"These two are top 5 of sacred gear you know. You even have True Longinus. Are they really trustworthy that you would give them such power?" Asked Jeanne will looking shock at my plan before.
"You don't have to worry about that. I already plan on how to approach them. And they are trustworthy. If not there is no way I will even thinking of those. But not right away anyway. Like you said those are top sacred gear. Thus I would give them to family first."
"Hey, don't worry. You still have your sacred gear, Jeanne. And you certainly have your own charisma as Joan Arc. I still need you." I guess she actually thinks I would throw her away. But the truth is I need her. She has experienced with Cao-Cao even though not the leader or co-leader is still an important member She got quiet again after that and I continue my talk with the other.
"Oh. What will you give us? Can I get a sword? Please, I like sword." Asked Takeshi.
"Takeshi-kun don't be like that to your cousin. I'm sure he will give you what you need." Said Aunt Kokomi.
"Sword huh. What do you want? There is many sword in my treasure you know. There is even Gram that I got from Siegfred. Though I have more of those in my gate."
"Hey, do you know about the Kusanagi sword? Do you have it?"
I gave him the sword from my gate and the Kusanagi sword appear.
"Here. Be careful though. Do you even know how to wield one?"
"Yeah, I ask mom to let me train by the sushi owner at Namimori. Turn out he have a sword dojo and will teach any who wants to. He even has a son named Takeshi too."
"Yeah, the same as me. Though his son didn't learn sword. He plays baseball at Namimori High."
I thought Namimori is an ordinary place. But hearing that didn't it mean Vongola actually exists. Though for another time. I would like to see if Vongola exists and the possibility of the Human Alliance.
"Such a beautiful sword." Grandpa Denma said while looking at Kusanagi Sword.
"There is many thing here so please tell me what you want!" I told them.
I also heal some of them. Who knows grandpa Denma have a heart problem. It's good that I have thing to heal him.
"Do you have something that can make us younger? I already old grandson. So if I can to protect you I will be happy." He said while looking worried after finishing healing his heart.
I think about it a bit.
"Here grandpa. I understand. Like I said I won't force you to fight. This here is a bottle of Fountain Of Youth. You will be younger if you drink one dips from this." Not only to him but to others also I gave them. It's also good that their loyalty to me is complete so I won't have to be afraid that they will betray me. Because they won't.
"With that said we need a name to identify us!" Makoto said. She is a year younger than me like Takeshi is.
"Name? Can't we just take Hero Faction name?" Elsie asked.
"We can't. Even though the name is like that the Hero faction is anything but that." Jeanne look down on shame while I put my hand on her who stood beside me now.
"Have you watch Batman?" Asked Takeshi. The other look at him.
"What's with him?" I look at him. Batman and all of that is actually famous too in this world. Their comic, story, movies, film, and many more.
"If you suggest Justice League then the answer is no."
"It's not that. So I watch this episode about the secret society called the court of owl."
"I'm not gonna named my organization that and wear an owl mask even if you pay me!" I told him deadpan.
The other chuckles at us relieving tension from before.
"Not that. How about The Court Of Hero."
"Court of Hero?" It's a catchy name. I guess it's better than Humanity's friend. Which can be considered bad if this is Marvel universe too. Luckily. There are no Marvel Characters here like there is no DC Characters here.
"Yeah. It sounds cool to me."
With that absurdness, The Court of Hero who will recruit Hero among humans.