Family betrayal

You were standing at the balcony of your room having a deep thoughts

Taehyung: "hello...." he said as he stood beside you that makes you shocked

Y/n: "t-taehyung, what are you doing here?" you surprisely asked

Taehyung: "to visit uncle and auntie"

Y/n: "hmmm okay" you said and look away

Taehyung: "why are you alone again? i told you that don't make yourself sad and just be happy"

Y/n: "but i'm not alone now, you're already here...with me" you sweetly smile to him

Taehyung: "you're this kind of person that's why i'm always inlove" he thought while looking at you

Taehyung: "aishhh this girl.....let's go down and eat" he said and you both went out and go down

-while eating-

Dad: "so how are you now tae?"

Taehyung: "always good uncle" he giggled

Dad: "you two will finally going to graduate" your dad happily said

Taehyung: "thanks to god" he smiled

Mom: "so what's your plan after your graduation?"

Taehyung: "dad want me to manage his company"

Dad: "that's great! that's my plan for y/n too" your dad said and you smiled

Taehyung: "good!" he smiled "by the way, can you please let y/n to attend the graduation ball?"

Mom: "she's allowed but she said she don't want because of kook"

Dad: "and we're not forcing her to attend"

Taehyung: "but i want her to attend later" he said as he looks at you

Dad: "then ask y/n"

Y/n: "no, i don't want" you coldly said

Kyle: "if you don't say yes, i'm not going to call you sis anymore!" he said, you don't want it when he's not calling you sis

Dad: "i'm not going to let you do your plan" your dad said that makes your eyes widened

Y/n: "but-"

Mom: "and i'm not going to cook your favorite food too"

Y/n: "are y'all my family?!"

Taehyung: "opsss, they are in my side..." he teasingly said

Y/n: "you didn't love me"

Taehyung: "i'll pick her up at 8pm" he said happily

Dad: "okay, just always look for her"

Mom: "we trust you"

Taehyung: "don't worry auntie and uncle...thank you for taking my side" he said chuckling

Dad: "for you!" your dad winked

Mom: "then let's pick for your dress princess!" your mom said as he drag you "you two cleaned the kitchen!"

Y/n: "dress?! that sucks! i'm just going to wear a pants!" you said that makes taehyung and your dad chuckled

Dad: "let's finish this and i want to talk to you" your dad said and taehyung nodded...after cleaning the kitchen, your dad and taehyung went to the garden

Dad: "i want to thank you for always being in

y/n's side when she's sad and has a problem...for being her best friend"

Taehyung: "she's important to me that's why i'm always here for her"

Dad: "you're really a sweet person" your dad giggled

Taehyung: "ahmmm uncle, since my parents will going to be here too and it's our graduation...let's celebrate it together,! have a vaccation!" he happily said but your dad just went silent

Dad: "we want it too but we can't do it" your dad said that makes taehyung confused

Taehyung: "huh? what do you mean uncle?"

Dad: "y/n will going to leave..."

Taehyung: "what? leave? why?"

Dad: "when we ask her what's her plan after graduation, she said that she wants to have a break for her life too. she wants to be away in this country temporarily" he said and taehyung got sad because of that and also because you didn't tell him about it

Taehyung: " means she wants to leave korea" he sadly said

Dad: "y/n change because of her and jungkook's relationship status now, we're afraid for her and we got more afraid that she wants to leave and she will be alone. so i want you to...."

Taehyung: "to what uncle?"

Dad: "to be with her"

Taehyung: "what? is it okay for you? you trust me that much?" he asked but your dad just put his hand to taehyung's shoulder

Dad: "yes, we know you. i know that you're a kind person, so that i want you to stay with her....and if you want it, if you're not going to do important things before your graduation."

Taehyung: "i can do what you want uncle...but, where? what country?"

Dad: "france"

Taehyung: "she didn't tell me about that. thank you for telling me uncle"

Dad: "but how about your parents?"

Taehyung: "i can talk to them. by the way, when is her flight?"

Dad: "tomorrow at 9pm"

Taehyung: "what?! tomorrow?! that's why she wants to hang out and treat us" he said so shocked

Dad: "don't tell her about you going too until tomorrow before you two leave" your dad said and taehyung nodded and they both went back to the living room.

Y/n: "mommm i'm not going to wear that dress!!!" you said to your mom while going down

Mom: "No! you're going to wear it!" your mom said and you just sighed

Taehyung: "poor y/n" he giggled teasing you and you gave him your death glare "okay, i need to go now to prepare too auntie and uncle"

Mom: "okay be careful!"

Taehyung: "i'll pick up your princess later!" he said and winked at you

Dad: "yeah, make sure that you're more handsome later huh!" your dad said

Taehyung: "i'm always handsome!" he jokingly said that makes y'all laughed and he already left