Chapter 3 A New Battle

She woke back up, to an aching soreness, accompanied by an aching pain, and the putrid scent of dried blood. Luckily there was a pond near her, so she slowly walked to it. She enjoyed the smell of fresh water, and the feeling of the dirt falling off her fur. She dove in the water, so every inch of it was wet and clean. Then she climbed back out, and shook herself dry. She walked back to the tree, in search of Barrow's friend, Birch. Then around noon a deer came into the meadow to graze. "Hey, are you Birch, Barrow's friends?"

Stunned the deer turned, and looked at the rock like creature next to the tree. "Um...Yes?"

"Barrow told me to find you, so you could make me feel better."

"Oh, he did? Well, um, let's go then."


"If you don't mind me asking, what pack are you from?"


"Oh, no wonder why you're here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you challenge Rocky?"

"No, he's my brother. He challenged me."

"Oh, so what happened?"

"My Father died, and then Rocky showed his true, ugly colors."

"What about your Mother? Wouldn't she help you against Rocky?"

"She died a few months after we were born."

"Oh, oh, um jeez, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, so what's wrong with Rocky now?"

"Well he's killing way too many animals, the ecosystem just might collapse if he continues, even some of the weaker members of his own pack."

"Oh well why did Badger send me to you?"

"To gain power in your legs to be able to outrun him if it comes to that." Suddenly Birch ran off, but Alpha stood still, confused. "What?"

Later Birch came back with a fish in her mouth. "Here, for you. You might need to stay with me for a long time, well longer than you stayed with Badger."

"Thanks, and no that won't be a problem."

"Okay, good, let's go home now."

Weeks passed, and Birch and Alpha were training in a field to gain Alpha's speed, when another wolf showed up. The wolf bared its teeth. "What are you doing here?" Alpha asked with a low growl in her voice.

"To get meat," his head pointed to Birch.

"She's not meat, she's muscle, and she's already claimed." Birch stood still looking petrified with terror.

"Well let's fight anyway to see who's worthy for this meat."

"Alpha don't do this, your still too weak."

"I have to, it's the only way." Scared, unsure, and weak, yet fulminded Alpha took a confident step forward. "Okay, if you want to fight….then fight!"

Alpha leapt at the wolf with her claws out, teeth bared, dug into his skin. He ran off scared. Alpha collapsed and passed out. She saw Birch run toward her.