to be at the top of this world and eventually create my empire. Let it be known that my empire was already being planned in 1990 when I was 3 months old.


Growing up in the '90s wasn't hard. I was an active kid and thankfully, at 3 years old, having fluid, albeit simple, conversations wasn't weird or odd. Unfortunately, reading is. I can't truly further my knowledge without books or the internet and there's no way I can invent something without people being suspicious of me. Sure, I could probably complete a study on almost anything before a person who's spent years studying the subject and then wrote a book on it could, but I don't exactly have the faculties for it yet either.

Something I was capable of was keeping myself healthy and fit. I would run and eat much more than any child would, but this was only to keep a fit body growing up. Though my parents were amazed at me being able to walk and run with the grace of a cat at my age.

Speaking of parents, mine weren't awful. I can't say they were amazing people, but they did their job. They took care of me and kept me a healthy boy. They weren't as loving as normal parents should be, but they were busy and I understood. My father had a managerial position in a very respectable company and my mother was a stay at home mom with a vindictive streak. Unfortunately, my father wasn't the most faithful of men and she could see it as well. Too bad nobody would care. My father brought in a lot of money, so we were comfortable, but she still got back at him with other people. He spent most of his time at work or with other women and my mother spent half of her time with me, taking care of me, or with other people.

Now, normally this would cause childhood trauma in most kids, but I couldn't care less. I had other priorities, plus I didn't even really see them as parents. I saw them as a distant aunt and uncle because I still had too many fond memories of my past parents. They didn't have a whole lot of play in my life and when they were around I was just an uninteresting kid to them.


Being 11 has its perks. I can read everything at the library without attracting people's attention and I can run and do light workouts without it being too weird. I was a computer scientist before and with my intellect, the stuff I knew before was like putting together megablox. Unfortunately, the only reason I knew those things was because I studied them. I don't suddenly know new things and can know things immediately from hearing about them. I've never studied things in other fields so I still have to study them now. Something about that growing up in the past is that the fields of study aren't as advanced. I still had to study other things regardless. Thankfully, with my mind, I can make my own advancements past what I knew now.

I must've read thousands of books up till now and I've only gotten smarter. I've gone from library to library taking in everything I could, including fiction. You never know when inspiration will strike or what can help with ideas. Like recently I realized I don't have to create or invent something compared to the internet to speed things up just to make my life easier, I can just create something made especially for me and have no one be the wiser.

Planning something like this wasn't super hard either. Before my rebirth, it was my job to know the latest advancements in computer hardware, plus programming came as a big requirement. The only true challenge I may have is getting the ingredients to make my own true computer. Though it may be a bit cliche, I will also be making my own A.I. Unless I had an ability that allowed me to Directly interface with a computer using my mind, I needed some help from the inside.

I've done all I can to further what I know, but I need to be further along with my plan before I step up into the big leagues. My next goal will be to get the components necessary for my companion to be born and loyal only to me.