After all the hassle that happen yesterday, I confirm that no one remembers Kunou is even here in the first place. Only Komachi and Elsie remember but like I told them don't mind it too much that the memory is already over.

"So, Elsie. I actually have 3 tickets to watch the rating game between Gremory and Bael. You want to watch with me?" I ask her. Because I really hasn't asked this of her so I have t confirm it. it was next Sunday so around 5 days from now. If you included this day it will be 6 days from now.

"Eh... Nii-sama have tickets? Where did you get it?" Ask Elsie with shock expression.

"I told you that Azazel is my acquaintance right? He gave it to me. So you wanna come? Komachi will come too?"

"Is that alright? Nii-sama I know you are strong but we are gonna go to devil territory you know?"

"Don't worry. No one will be aware we are there at all. We will be with Azazel in secluded post."

"Oh, okay. I wanna come. Please take me too. It's so pricey there you know? There is no way I can get it even if I use my yearly salary."

"Ho, is that so? Then it was a good thing Azazel gave it to me. We will go there this Sunday. So is there lose souls you find with my clones yesterday?"

"Uhmu about that. We didn't find one. We search the whole area too. I was really tired because of that."

"Well, if you find one hurry and tell me then. I will give you one more clones today."

"Okay." With that, I left Elsie to go search Komachi.

It seems like she is already in school saying that she choose to join the karate club because she wants to get more training and all that feeling she is weak when Bikou attempt to hold her hostage. I told her it's fine that I can protect her but she insist to join martial art club so she can get more experience. Uhm, about that club.

"You are to slow Hikigaya." The girl with long hair and karate uniform shout at her. There are only 2 of them there. like in the story no one attempt to join because of how harsh Kasuga Kusunoki is.

"Yes, Senpai." I can see that Komachi is trying her hardest to push-up there. she usually can go push up with me to 300 in 1 hour. She didn't really focus on strong. More on speed type.

"Yo!" I called her. Making her and Kasuga see me.

Well, Kasuga didn't really care about me.

"So you are Katsuragi." When she said this she glares at me. What is it? Did she have a problem with me?

"I heard about you. Hikigaya say you teach her a few things and that you are strong."

Komachi stop her pushup and look at me with her grins. Making me chuckle, "Is that so?"

"I doubt it. You don't seem like that strong at all. You actually look like a weak person." She say this while glaring harder at me.

"You can stop Hikigaya-san. We will our training after school is over." Saying this she left us.

"Such arrogant girl," I mutter this to myself. She is really arrogant huh. If she actually thinking she amount to anything.

Truthfully I didn't really care much about Kasuga. There is just one fact that I can't shake in my heart to the original series about her. She should be Mars's host instead of Yui Gouda. Not to be rude at Yui. But you won't really know how her capturing went if you didn't read the comic. If you are only watching the anime you will be confused about how she can be that important in the 3rd season anime. That's actually how I feel at the anime that is.

"Kasuga-senpai really is strong huh. She even surpass my training that you give me."

"Kasuga is more rook type. You are a bishop. And a knight too. You remember about my explanation regarding Evil Piece right? Take that as an example." she nodded at this and actually look worried.

"Yeah, it was actually quite a trouble system. The evil piece that is. Is there anything that can undo it?"

"I can undo it pretty much. I haven't tested it yet but I'm pretty sure there is treasure that can undo it inside my gate. Oh yeah, here your water. You must be thirsty right. You are sweating so much."

She pouts at me, "Don't tell a woman they are sweating. You will be slapped by them."

"But thank you for the water."

"Of course. Well, go change yourself. We have to go back to class now."