I love you

Mara: "by the way, what did you do to that girl?"

Y/n: "a fun game too" you smirked

Mara: "what?"

Y/n: "i asked her addressed and she gave it to me, she thought that i'm just going to send her home but i'm not that so kind. her parents let me in in their house, rina said that they should sue me because i hurt her but i told them that i'm not going to hurt a girl without any reason.

i asked them if they allowed her to have a boyfriend at her age but they said she's not, so i showed them the picture to make them believe me. i even asked them if they daughter was still virgin and it makes them more angrier because of my questions but they said that she's virgin. i told them that they were wrong, her parents thank me for telling them and i just heard a slap sound and their conversation that they will punish and send her in the states. that's it!" you smiled

Yoongi: "wahhh i thought you're going to kill them" he sighed scaredly

Y/n: "the hell, i have mercy!" you said, mara quickly hug you as you stood up to go in your room

Mara: "thank you" she said crying so hard

Y/n: "shhhhh- i just fight for you 'cause i know that you can't" you said while patting her back "i love you that's why i'm going to do everything for you" you said and kissed her forehead

Mara: "you did so many things for me and i don't know how to thank you this time" she said crying more

Y/n: "you being happy again is enough for me, so be strong okay?" you said while wipping her tears "so go to your room and take a rest, i'll talk to you later" you smiled at her, she smiled back and went to her room. before you head to your room, you talked to the boys first

Y/n: "ahhmm boys, sorry for earlier. i couldn't help my anger that's why....and also thank you for concern and taking care of mara" you smiled

Hobi: "it's alright but we got scared"

Jimin: "i thought you're just a kitty but a tiger" he said and you chuckled

Y/n: "i'm sorry again" you smiled and went to your room, by the way kai already left your house.

Jin: "her future boyfriend will be lucky"

Yoongi: "yeah you're right, she can protect him and love him more than herself"

Jungkook: "am i that so lucky" he said smiling but the boys went silent and taehyung just looked down 'cause he feel that jungkook has a feelings for you

Hobi: "damn are you serious?"

Jungkook: "go to sleep hyungs" he said chuckling while heading to the room that kai used and will share it with taehyung.

they all stood and will go to their rooms, while you are just sitting in your bed and reading a book, someone came in with a medical kit

Taehyung: "hey how's your wounds? did you already clean it?" he said as he sat beside you

Y/n: "not yet"

Taehyung: "how can it will heal immediately if you're not going to treat it?"

he pick the cotton and put a betadine into it and then he grab your arm to treat it.

Taehyung: "i'll be your bestfriend from now on and will stay by your side even though someone likes you or you like someone"

Y/n: "are you serious about that?" you chuckled Taehyung: "yeah, so goodnight" he kissed you in the cheeks, smiled at you and leave. you just froze and ask yourself

Y/n: "did he just kissed me?" you asked while holding your cheeks

because of that kiss, you remember the one person that you have a feelings and it's jungkook. yes, it's jungkook. you have a feelings with him because of his cuteness and kindness that caught your whole attention when you saw him before, you have a feelings with him but you still don't care about their fame in university. you're hiding that feelings for a long time, even mara didn't know about it. and also, you didn't know that jungkook loves you. you can act normal when he's around you. tomorrow is monday and it's school day again, so tomorrow morning bts will going to leave so early.


it's already morning, the boys left and went to school, you and alexa was done preparing too and went to school.

as you and mara was walking to the hallway, yerin and her girls approuch you.

Yerin: "hello bitches" she smiled

Y/n: "the hell, it's so early in the morning and you're disturbing others already" you said eyeing her

Yerin: "this is my life so i can do what ever i want" she said, before you could say something, jungkook showed and

Jungkook: "but you can't do anything to her so shut your mouth" he said as he drag you and mara to the room

Y/n: "ohh hey good morning"

Mara: "morning" she said and went to her seat

Jungkook: "morning" he said and smiled at you, you two went to your seats before the profesor came in

when it's already lunch time, jungkook drag you to the rooftop to say something

Y/n: "what are you going to say?" you said as you leaned to the wall

Jungkook: "i love you Min Y/n, i've been hiding this feelings for so long and i know that you have a feelings for me too" he said that make you shocked

Y/n: "wh-" you didn't complete your sentence 'cause he kissed you, you tried to pushed him but his strong enough, he broke the kiss and spoke

Jungkook: "i'm going to give you a days to decide if you're willing to be my girlfriend" he said and about to go down

Y/n: "why do you need to give me a days if i can say yes right now?" you said chuckling that makes him shocked of what you just said

Jungkook: "so it means you're my girlfriend now?!" he asked so surprised

Y/n: "are you that slow minded" you smiled at him and he quickly run and hugged you so tight.

you answered him so fast because you have a same feelings with him, you are so soft when it becomes on love so you're going to do everything just to make yourself and your love one happy.