Crusaders March Part 2

Just outside of The Great Evils land border of the empire and kingdom.

The crusade tiredly set up camp, having triple timed it. Even after their stamina elixirs ran out they hurried, slowing by the minute until their troop reached the borders.

Only understanding this when their exhausted eyes looked upon a ruined checkpoint. 

One of the outpost towers having collapsed into most of the path, the other riddled in arrows, though there weren't any corpses. There was blood, the palisades themselves seemed just as damages if not covered in blood.

Leon wiped his hand using a minor blessing on his troops. Restoring their stamina to at least half its peak. 

He had to be mindful of the blessings used. They could use another stamina elixir given each had at least three, however they couldnt restock those. So this would do.

Leon walked towards the checkpoint, Frederick followed as Leon waved him over.

"You think they came early?"