
Adilen the first new death knight of the lich kings army atares intently at their destruction. At least eight checkpoints have been hit. In all eight only one wight died. 

Now he planned to extend that to nine checkpoints. However after his last attack the city of Farevie has increased secureity to its maximum. Now these lone checkpoints had adventurers manning them alongside the normal troop and even a mix of soldiers from the inner walls.

A bowl of nails i tell you, but not a lost cause. Adilen watched for moments longer, grasping his hammer lightly. 

"Follow me, we strike fast and leave!"

Adilen bolted, his entourage of wights followed with a groaning battle cry!

The checkpoint clearly saw them! 

"Their here!"

There were four adventurers, twenty soldiers and fifty guards verses Adilen, and nineteen wights.

By the naked eyes they were easily outnumbered, but by quality they beat them. Each wight could fight ten men, let alone adventurers. Where as the adventurers who took this call to action were in the lower ranks of the guild. If they took these boring jobs before a coming war. They earn merit, though small. Such merit gives them access to larger missions and should a war start they are put forth into the frontlines.

Given the nature of the adventurers life, that was a golden opportunity to rise ranks. Which is unfortunate that they now face this foe. A death knight alone was a major target, but those wights.. They didn't have the strength to fight them at their large number. Not to say they cant, but given the numbers they knew. The guards are akin to cannon fodder, but the soldiers have some merit in they are rigorously trained. 

Okay.. Perhaps they can level the playing feild, just by the skin of their teeth..


Roge, Fyr, Kent and Squik were the adventurers facing the charging dead.

Roge was a man standing at 6'4" shouldering a bulky set of heavy armor and wielding a maul, he was the first to vault over the checkpoints low wall, unclipping his maul before rushing to meet the death knight head on! 

"RAHHH come here big guy!"

Fyr grimiaced at their leaders bold actions, they themselves draped in a light green robe, wooden vines akin to a crown on their head. Surprisingly, Fyr wasnt human, but an elf!

"Ahh.. These things arent so simple Roge!"

She balled up her fist before extensing it, thumb pressed upwards against her curlded pointer finger. She muttered something other her breath, a red light encompassing Roge, and her other companions. 

They felt a series of effects take place.

[ Regenerative boost ], [ Greater Strength Boost ], [ Agility boost ]!

She exhaled looking up with an already tired expression. Boosting the state of three people easily took over sixty percent of her mana. 

Elves excelled in mana, if anything given age and training, it can easily reach thousands. Though Fyr is still young, she has yet to pass the first thousand. Her spells are in the lesser category. As they vaguely cover more at the expense of a high cost.

Kent beside her smiled, nodding thanks as he knocked two arrows, both glowing with a dangerous light. He awaited the opportunity to strike as enchanted arrows were a luxury amongst most ranks. Unpess you had a tinkerer nearby. But even then-

Squik adjusted his goggles while watching intently. He had built said enchantment, but he was nowhere near the better enchantments. Only sitting around the second circle in runecraft. His crafts were rather low end but the damage output was what mattered most.

Adilen leaned forward, the hammer laying on his shoulder zipped upwards, then came down with a whoosh!

Roge met him halfway, swinging his Maul in an uppercut!

Surprisingly, both weapons met head on, one from below, one from above!


A ringing shockwave blasted both weapons back, the clash between two strengths ringing the bell for a beginning clash. Wights charged past Adilen, much to Roge's surprise.

But could do nothing as Adilen leaned into attack and met blow with blow, their exchange of parrying through brute force clanging each time.

The wight's on the other hand rushed with varying weapons and strong armors. Yet before they drew too close and the checkpoint could rally to the adventurers help, Kent pulled back his bow string firing two enchanted arrows down range just as the wights ran past the soon to be impact zone! 



Two fierce explosions enveloped the wights, it be foolish to assume they ddint know what was attacking them after the first few hit and runs. Squik made sure to make a few retaliatory surprises for their undead freinds.

Yet as he mentioned before, it was a work in progress. Rather low end..

The wights charged out of the heated debris, their armor warped from the heat, some of their weapons weaker than before and there leathery skin appears to now be seared!

"Hmm, i suppose some more oofth was needed.." Squik muttered, whilst Kemt notched another two enchanted arrows. Though they were the last ones.

He repeated his action, another two fierce explosions enveloped them killing a few wights, but most of them still managed fine.

Kent grinded his teeth as he stepped back, though he heard a roar as both guards and soldiers charged past!

Squik patting Kent on the back.

"Give me a few hours and I can make a few more.. Stronger ones"


Roge appeared above them, a dark figure over him! Kent's eyes widened as he grabbed both Fyr and Squik trying to move out of the way!


The ground cracked underfoot as Roge's face was plastered into the street, blood splashed across the dirt. Yet Roge was healing at a visible rate. However Adilem was not having any of it. 

He picked the man up by his skull grabbed his neck with the other and uttered a chilling phrase that everyone understood and heard. After all Adilen spoke their language.

"Survive.. This.. You filthy casual"

Adilen yanked down and up, removing the spine and head from Roge's body. The man screamed even after that the regenerative boost trying to heal him, but only causes damage. He screamed in agony for what help like an eternity unto Fyr canceled it.. She cried and backed away.

Adilen signed

"Why did you do that elf? I wanted to hear that for a little longer.. You're the mage right.. Dont run"

His distorted voice echoed, drowning out the clash of sword and axes. An arua of killing intent so thick it was visible warped the air around Adilen as he raised his hammer.

"Now.. Scream for me!"