Shinto Faction

"Are you saying that you will embarrass us with ordering that we begging forgiveness from humans?" Izanagi who heard that the one they allied with is attacked decides not to help.

He is only human after all. And if he die. Shinto Faction can collect the weapon in his treasure. No big deal.

So when the clone of that person come here with information that the alliance is over he laugh when the clones said that Shinto Faction should ask forgiveness before thing to late.

"Hahahahaha. A human dare to told us begging his forgiveness. Here is your forgiveness boy." Izanagi the leader Shinto Faction spit on the clones. The other follow the laughter at the humans audicy for telling them to beg.

Such an arrogance.

"You told that boy. Told them that. We are gonna destroy him if he show this foolishness again." The clones having enough achieving the bomb inside him.

Making him explode and all the Shinto who laugh before get hurt.

And swore to repay the human who have audicy to told them to beg and to do this in their own territory.

Three Alliance.

"Katsuragi Keima has destroy Hero Faction." Said Azazel. With him is the leader of faction angel and devil. Michael and Shirzech.

"He is more dangerous than I though he ever is." Said Shirzech.

"He also collected all of sacred gear there including 3 longinus. Is he really dangerous for us?" Asked Michael

"He is not dangerous like those Khaos Brigade. Truthfully I can understand. He only protect his family. He won't coming after us if we didn't do anything to him. So I don't think we need to worry about him." Said Azazel.

The three look at the data they get from when they watch he destroyed Hero Faction that some of their spies gather. Also the word he said when killing them.

It's about sending massages. Indeed.

They are not fool like other faction who didn't see the threat he can be even as human He have power that can destroy them if he so wish it.

So, no. They are not stupid. Especially considering that Shinto Faction from their spy hear has already broke their alliance and even go as far as spit on the boy.

What a stupid thing to do.

They just make an enemy from the person that strong. They are already at the phase where they count the times before they got destroy by the boy.

He is sending a message alright. Mess with him and you are destroyed.

"I will told my spies to get away from him for sometimes. He is in danger phase for us. I suggest the same to you."

They stay quiet and the meeting ends.

Khaos Brigade

"The Hero faction is over it seems." Said Vali to the leader Ophis.

"Is he strong?" Asked Opish expressionless.

"He is indeed strong. He already defeat me." Vali answer.

"Ask him to join. Send your underling or someone. Told him will give anything if he help beat stupid red." Vali nod at Ophis is order and do what she ask right away.

Yokai Faction

'They did it again.' Yasaka thought

Yasaka is at her altar when she hear that Katsuragi Keima fight and destroyed the Hero Faction.

When she want to send help the Shinto Faction again forbid them saying that this is merely a test for Keima.

But when she hears that Shinto Faction laughing as they spat on the clones of Katsuragi Keima she already could see the future. This one is different than before.

The Shinto Faction will get their due for not protecting their allies. Especially as the Yokai still can't forget that it was Shinto Faction that let other faction hold Japan. It was them that sent Nekomata to live underworld under the disguised of better life. And when the Nekomata got massacred the Shinto didn't do anything beside ignoring them.

The anger of Yokai that day is strong enough that they want to rebel.

Even if we are independent for most part we are still under Shinto Faction. The only reason is because if we rebel other faction will attack us and claim us if we even win.

Such a stupid decision. I guess I will ask Keima to considering allied with us. I can offer myself to him again. With that at least the alliance can be strong. And we are protected.