
As you and jungkook went down, you told him that you're just going somewhere and he allowed you.

you were looking for taehyung around the campus and you saw him sitting at the corner.

Y/n: "hey taehyung-ahh, why are you sitting here alone?" you said as you sat beside him while looking to his expressionless face

Taehyung: "nothing, i just want to be alone and think some about you? what are you doing here?"

Y/n: "ahhmm actually i was looking for you, to tell something"

Taehyung: "what is it?"

Y/n: "about jungkook and me, i--" he cutted you before you complete your sentence

Taehyung: "i know" he said looking in your eyes

Y/n: "huh? h-how did you know?" you asked stuterring

Taehyung: "i was there when the confession is happening"


Taehyung went to the rooftop as their class ended, he went there to have some peace of mind because his mind full of thoughts, he know that jungkook loves you and he also know that you don't have a feelings for taehyung.

while he's standing at the corner, you and jungkook came and he saw and heard it all. when you and jungkook went down, he just looked down and forcedly smiled

Taehyung: "i knew it" he said and went down too to go somewhere.

Y/n: "I'm sorry" you said and look down

Taehyung: "it hurts me but it's okay, i can controll myself" he smiled

Y/n: "i have a feelings with him since i saw him in the first time and i want to try loving someone again"

Taehyung: "yeah and i support the two of you" he smiled but you can see the pain in his eyes so you feel hurt too

Y/n: "taehyung...."

Taehyung: "hmmm?"

Y/n: "you are still my boy bestfriend like what you told me right?"

Taehyung: "of course" he chuckled "and i want you to know that my feelings for you can't disappeard so fast" he smiled

Y/n: "i'm really really sorry, i don't want to hurt you but..." you looked down, the tears want to escape from your eyes but you're holding it. taehyung stood up and he grab your arm to stand up too, he hugged you so tight

Taehyung: "i told you it's okay y/n, i can take care of long as i'm seeing you happy i'm happy too" he said hugging you and patted your back "i'm always here for you, i'll stay by your side no matter what"

Y/n: "thank you taehyung-ssi" you smiled. someone went to us and cough so we will notice it, we broke the hug and saw jungkook standing behind us

Y/n: "jungkook...."

Jungkook: "what's happening here?"

Y/n: "i just talked to him and don't think something wrong" you stare at him

Taehyung: "make sure to love and protect her bro" he said as he patted jungkook's shoulder smiled to us and left

Jungkook: "of course i'll do that! how can i not love this girl" he said and you chuckled

Y/n: "let's go" you said and passed by him

Jungkook: "yes love" he run towards you and back hugging you happily

Y/n: "walk properly little bunny" you said that makes him stopped from walking, you turned to him and his face is just a blank expression

Y/n: "what?" you asked

Jungkook: "little bunny??" his brows knitted that makes you laughed

Y/n: "yes, why? you don't like it? you look like a bunny when you're a smiling" you chuckled

Jungkook: "i like it but... i am calling you love but you're just calling me little bunny?! how unfair you are!" he said

Y/n: "okayyy then let's go LITTLE BUNNY MY LOVE, our class ended and it's time to go home now" you said smiling while coming closer to him and drag him

Jungkook: "that's what i like!" he said smiling so sweet so you just smiled too

as we reached the gate, we saw the other boys and mara

Yoongi: "the lovers were finally here"

Y/n: "sorry, be careful on your way guys" you smiled to them same with the others

Y/n: "and you little bunny, go with them and behave yourself" you said looking at jungkook

Jungkook: "again!!!...okay then goodbye, take care too my love" he smiled and left with others

Y/n: "then let's go too mara, i'll drop you" you two get in and will send her to their house.

after you dropped her, you went straight to your house to practice knife again. after you washed and changed your clothes into your practice outfit, you went down stairs and will go to your basement when someone ring the doorbell so you open it. as you opened the door, you saw jungkook with a foods in his hand and he came in

Y/n: "love? why are you here?" you asked so confused looking at him who's looking at you from your head to toe

Jungkook: "owwww always wear that outfit for me" he winked and smiled

Jungkook: "i want to be with you that's why i'm here" he said as he take out the foods he bought

Y/n: "you love me so much huh" you smiked and went to your kitchen too

Jungkook: "sorry but i don't have a plan to let you go" he said with a serious look

Y/n: "what a bad guy" you smirked

Jungkook: "by the way, why are you wearing that?"

Y/n: "to practice"

Jungkook: "you're going to hurt yourself again, you're already expert at knife but why do you still need to practice?" he asked in a sad tone

Y/n: "then i'll stop it for you Mr. Jeon Jungkook" you said as you eat the grapes and feed him too

Jungkook: "i love you" he said and hug you so tight that he doesn't want to let you go

Y/n: "i love you too little bunny" you chuckled