Finally, it's nearly night. The day that is the Rating Game in the underworld. The day starts with Elsie waking me up and after that, the talk with Komachi happen. Also, bringing Komachi to Hanging Garden. Mom, like usual goes somewhere from Saturday Night and will be back on Sunday or Monday. I think Mom in this reality didn't really quit motorbike life.

"When are we going there?" Asked Komachi while playing with her phone.

"You want to go now? Well, it won't be too long. We can just teleport there right now. But we can also wait till it starts."

"Let's go there now, Keima-kun." Said Elsie.

"She is right. It's not like there is nothing to do here right now." When Komachi also want to go now I decide to active them.

"It will be active at 1 minute later. In the meantime, I will give you two something." In those kinds of occasion and when present myself to those who can't be considered enemy or friend but only neutrality I decide to use the golden armour that Gilgamesh uses in fate series. That's actually in the gate. Like I said. There is many things there. And not like I know what it's called so I decide to just call it Gil-Gold Armour. Simple.

There is also women armour so I think it can match mine.

"Do we have to wear them? It seems heavy to me." Ask Komachi while staring at the gold armour I gave her.

"No. it's not heavy at all. It's actually very light. And very strong too. Apparently, it was used by the king and queen of the old days."

"Wow, it feels nice." Said Elsie when she wears her armour.

"Ah, you are right. It's quite light."

Finishing that the three of us in our armour when the teleport active.

When that happens I see the outside look very bright. It was after the light dies down that I can finally see that we are in the rooms. Azazel's room it seems.

"Azazel." I nod at him. Didn't really care about all the formality. I only nod at him as a sign of respect.

"Oh, you are finally here. And what is that? Did you want to flaunt your wealth here? Wearing gold armour." He chuckles at seeing us with gold armour. Yeah, instead of actually stylish we look like a snob. But meh, who cares.

"We did," I said simply with a smirk.

"Those two are?" He stares at Komachi and Elsie.

"My lovers. Komachi and Elsie." He didn't pry much about that and talk about the general of rating games.

"So we are watching the Gremory group here?" Elsie asked him.

"Yeah. The one they gonna fought is Sairorg Bael. The strongest youth." I look interested at that. I'm want to see their reaction when Regulus reveals his form. He is a pawn of Sairorg if I remember.

"You guys can see the fight from here. Don't worry about the stadium. No one will know you're here."

"Good. It will be annoying if they see a human here. And I also didn't want to bath my treasure with their blood." Maybe for the first time, I show how serious I am. It's not that I will kill them or something. But I didn't want my softness to kill people I care about. A memory of certain headmaster with Greater Good agenda start appear to me.

I guess what Komachi said after I told her story of my fight with Hero Faction is right. I can't really stay soft. Even to human.

"I hear you make an ally of Shinto Faction? I didn't know you want to bow down to them." Said Azazel carefree.

I chuckle at his statement, "Bow down? What are you talking about? The only reason I ally myself with them is my own reason. The news did travel fast eh, for you to already know that. You and I know that I'm not lower than them." I said in a laughing manner. Komachi and Elsie just stay quite. The two of them keep themselves closer to me.

"Ahahaha, you are right. Certainly. I know how strong you are. Well, we are here. Oh, and the rating games is starting." He points at the monitor. There the two peerages are already sent to the first fight. The fight is decided by rolling the dice.

Komachi and Elsie sat down beside me who summon golden cair. Although I feel vain for doing this.

The first match rolls three, so Rias sends in her knight Kiba and Sairaorg sends in his Knight Beruka to fight in a grassy field. I told them who is Kiba and who is Beruka.

The one called Beruka had the appearance of an armoured Knight whilst riding upon Altobrau who was emitting blue-white flames. He has brown hair and green eyes.

We watch they're fighting while eating the feast Azazel gave to us by his servant. Although Beruka and his Pale Horse Familiar are able to keep Kiba off his game for a time Kiba is able to win through the use of his new Balance Breaker Glory Drag Trooper to summon Holy Sword Knights to flank Beruka and his illusions. (FIGHT IS COPY FROM FANDOM.) it's quite interesting to see. Elsie sees the fight with a star in her eyes. Komachi also looks surprise that the devil is this strong. But nod with determination and told me to train her more after this.