
As you went outside, you went to the place where there is no people. you just sit at the corner crying so hard and called your dad. you pick your phone, wiped your tears and clear your voice so that your dad won't notice that you're crying. you put it in a loud speaker so you can hear it clearly

Dad: "hello my princess! why did you call? are you enjoying the party?" he asked happily, you want to cry again because of the question but you're holding your tears for a while

Y/n: "yes dad, i'm enjoying it. it is so happy here!" you said

Dad: "good to know that, then why did you call?"

Y/n: "ahmm i just want to tell you that...i won't go home tonight, i'll be sleeping with my friends"

Dad: "ohhh okay. you should take care my dear"

Y/n: "yes dad don't worry" you said and hang up and let the tears fell down as well

*Jungkook's pov*

as i broke up with y/n, it hurts me too. the person who loves me more than herself is in pain because of me. before she walk away, she drank a two glass of whine and walk away i badly want to follow her because i'm worried that something might happen, so i did.

Jungkook: "where did she go? it is so dark here" i thought while looking around and stopped when i heard y/n talking to the phone

Y/n: "yes dad, i'm enjoying it. it is so happy here!"

Dad: "good to know that, then why did you call?"

Y/n: "ahmm i just want to tell you that...i won't go home tonight, i'll be sleeping with my friends"

Dad: "ohh okay. you should take care my dear"

Y/n: "yes dad don't worry" she said and hang up as she leaned her head into her knees and cry again. it hurts me but i can't do anything right now, we broke up and it's true that...i'm falling out of love.

i'm just standing and hiding here while watching her when the rain suddenly pour down. i look at her again if she's going to go inside but she just smiled while crying and said

Y/n: "great it's raining" she said, she stood up and walk away heading to the road. i saw her wet already while crying so i went back to the boys.

Jungkook: "g-guys...." i said with my red eyes

Rm: "jungkook-ahhh, why are your eyes is red? and where's y/n?" he asked and they were so confused that makes me just looked down

Jungkook: 'i-i broke up with her"

Jimin: "what?"

Taehyung: "then where is y/n?!"

Jungkook: "she run outside crying and i followed her, it's raining so i thought she'd go back here but no....she went to the road and walk away" i replied still looking down

Mara: "what?! it's raining! what if something happened to her?!" she asked worriedly

Taehyung: "you promised to her that you won't hurt and leave her. you even said that there's no reason to let her go but what happend? huh?! i promise to my self that i'll stay by her side even though the two of you were in a relationship, and now that you hurt her, i'll never ever leave her side" he said angrily and suddenly stood up and quickly go outside to find y/n

Hobi: "Tae-" he stopped when taehyung walk away

Mara: "thank you for breaking up with her already jungkook, she's so hurt without you knowing it. we're so afraid 'cause she didn't have a time to take care of herself because she was just thinking of you all the time."

Jungkook: "i'm sorry, i'm really really sorry guys but i can't do anything, i already fell out of love" i said near to cry and there's hobi patting my back

Hobi: "we can't do anything too if that's what you feel"

*end of jungkook's pov*

You were just crying and walking down the road while raining. when you saw a chair beside the road, you sat there and just continue crying.

Y/n: "jungkook-ah...you're the one i love the most" you smiled and after a while you stood up and walk again as far as you can.

*Taehyung's pov*

i went outside not minding the rain that makes me go wet and just find y/n. i run through the road still not found her

Taehyung: "where did you go?!" i said worriedly looking around and continue running.

after a few minutes from running, i finally saw her crying so hard and so wet while walking. i run towards her and hugged her so tight

Y/n: "taehyung-ahhh...." she said crying more

Taehyung: "shhhh stop crying. why did you run away and get so wet huh? you'll get sick!" i said as i hold her shoulder

Y/n: "it's raining and i can hide my tears throught it" she said that makes me hurt too

Taehyung: "let's go back home, you're even drunk a little" i said but she's just standing so i pick her up in a bridal style. she leaned her head in my chest that makes my heart beat so fast.

while we're heading back, she spoke.

Y/n: "what if you're the one i choose from the start? are we still inlove with each other until now? are you going to love me as much as i love you? are you going to be honest with me just not to ruin our relationship?" she said in a lower tone, those words makes me feel something that i don't know what is it. those words 'as much as i love you...inlove with each other...our relationship' i hope that's real.

Taehyung: "i don't know, i love you but i don't know what will happen in the future 'cause god is the only one who knows it" i said smiling at her

Y/n: "i hope we know it too"