Hang outs together

*Taehyung's pov*

i felt that there is something wrong with y/n as she left so i follow her.

as i reached the comfort room, it was so silent and then i heard a water flowing. i know that it's y/n so i knocked.

Y/n: "just wait, i'm already done" she said and went out, i am just standing at the door waiting for her

*Your pov*

Y/n: "t-taehyung?" you said stuttering

Taehyung: "let's talk" he said as he pull you out and went to the place where you two are the only one there and just sat down

Y/n: "what's wrong tae?"

Taehyung: "you cried?" he asked when he saw your eyes red

Y/n: "N-no! why would i cry?" you pretended to chuckle

Taehyung: "don't lie to me" he said but you just sighed

Y/n: "ok...i'm just sad" you said as you looked down

Taehyung: "because of irene, right?"

Y/n: "i don't know, i feel sad 'cause i'm afraid if i lose him.....i know that she was talking about jungkook when she said that she found the person she love"

Taehyung: "if you don't want to lose him then you should fight for the love that you two have"

Y/n: "i'm a strong person but when it comes to love, i'm weak...if i know that the person i love was happy in a something or what else, i'm just going to let him if that what's makes him happy 'cause i'll be happy too....i can be a dumb and a blind person for the person i love even if i know that he's cheating or what on me, i'm just going to let him go if he told me to leave his life" you sadly said but tried to smile, then taehyung hug you so tight

Taehyung: "i don't want to see you hurting so i'm always here for you...when you have a problem just come to me okay?" he said patting your head

Y/n: "thank you and i'm sorry" you said and hug him back

**After 5 Months**

Jungkook became so cold to you, he didn't date you for five months 'cause he became more closer to irene. You know that he's falling out of love to you because irene was flirting with him, you're hurting but you're still loving him like always. he has no time for you to just have a sweet day, to have fun or go on a date but you just ignored it. good thing taehyung was there for you to comfort and be with you when jungkook was busy hanging out with irene

-In your class-

Professor: "so class, the university we'll be having a Graduation Ball before your graduation. i hope all of you will going to attend tomorrow night" your professor said happily "is there some students who's not going to attend?" she asked and you raised your hand and they all look at you

Mara: "what?! you're not going to attend?!"

Professor: "why Miss Min?"

Y/n: "ahmmm, My dad needs me tomorrow so i can't attend" you smiled

Taehyung: "she's going to attend prof, don't worry!" he said that makes you look back to him, you saw jungkook who didn't care if you're not going to attend or not

Professor: "i hope that you can attend" she smiled "so that's for our class! y'all may go and have you lunch now!" she said and left

You, mara and the boys was already eating at the cafeteria

Yoongi: "yah y/n, why don't you attend?"

Rm: "it will be fun!"

Jimin: "that event is for college student, last bonding!"

Hobi: "we're not complete if you don't attend"

Y/n: "i'm sorry guys, my dad really need me tomorrow and jungkook will attend so you are all complete" you smiled but jungkook held your shoulders to turned you to him

Jungkook: "are you not really going to attend?"

Y/n: "yeah, so have fun okay?" you smiled

Jungkook: "how sad, but that's your choice" he said and went back to eat, the boys knitted their brows but you just smiled

Taehyung: "how can-" he didn't complete his sentence 'cause you stop him

Jungkook: "by the way love, i'm not going home with y'all later 'cause i need to go somewhere"

Y/n: "huh? where?"

Jungkook: "mom told me to buy her something"

Y/n: "ahhh okay"


it's time to go now. you, mara and the boys were walking to go in the parking lot now.

Hobi: "when our class ended, jungkook quickly go out....he didn't even say goodbye to you"

Y/n: "ahhhh, because irene was already waiting for him outside the university" you said and fakely smiled

Yoongi: "what? irene? didn't he said that his mom told him to buy something?"

Y/n: "no, he's lying. when i went to the comfort room erlier, i heard irene talking with the phone and it was about their hangout together" you said

Mara: "what?! how dare he do that! he still have you!"

Y/n: "forget it, i can handle the pain" you said and just chuckled, the boys hugged you, it's a group hug for you

Hobi: "be strong okay? we are always here for you" he smiled

Rm: "we can't understand why jungkook is doing this, we tried to talk to him but he didn't listened"

Y/n: "thank you for that guys, i appreciate it" you smiled same with them "so mara and i need to go now, y'all should go home too"

Mara: "kai will going to pick me up"

Y/n: "how sweet" you smiled "then i'll go now, see you tomorrow!" you smiled

"bye!" the said in unison and you left, same with them