After that, all happen Yasaka told me that they are gonna get ready to come here.
Seems that as I thought not all are gonna move here. And with Yasaka come here there will be some problem there as The New Leader will be elected there and it's the reason why there will be a power struggle.
The one who was left there probably thinks about this and that this will be to their advantage. I already hear that there is a Yokai clan there who starting gather support when there is news about Yokai start to get away from Kyoto.
Probably think that it can help the cause. Their Cause.
Oh well, with that done there is one more thing I have to do. Which is talking to our new member.
With me is Tenri. And in front of us are Jeanne and Mizuki.
Sigh, I actually forget about asking uncle to get Little Zhuge Liang. From what I heard uncle are already found her and currently training her. But as of yet had met me.
Well, at least they can train together. Uncle did say that they will move here soon. That's good.
"So are you finally resolved to join us?" Ask me to her seriously.
I didn't look down on her. Just looking serious enough for her to know that this isn't a game.
Life isn't a game.
"I'm ready." She said out loud.
Tenri seems amused by the situation. She did say that want to see the new member, which made me frown at hearing her accusation that the new member is my home.
Which I can confirm a hundred percent wrong. Not that Mizuki isn't cute or beautiful on her own. She just has her own interest and that actually is my line.
"Good. If you are that resolved then I would like to congratulate you as our new member. Welcome to Court of Heroes." I said to her.
I did want to laugh a bit there. Luckily not happening as it will embarrass me more.
"Sigh, I guess you won't be going on a mission like Jeanne who is on the watch for supernatural activity that can cause normal civilians get attacked. At least not until you are ready."
"I understand, Katsuragi-sama."
"Please leave the sama part when there is just us. And you can call me Keima or senpai if you want to act formally as it's true."
Jeanne calls me my lord and that stay to today. But she those days are only calling me that to annoy me. And not like I gonna attack her for that right? Jeanne is my member after all.
"Then, thank you for helping me, Senpai!"
I nod at her.
Here is the training I can give you. As you know your sacred gear is Mirror Alice also known as the Mirror of Recollection. Not too strong. But I won't call it weak either. It's really up to you after all. The user, which is you, creates a mirror that has the ability to reflect attacks with double the damage on the attacker, but cannot be summoned twice in a row without a cool-down period, however, it can evolve to the level where the user can create multiple mirrors at the same time." At this, I paused a bit.
"Which is your case are the latter. You according to Jeanne aren't only capable to summon more than twice but more than that and continually."
She nods, "Which is why I would like you to train your stamina and evasion. And I also would like it if you train your sacred gear continuously. Not to worry. If you are exhausted there will be a potion that can regenerate your stamina, your magic,m your energy available for you as long you train here. Of course, you would have to take care of your own life too."
She just nods and that truly shows to me how serious she is.
"What will I told my family, Senpai?" Valid point as that can made trouble even for me if people notice that she will get closed to me as I would be near her for sometime later on.
"You don't have to worry about that. I will take care of it when the times come."