There is not much to talk about these meetings.

They all introduced themselves to me and I introduce myself back.

That kind of thing.

They are kind of a big deal so even if I don't know them from anime I will probably know them in this real life. At least some of them that is.

"So, you are Keima-kun. You are so cute!" Said Aiura Mikoto the oracle of their group.

It seems to be useful for me as every piece of information did count.

"Wow, your aura sure is huge for a boy!"

I can only sigh.

"Thank you for joining everyone. I know all of you have your own business but truly that you join us is something I'm thankful for!" I said to them.

"It's fine!"

"OF COURSE!" Shout Hairo Kineshi.

"Then I guess if it's fine for you guys we can discuss this at our HQ tomorrow. I understand that some of you must be tired as this is already this late!" I said this when I notice Hairo-san fell.

Huh, after all this time.

And he even manages to shout before falling asleep huh.

"It's fine. You are my best friend's nephew. Here drink some sake!" Nendo-san gave me sake.

Well, it's fine.

None of them object to this so I guess they are fine too.

I drink it easily.

"Well, everyone. I will go back now!" Saying this I nod to Uncle Kusuo and I teleport back.

I want to meet Yasaka first. Talk to her about things that I forgot.

But consider that this is already nighttime. Didn't want to bother them especially Kunou.

The next day arrives early as usual.

"I will go with you Keima-kun!" Ayumi the newest member who sleeps here last night told me.

"Of course. Where is the other anyway?"

"Sigh seems that they are still tired. Must be tiring night!"

"Indeed, must be tiring night!" I chuckle at that.

From what I'm told the three of them have fun and partying all night just for girls.

Well, it's fine for me as the school hasn't really started all its subjects.

And they can teleport here if they wake up. Like they are supposed to do.

Coming to school there is nothing interesting besides the talk about Maijima Festival.

I of course want it to come fast too.

Really excited about it as it means I can finish this arc as I call it.

Smiling at sleepy Komachi I ask her what she wants to do.

"Uhm, why do you ask?"

There is a matter of quest. But I truly want to make them happy even if there is no quest of course.

"I just wondering is all, Love!" Smiling I told her that.

I actually plan this all night. Planning that how to make them happy.

I will use these remaining months to make them happy.

No... Happier than before.

"Hum, I guess I just am happy being with you. All of us are!" Elsie is with Ayumi outside.

I didn't really know whether they will make a band or no for the festival.

"Is that so?" She just nodded at me and I start putting my plan for her.

I will start with her of course.