Always for you

as you reached your house and open the door, you saw your parents sitting at the couch happily

Y/n: "Mom Dad!!" you said happily and run to hug them

Dad: "aigoooo, i miss my princess" he said while hugging you

Y/n: "i miss you too dad!"

Mom: "how about me?"

Y/n: "of course i miss you too mom!" you said happily

Kyle: "ehemmm! am i not belong?" he asked while his arms was folded

Y/n: "hey chipmunk! i miss you a lot" you said and hug him too

Kyle: "sis?"

Y/n: "hmmm?"

Kyle: "do you really love me?"

Y/n: "of course!" you chuckled

Kyle: "then why are you calling me chipmunk!!" he shouted that makes you and your parents laughed

Y/n: "i'm sorry for that chipmunk i mean little prince" you giggled as you pinched his cheeks

Mom: "then let's eat!"

Y/n: "i'm just going to change mom" you said and went upstairs

-while eating-

Daddy: "by the way, i recieved an email from university that y'all will be having an graduation ball"

Y/n: "ahmm yes dad"

Mom: "then we need to pick your dress!" your mom said happily

Y/n: "No mom, i'm not going to attend" you said as you look in to your food

Mom: "huh?why? that is the last bonding with your classmates as a college student"

Dad: "is there any reason y/n?"

Y/n: "yes dad" you slightly smiled to them


you went to your room after y'all ate, and your parents and kyle went to their room too.

you're just sitting in your bed, staring at the photo that you and jungkook took before.

Y/n: "you became so cold now love" you said as your tears drops "before, i'm afraid to lose you and now, i'm losing you already" you said and then the door opened

Y/n: "" you said as they sat beside you

Mom: "We know that you have a problem so we're here to ask and comfort you"

Dad: "how's your boyfriend jungkook? how's your relationship?" your dad asked but you just looked down while holding your mom's hand

Y/n: "he's falling out of love dad" your tears fell down on your cheeks "he's happy of what he was doing right now and i can't do anything 'cause that what's makes him know me mom and dad" you said crying

Mom: "so what are you going to do now?"

Y/n: "i'm just waiting for him to tell me that he doesn't love me anymore....i don't want to be the one who will going to end our relationship"

Dad: "we don't want to get involve in your relationship 'cause he's just your boyfriend not your fiancè nor husband....just always remember that me and your mom are always here for you okay?" your dad said smiling at you and you hugged them both

Y/n: "thanks mom and dad, i love you two so much"

Mom: "the day after tomorrow was your graduation! what's your plan my dear?" your mom asked

Y/n: "mom dad....after my graduation, i want to be away in this country temporarily" you sadly said

Dad: "huh? why? and where?"

Y/n: "in France dad....i want to leave because i want my self to have a break from all the pain, from all the hardships in life...i'm so tired mom and dad, i wanna be alone too" you said and your parents nodded

Mom: "are you sure that you want to leave?" your mom asked while holding your hand

Y/n: "yes mom please?" you beg

Dad: "okay our princess" your dad said "by the way, how's taehyung? we just have a dinner with his parents last time and they said that they are going to arrive here at seoul tomorrow"

Y/n: "he's always okay dad, he's a good bestfriend...i really really thank him so much 'cause he's always there for me to comfort me" you said that makes them smile

Mom: "really? he's really a good boy since then"

Dad: "i miss him already, i want to meet him"

Y/n: "you're going to see him too" you chuckled

Mom: "then you should sleep now, tomorrow is your last day of class" your mom said happily

Y/n: "yes mom" you smiled

Dad: "you're our strong girl!!" your dad said as he show his muscle that you and your mom makes laughed

Y/n: "yes dad, thank you and i love you two always!" you said, you hugged and kissed them both and say goodbye as they went out to your room...when you're about to go to sleep, your phone suddenly ring. it was video call and taehyung is the one who's calling.

Y/n: "why did you call late at night huh?"

Taehyung: "to tell you that you're going to attend"

Y/n: "i told you that i won't"

Taehyung: "wait--- did you cry?" his brows knitted

Y/n: "ahhh umm no! why would i cry?"

Taehyung: "don't deny Min Y/n"

Y/n: "by the way, mom and dad said that they miss you already. they said that it's been a long time since the three of you met" you changed the topic and taehyung notice it but he just ignored too

Taehyung: "i miss them already too! they are already here in the seoul so there's no problem meeting them soon" he smiled

Y/n: "dad said that auntie and uncle will be here tomorrow too"

Taehyung: " should attend tomorrow!"

Y/n: "i don't know" you said

Taehyung: "i'm going to do something so that you'll come" he said and winked at you

Y/n: "really? then make me come" you chuckled

Taehyung: "you're so beautiful when you're smiling, so don't be sad" he said that makes you smiled again

Y/n: "thank you Mr. Kim Taehyung

Taehyung: "always for you Min Y/n" he winked at you again and you just smiled.