The time has come for our first meeting after all the hassle.

It has been days since the last time all of us meet like this.

"How goes your research Uncle Kusuke?" I ask my uncle who sat not to far from me.

The one who are here are father, mother, grandpa Denma who now look like a decent samurai of old. Kinda glad to gave him nice sword. My uncle Kusuo and his family. And of course not to forget my lovers.

Which now consist of Komachi, Elsie, and Tenri.

Not to play favorit of course as they sat the closest to me.

"Well, we would need more time than I expected nephew. What I made was armour. An armour that if even ordinary people use they can hold themselves against supernatural being."

"It's certainly good then. We have time now. And I see no problem with that as long as you get some rest uncle. Don't force yourself to much too as I can see your eyes have their own bag now." I ended which chuckled to warm the atmosphere here.

"Well, there is no issue with you right now right uncle?" I ask him.

Still setting all aside he is my uncle and there no denying that I love my family and would do my utmost to support them wholly.

"It's fine. And Makoto certainly help too. Your clones definitely."

True, my cousin Makoto usually come here to train. Still amazing seeing her dominated the research facility as even I don't know that she had in her.

Not to insult her but she isn't the one who people can think when word advance tech muttered.

Speaking of her she notice by the same of it as I didn't hide on my mind against my family as long as it's not a secret.

"Now now, that's not what I mean Makoto." Everyone just laugh at realising that I must be thinking something rude.

My ever stoic uncle Kusuo even smile.

Not to say it's rare. But seeing him smile and show his feeling is quite something.

"So have you ask someone to just Mom?"

She look surprised I ask that.

"Well, there is some who actually turn out to be aware of that. Not all are joining me. But it's not problem as I already erased their memory about that. The one who are joining us are very loyal to me. And when they knew the threat against humanity they readily join us." She explained which I replied with nodding my head. There are some who are here and according to mother there will be some who come later.

"I already invite someone who are quite fine for our member. Mizuki Yuiga." I told them.

"You harem member?" asked Makoto with raised eyebrows.

"Why did you suddenly think like that? Of course not. I just invite her because things happen and she have her own power that can be good asset for us." I flinch at the mention of harem.

More so when the one are already my harem look at me sharply. Elsie of course. Komachi and Tenri seems more amused by that.

"I heard that you are gonna let the Yokai move here. Won't it cause trouble with Shinto Faction, son?" Ask father.

"I already aware of that. The thing is I really am waiting for trouble to come. Still even if they are not our ally I can hardly call them enemy. More of faction that we should be watch out."