(You Don't Need To Read This If You Don't Want To. Because I Just Copy And Edit Them From Fandom. It's Just Info Dump.)
The second match rolls ten with Rias sending her rooks Koneko and Rossweisse and Sairaorg sending in his Rook and other Knight Gandoma and Liban. The fighting goes back and forth for a while. Koneko attempts to fight Gandoma using her new Senjutsu technique, Nekomata Level 2.
"She is a cat yokai Keima-kun?" Asked Komachi.
"She is. Also, one of the two that survive from the Nekomata massacre." I answer her with a grim face remembering what actually happens between Kuroka and her master.
Liban makes use of his Sacred Gear Gravity Jail, to try and pin down Rossweisse and Koneko while Gandoma beats on them, but is countered by Rossweisse's magic dealing huge damage. Liban and Gandoma launch a suicide attack on Koneko that retires all three of them.
So in conclusion Gremory win this one.
Next, Sairaorg's Bishop Coriana Andrealphus challenges Issei to a one on one match when the dice comes up eight, declaring that she has a technique to easily counter both Dress Break and Bilingual. The technique in question is to strip down in front of Issei while mentally reciting what she'll take off next, unfortunately when she decides to remove her panties before her bra she accidentally enrages Issei who one-hit KO's her.
Which is actually quite embarrassing to see with Komachi trying to keep my eyes out by Kissing me. Elsie that didn't want to leave out also kiss me. Azazel chuckles at himself seeing us kissing without caring about him.
In the fourth match, another eight is rolled, and Gasper requests to be sent out alongside Xenovia for the next match. The two meet's Sairaorg's other Bishop and other Rook Misteeta Sabnock and Ladora Buné. The fight quickly turns in Sairaorg's favor when Misteeta uses his Sacred Gear Trick Vanish, to seal Xenovia's Holy Swordsman's trait and Ladora transforms into a Dragon. Gasper casts an unsealing spell on Xenovia using the bottle of Issei's blood that he was supposed to drink as a sacrifice. In order to buy time Gasper transforms into a flock of Bats to harass Ladora, and for his troubles is pummeled by the Draconic Rook. Xenovia, unsealed, launches a fully powered Durandal attack on the pair while Gasper holds them still using his Sacred Gear as he retires.
"That dhampir is actually better than I thought!" I said.
"A dhampir?"
"A dhampir is half-vampire. He has human blood in him." I explain to Komachi. She nods at my explanation.
The next roll lands nine, with both sides sending their queens Akeno and Kuisha Abaddon to fight. Kuisha quickly defeats Akeno by sucking her Holy Lightning up with her Hole ability and then attacking Akeno with her own Holy power. Rolling a twelve and deducing that Sairaorg would come out next Rias makes the decision to send out Xenovia, Kiba and Rossweisse to wear down Sairaorg by as much as possible before fighting Issei.
"Akeno is half fallen, right? Who is her father?��� I asked Azazel.
"She is the daughter of Baraqiel. Although at first, she denies her fallen side it seems she finally accept that and become this strong. She is good right?" He answers me and asking questions.
"Not too bad I guess. But she could be better I think." I said. While he nods at me.
The fighting between the two sides is fierce, the three Gremory group members working together to use feints, traps, brute power, and techniques to wear down Sairaorg as much as possible. In the end, they are only successful in making him use his phoenix tear to reattach his arm after severing it before Sairaorg takes all three of them down.
"He is a strong devil Keima-kun." Said Komachi and point at Sairorg. I nod at her. She is right. Sairorg for a devil who only uses his fist is actually can be considered strong. Despite didn't have destruction power he continues training his body to its utmost limits to become powerful and due to this, he defeated his younger half-brother, which made him the next heir of the Bael Clan.
Rolling a nine in the next fight, Issei confronts Kuisha next and quickly uses a Triaina combination of Knight and Rook to try and deal a massively powerful attack on Kuisha, the latter is forced retired by Sairaorg for her own safety. Having already deduced the next course of action, Issei and Sairaorg instead propose that they just send their remaining members out for one last winner takes all fight.
Asia is ultimately left out of the fight for her own safety, leaving it down to Rias and Issei vs. Sairaorg and his Pawn
'Finally the thing I wait for. A big reveal of Nemea Lion.' I smirk at myself wondering their shock expression at that revelation.