Being me

*Your pov

You tied rina and lock her at your car, you leave with felix and went to an alley.

Y/n: "do you want to kill me right?" you said and he quickly punch you in the face that makes your lips bleed

Felix: "why do you need to ruin my life huh you bitch!" he said angrily, he punch you and push you at the wall so hard. you're letting him to hurt you and at last you're going to make him suffer more.

Y/n: "because you just hurt the one i love in my life!!" you said and punch him in the face so hard too, hurt him until you worn out. his condition right now is worst more than you, before you left him you take his credit card and called an ambulance

Y/n: "wait the ambulance here" you said and went to your car.

Rina: "what did you do to him?!"

Y/n: "shut up and give me your address" you said as you start to drive

Rina: "and why would i tell!"

Y/n: "you don't want to go home?" you said and she told you her address.

when the two of you arrived at her house, her parents told you to get in.

Y/n: "what a fun game" you thought

Rina: "dad mom sue her!! she hurt me!" she shouted

Her dad: "what?!" he said in shockness

Her mom: "how dare you to hurt my daughter!!"

Y/n: "Fyi Mr and Mrs Lee, i'm not going to hurt her without any reason"

Her dad: "what do you mean?" he asked confused same with rina's mother

Y/n: "is Rina allowed to have a boyfriend at her age?"

Her mom: "of course no! she's not allowed to have a boyfriend until she graduate!"

Y/n: "ohhhh you didn't know that your daughter has a boyfriend already"

Her dad: "wait we don't know you! you're a liar!"

Y/n: "really?" you said as you showed them the picture that chanyeol took when rina and felix was flirting

Her mom: "Rina?!"

Rina: "M-mom dad"

Y/n: "and does your daughter still virgin?"

Her dad: "what the fuck are you talking about!!"

Y/n: "i guess Rina is not VIRGIN anymore" you smirked

Rina: "stop!!! you are lying!!"

Y/n: "what if i showed them the evidence when you said that something happened with you and your boyfriend?"

Her mom: "stop!! you can leave now lady, thank you for telling us" she said crying and rina's dad was so angry

Y/n: "better watch your daughter carefully" you smiled. when you are leaving you heard the slap sound and their conversation that they will going to punish her and send her at the other country.

You went to the grocery store to spend felix' money, you buy so many foods, drinks and many more until his credit card went empty.

you gave the foods and drinks you brought to those homeless people, so that they have a foods to eat. after a few minutes you arrived at your house and saw them waiting for you again

Y/n: "did you all just sat in that sofa while i'm gone?" you said while massaging your hands

Kai: "it took you so long"

Y/n: "ohhh sorry, it was so fun that's why" you said as you wiped your lips that is bleeding

Mara: "what did you do to felix?"

Jungkook: "and what happened to you?"

Y/n: "i just make him suffer a lot and take his credit card. i let him to hurt me first, he punched me, he pushed me so hard at the wall and at last, it's my turn so i beat him until i don't have an energy anymore then call an ambulance to save him, i feel so bad 'cause his condition was worst because of me, but it's not my fault, i let him to kill me but he didn't do his best." you chuckled

Yoongi: "but why did you take his credit card?"

Y/n: "to spend it"

Rm: "for what??"

Y/n: "i brought so many foods, drinks and many more until his card went empty"

Hobi: "and where is it?" he asked with their face confused and makes you laughed

Kai: "she gave it to those homeless people"

Y/n: "you know me well love!" you winked and point him that makes them smile

Hobi: "you're really something" he chuckled

Y/n: "why?"

Hobi: "you beat him so hard but you called an ambulance, you take his credit card and spend it in a good way. that was amazing!" he said and you just laughed

Y/n: "because i'm a holy shit" you said and they laughed again

Jimin: "you got hurt again"

Y/n: "i'm used to it"

Taehyung: "why are you so kind?" he said staring at you

Y/n: "because that's my personality, and i'm just being me. atleast, someone love the way who am i" you chuckled at him but he look away