Waking up I ate my breakfast while reading a book. My father is still asleep so he didn't come for breakfast with mother and me.

"Shiori. Don't read a book while eating." Mother say to me with kind tones. I just nod at her and letting go of my book.

"I have a plan today so I will be back a bit late." Saying this mother's shock at me. It's because I never have been out late.

But she didn't seem to mind it and just nod at me with a smile. I just walk on my own to school. Before going there someone call for me.

"Shiomiya-san!" That person is Katsuragi-san. I blush seeing him. Just why did I send a message to him last night. It's the first time I send a message to a boy my age and that is to ask for help.

"Katsuragi-san." I'm still shy about saying something with a loud voice. The best I can do is to talk without stutter around.

"Let's walk together to the school." He asks me with a smile making me blush and nodding at him a bit.

"So, what's the plan?" He ask me while the two of us walk together side by side. Though sometimes our hands touch I quickly pull back my hand.

"Huh?" Is the only thing I can let out not understand of what he asks from me just now.

"You know the plan to save books in the library?" Oh, that plan. Yes. Yes, that plan.

"Uhm, can we talk about that at lunch. Uhm, I bring. I bring a lunch box for you so we can eat together. If you have no problem with that of course." I give him a nice lunch box with a good and balance lunch that I made this morning. Uhm, I hope he likes it.

"Thank you." He put the box inside his bag.

"Uhm, see you later then." Saying this I just run from him. Hoping that he didn't see that I already blush very hard because of how embarrassing it is.

Arriving at school I go straight to my class and sit on my cair. Hoping break time arrives early. While waiting and listening to the teacher I put a plan on how to save books inside the library in my notebooks.

Finally, it's break time. I go to the rooftop instead of the library to talk with Katsuragi-san about the plan I made. The plan was to get a petition from students so they won't be just getting throw. Or worsed destroyed.

When I arrived there is Katsuragi-san, his sister, and someone else if I'm not wrong Hikigaya-san who is quite popular for being cute and one of the top rankers.

"Uhm, Katsuragi-san. I'm here."

"Oh, sorry that I bring to much. I just thought that we should not do this alone you know. More people can help us so it will be easier." Saying this he made me nod myself at his logic. It's not wrong. But there is some crunch feeling at my heart for some reason that we would not do this just the two of us.

"He, so you are Shiomiya-san huh. Nice to meet you. I'm Komachi Hikigaya. You can call me Komachi."

"Ehm, Nice to meet you Komachi-san. I'm Shiomiya Shiori. Please call me Shiori." I just look down at my feet.

"Nii-sama told us that you want to save the book from the library so we thought we should help too." His sister, Elsie Katsuragi added.

Then I explain why I want to save the library about how there is a plan to just throw it away and there is even suggested to just burn it. We shouldn't burn books.

"Your suggestion is good. But the first reason why there is modernization in the library is because there is not many people care about book right?"

I feel like my hope is crush. "Then what should we do?"

"How about this? While there is definitely many book that need to get replaced because they're really old the paper is already frail we should save the good one and maybe we can donate it." Thinking about what he said made me wondering about his suggestion.

It's not wrong. While I love books. What I want to do is save books that still good and shouldn't get destroy. So maybe donate it can do. And it will help so many people who love books.

"I agree with your suggestion. But how will you do that?"

���Nah, leave it me." Saying this he smiles and the bell rung again so we go back to the class after that.