Chapter 2 A New Friend

She woke up to falling rain drops on her body. She was sore. "What happened?" Alpha looked around in pain, then she looked up, and saw the cliff. "Oh, right." Alpha tried to stand, but was too weak, and was in pain to do anything, but lay. Even that was painful. She didn't know how long she was down there, or what time it was. She also didn't care, she needed to get back up, and save HER pack. She just rested to let some of the pain pass away.

She woke back up again some time later, the rain had stopped, but how good it smelled. The Mountains were in a drought. So the smell, and growth were a miracle to her. On the down side, it's wet, and when it dries it stinks. Mud now stuck to her fur, and worms, and other insects were out. Some of the trees shaded her from the sun, but the sun was mostly gone in Spring, so she didn't need to worry about heat stroke. She slept again, for that's all she could do, for she was in great pain.

Then something woke her up. It was a Barrow badger. "Oh sorry, I was tending your wounds, please don't hurt me."

"Oh no, you're good. Thank you, my pain has lessened down. I was wondering who was doing it."

"Can you walk?"

"Let me try." It took her a few moments, but she stood. "How long have I been here?"

"About a week or two."

"Do you have anything to eat?"

"I have fish."

"That'd be perfect."

Barrow lead Alpha to his tree house. He gave her a raw salmon. She ate it quickly, scarfing it down with barely a breath. "Thank you for all of...this."

"Oh it's nothing, but what pack do you belong to?"

"The Columbine one. Why?"

"Oh, you better hurry, and get some sense knocked into that horrible Rocky's head."

"He's my brother."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, it's okay, I'm used to it."

"Well, I've helped you as much as I could. Better be on your way."

"Okay thank you, once again!" Alpha left Barrow badger be.

"You should meet Birch, The Deer!"

"Thank you! I'll be on my way!"

With the helpful note from Barrow, Alpha knew where to go. She was walking, slowly with a limp, and couldn't go long distances either. She came across a tree and laid down to rest. She had a dream about her pack. It wasn't an ordinary dream though. It was different. It had the whole mountain on fire, with Rocky standing on top of the mountain with a devilish look. He had red eyes and wings. Alpha was at the bottom, scared. She woke up to a leaf on her snout. She blew it off, and went back to sleep. She woke up to see a night sky full of stars. A bright moon, too. She stood up, and walked to the open field by her, to star gaze. She had a smile on her face. Memories came from when she was little, when everything was perfect. Mom, Dad, Rocky, and her, the good old days. She blinked, and everything was gone. Her smile disappeared, and she went back to the tree to sleep.