When Komachi finish change to her school uniform I look at her. Her sweat is showing because she is just finishing her training. She is really beautiful.

"What are you staring at perv. We have to go back. Let's go." Saying this she grins at me and pulls my hand. We hold our hands together until the class. We did hear some people call us a couple for some of the times it seems there is rumor about it going around. It doesn't really matter. It's not like I will make a girl fall in love with me like how Keima did in the original. True some of them if they get their memory back may have some feeling. But falling in love? I don't really know about that. We will cross that bridge later I guess.

Besides we didn't confirm it when people ask. We just keep quiet. It's a good thing that Komachi is really understanding of what I'm doing right now.

It was at this time Elsie come and suddenly whisper to me she found one while searching this morning.

For now we have some studies. So while everyone focuses there I just thinking of things really. But suddenly someone called my name,


"KATSURAGI." This time louder. "Yes, yes. What is it Nikaido-sensei?"

"Is my teaching bore you? If so please come to meet me when the school's over."

I can only sigh the other laugh a bit but with a glare from Nikaido, everyone becomes quiet again.

It's break so Komachi, Elsie, and I are in the rooftop. The three of us talk about who is my next target. Komachi seems surprised about who is it but I didn't really. Because it's really her time next.

Yeah, Kasuga Kusunoki is the next one.

"It was quite troublesome this time. Not like the other she actually is headstrong. And according to Komachi detest anything that can be called cute. How should we go about this?"

"How did you do everyone before then? I know how you conquer Shiori because I'm there but how did you make the other full again?"

"We are only trying to fill the gap in their heart. With Takahara, I show her that she shouldn't mind others but just do her best. With Aoyama, I show her that it's fine to be proud. But be proud of what you have right now. Not what you have already lost. With Kanon, I show that she isn't invisible and that she really has people that care about her. And lastly, with Shiori, I just show her that it's fine to let your voice out as long as you don't hurt people with what you say."

Komachi twitch her eyes at the mention of the girls I kissed before her.

"Hmph, and you kiss all of them."

"Come now. We already talk about that. I didn't really think they are going to kiss me at the time. So please forgive me, my love!"

"Sigh, I know. I know. Fine. I forgive you. So how will you go about this?"

"Elsie found out more about her. Like before. Komachi, can you found out why she didn't like cute things? Maybe we will get something from there."

"I will do that Nii-sama."

"I will see what I can do."

"The faster we finish this the better. As you know Lost souls isn't something that can be kept too long if there is one already active inside people's hearts."

They nodded their head. We spend our time talking about what we will need to get when we are in the underworld. Elsie told us that though there is any food in there not many you actually want to eat. So it will be better if you bring it yourself. So Komachi decide to cook for us. I am also a bit curious about their food. There is indeed many kind. The kind that you don't want humans to eat. And the kind that very similar to food in the human world.

Finally deciding that it will we as usual we come back to class. And finishing all of the class till school's over for the day. Komachi says she will be training with Kasuga again and I send Clones with Elsie.

"So why did you call me here, Sensei?"