The next day comes and school goes as usual. That is until Komachi comes to get me after school is over and before I can go home with Elsie.
"We need to talk." She says this with a serious face and tones that I practically can't make a joke on.
"Let's get to the rooftop. We will talk there." She nods and following from behind. Different than usual where she stood beside me. I can practically feel her stare from behind.
Finally, the two of us are alone. "So what is this about?"
"What happen to Shiori?" I raise my eyebrow. "What happen to her?"
"Don't act stupid. I know you know what I mean. Why did she forget me." Ah, she find out huh. The question is how? Because she has sacred gear obliviously. And know most of my secrets. Is that so Nana?
[Host is right.]
I frown at myself. How should I go about this? Can I actually tell her about this? Yes, I can. Elsie and the devils may not know this. But the coker in my neck is nothing more than a decoration. Their contract won't work on me if I suddenly decide to heck with it. I only use it because it's convenient for myself right now.
"Sigh. So you finally know huh."
"Out with it. Give me the truth. I want it now."
"Well, then let me explain what actually happen..." It took a bit but I explain the gist of things to her. Not everything of course. Not about how I'm a reincarnated person. But of how my contract with Devil. Like I said.
"How many?"
"How many did you kiss?"
"Ukh, Komachi. What I'm saying is shocking I know. But how can you just concentrate on that?" I scratch my cheek seeing this.
"Uggh. You. How can you do something like this without telling me? Ugghhh." Seeing her grumble actually made me nervous. Women, always made men nervous no matter how strong you are huh.
I just laugh a bit but stop at seeing her glare.
"Come here." She point the empty side beside her.
"Oke." I approaches her and sit beside her. "Look at me." I look at her. Her indigo eyes mesmerize me.
Then suddenly she kisses me. I widen my eyes. Of course, I didn't reject it. I actually kind of like this. This warm feeling. Huh.
"To though this is not your first kiss." Saying this I look at her beautiful face. Her eyes shining brightly at me. Seeing she nod a bit I kiss her back. And I enjoy it. and I know Komachi enjoys it too because we didn't let go of ourselves until we hear the bell rung.
"So..." The two of us didn't go yet.
"I'm your girlfriend now."
"But... I still have to...." She shake her head. "Do I look like I care about that?" She really didn't care about that huh.
I also explain to her how this contract actually work and thought it wouldn't work on me I still will work with the devil until all lost soul is captured. Or well until the Goddesses seals them again. Of course, it wouldn't be long after all.
My mind works over how should I go about this. Then I decide just to let do it. Not like there is anyone who can stop me from doing this with someone I actually have feeling for.
"You will do as you are supposed to do. It's not like I care about that. It's just. I have been lonely all this time you know. So I don't care if there is someone else so long as they know about me and you. And I don't mind sharing." She kiss me again.
Finishing this bit of kissing I told her about the tickets from Azazel and she told me that she will come. Said that she wants to see other worlds.
The two of us decide to go home. When telling mom that the two of us are together mom smile happily and laughs hugging the two of us.
Elsie on the other hand got quite. I told her to come to my room so we can talk about things. And so things didn't get messy.