"Hmph, can't you wait for me to answer seriously!" She said.
I just chuckle at that but she glares harder at me.
This will make things harder on the quest but it should be fine.
After all, according to Nana I just have to make them happy until the bar happiness complete.
Luckily the mission has that bar otherwise I won't know what I will have to do.
"SIgh, why did this even take this long anyway!"
And she just complains making me sighing.
"You are the one say that you don't want to be in a harem righT!"
"That was before I thought that no one will join more and I thought that I can snatch you away from them!" Well, when she joins there is just Tenri, Elsie, and Komachi after all. Now Tsukiyo show up and she joins my harem right away.
Must be eating her then ahahaha.
"Ah, I finally made you admit it then!"
"What is that suppose to mean?"
"My dear Ayumi, I mean you didn't really hide it, right? You did say that you have some feelings for me but because of my harem, you don't want to really share. I agree with that of course but I won't make a compromise you know!"
"Sigh, well I guess you are right. Well, I'm in now. What are you gonna do about it?" Hm, rather blunt of her asking me this when there are only two of us tonight so close to each other.
This girl might be more daring than Komachi is.
Sigh, what have I gotten myself to this time?
"Whatever you want to!" I replied with a grin on my face.
"Hm, I'm tired. Oh, I wonder if there is a knight who can take me to my room I wonder!"
"Then instead of knight let this King take you, My Queen!" With that she yelps when I carry her bridal style.
Kind of fun for me seeing her actually look surprised and blushing.
Hiding her face in my chest.
"You are rather cute when you look like this Ayumi!" I whisper it to her.
"Stupid. Stupid Keima. Stupid!" She punches me like in those anime.
I only laugh at that until we arrive in her current room.
"Well, here we are!" I state
"Hm, I have something I need to do so I guess we can talk about this later?"
"Yeah, thank you!" The last thing she said before falling asleep.
I just smile at her.
She must be feeling tired right now after all.
Tomorrow should be interesting, I didn't think she quite gets what she just said tonight.
I do know that it comes from her heart but she is definitely getting teased and embarrassed by the other tomorrow.
Hm, definitely!
So I didn't really push for something else.
"Hm, now what's my next move? Visiting Yasaka perhaps? I did need help from her for this!"
Just before I manage to go there Uncle Kusuo arrives at that moment.
"Oh? Uncle?"
"Keima, I already get my friends to join!"
Hm? All of them?
"Yes, all of them early Kaido already join as you know. Now everyone else is in. Waiting for you!" Sigh, I guess I still have time for Yasaka.
"Okay!" Uncle Kusuo touch my shoulder and the two of us are now in his home at Namimori.