It's different huh. Saying this I can't help but to sigh at the plan. In Anime and Manga because Shiori alone want to protect her books she made a rash decision that closed herself inside the library.

It's not something bad perse. Just will it change things? Who know? I will just do what I supposed to do. Just like usual.

"So, you want to talk about our decisions regarding how we handle the books huh." Fujidera the leader of the Library Committee said this while helping herself to the green tea inside her office.

"Something like that."

"I don't know who gave you the idea about this. Why do you suddenly care about what we do?"

"A friend asks for help. There is nothing I can beside helping her." Saying this I can see her eyes widen a bit.


"Who knows? Maybe!"

"I know. I already see the two of you the past few days together. It's strange someone who is always inside the library would suddenly not be there and talking with someone else. And this someone else happens to talk about the issue for tomorrow which shouldn't be known except the teacher who already agreed to what we do."

"How about it? I can do it for you guys if you can't. My agent can." Of course, this agent is someone who is still pissed at me for the late novel and manga I haven't submitted yet for this week.

"You already talk with the teachers?" I nod. For this, I should talk with them first and there are many who didn't really agree so that help too.

"I already do that long before I talk to you. So don't worry about that."

"Huh. Well, it's not like I can't reject this offer seeing this is actually the best we can do. You know, actually we didn't really want to throw away. Like you, we want to donate it at first. But many people don't want to work that hard. What a pity." Saying this she sigh at her committee.

"We are in agreement then?" I shake her hand.

"We do."

"Also Katsuragi-san!" I look at her for a bit at what she wants to say.

"If you hurt Shiori you will pay for it. She is our member after all."

"I don't plan to."

Thus for tomorrow instead of throw the books away they put the book inside the bag I gave them so we can donate it.

Finishing the donation Shiori ask me to talk for a bit before the two of us going home.

"Thank you for doing this for me Katsuragi-san." There are just the two of us.

"Call me Keima."

"Then please call me Shiori." Saying this she come closer and kiss me.

The lost souls inside her heart finally get out and from far away I can see Elsie caught it in her bottle.

After that, she runs again leaving me alone. What is this? This guilty feeling. I just shake my head hoping the guilty feeling wash away. Few minutes after that I go back to my home and checking my phone there is a massage from Azazel.

"So, I don't know if you are interested in it but I get 3 tickets for you so you can watch Gremory's Parrage next fight. If you are interested that is." There 3 tickets appear.

Hm, what should I do? Should I go? Who should I take? Beside Elsie that is. 3 tickets for next weeks huh.

And how can I go there even if I have this? Before I get to massage Azazel the system answers for me.

[This ticket will get Host teleport to the destination when it's time.]

Oh, how convenient. Thank you system.

[Your welcome, host]

Saying this I reply to Azazel that I will think about it. There is also a massage from what I assume is Yasaka.

"Can we talk? I hear from Azazel that he gave you a ticket. We can talk when we are there." I just replied, "Sure." Leaving that I just let it all go and sleep.