When she woke up, she was in a cold cave.
"Stay down, I don't want you to pass out again."
"Who are you? Where's Birch?"
"She's safe, she came to me to help you."
"Who are you?"
"Mountain Lion, or Hunter. I will be helping you recover. Then you will go to someone else who will help you fight."
"Thank you."
"Here, eat." Hunter gave Alpha fish to eat.
"How long was I out?'
"Three days."
"Why did I pass out?"
"You weren't ready, and you still weren't well."
"Yeah I suppose that's true."
"Now sleep, and heal. Wake up when you're ready to train."
"Okay." Alpha slept for two more days, still hurt from the fall of the cliff. When she was ready, she woke up, and headed to the open end of the cave that was on a cliff. She looked at her surroundings, and breathed in cold, moist, fresh air, that brought shivers down her spine. She shook herself to wake up.
"You ready?"
"Yes, this is a nice place."
"Thanks, this is where I was born."
"What happened to your parents?"
"They died of age, but I got over it, and they died happy."
"Well, I'm glad they didn't suffer."
"So what pack are you from anyway?"
"The Columbine one, I know you're going to freak out too."
"Eh, I could care less, but you need to get back there. I already killed some wolves from the pack."
"They were old too, so it wouldn't make much of a difference."
"Eat, then we train."
Hunter gave Alpha some fish, and water. Then they trained for the day. After a week of training to fight other things Hunter know Alpha was ready to meet Freedom the eagle. So she sent her off to meet him.
"She's by the river!"
With regained strength, Alpha was able to run again, though with a slight limp, to the river.