Sad and Romantic night

You two finally arrived at the parking lot, and the boys and mara was waiting there then taehyung put you down.

Mara: "Y/n.." she worriedly said and hug you

Y/n: "why did you hug me? are you stupid? my dress is wet"

Mara: "you're the one who's stupid here!! why did you soak?! are you out of your mind? what if you get badly sick?!" she said that makes you just looked down

Y/n: "i'm sorry, i just can't hold the pain anymore and just wanna end this sufferring" you said and she hug you again

Mara: "i'm sorry, i'm just worried about you" she said and broke the hug

Yoongi: "be strong and fix your heart again even it's hard...we're here always to help you and make you happy" he said as he hug you too

Y/n: "thank you" you hug him back. jungkook didn't come with the boys and just stayed at the corner, hiding and watching y'all.

Rm: "you should take her home now tae" he said, taehyung nodded and he opened the door of the passenger seat for you. before you could take a step, jimin grabbed your wrist that makes you stop and looked at him

Jimin: "taehyung's suit was wet too, so take mine" he said as he take off his tuxedo and put it in your back so you won't get cold

Y/n: "thank you little mochi" you smiled sweetly same with him and you two get in the car and left.

while you two is on the way, the car was full of silence but you spoke suddenly.

Y/n: "i wanna leave already..." you whispered out of mind while watching the road

Taehyung: "what?" he asked even though he clearly heard it

Y/n: "ohhh uhmmm ahhh nothing" you said and he nodded

Taehyung: "why don't you just tell me about it?!" he thought

Y/n: "i don't want to go home" you said that makes him looked at you in shock

Taehyung: "what?! i'll take you home now" he said and a little bit angry

Y/n: "take me in your house...i don't want my parents to see me like this. they will get worried and i don't want them to feel it" you said as you fell asleep. taehyung feel hurt when you said that, so he just did what you said.

after a few minutes, you two finally arrived at his house. he carry you in a bridal style since you were sleeping and will take you in his bedroom.

Taehyung: "i don't want you to sleep alone when you're drunk and soak, so you'll going to sleep with me" he thought. he was about to lay you down in his comfy bed but got failed to lay you carefuly 'cause he got out of balance and he was in your top now while you were still sleeping. he stared at your pale face but still cute, he was about to get up but his gazed stopped in your skinny neck and chest

Taehyung: "damn! this perfect body of you y/n!" he said "i wanna lick it!!" he continued, trying to hold his self. you can see it in his eyes that he impatiently want to suck your neck. you opened your eyes 'cause you felt that someone was in the top of you. you saw him looking at your chest

Y/n: "just kiss it if you can't help yourself anymore" you said that makes him looked at you in shocked and he just gulped "but don't you ever dare to leave a mark or els-" you didn't finish your words when he quickly pinned your both wrist and kiss your neck so romantically. you just close your eyes feeling his kiss and letting him to do what he wants. you have no boyfriend to worry about letting another guy to do this to you anymore, you're just focusing in the pain that jungkook gave to you.

he finally stopped from kissing your chest and neck as he look up closer to you

Taehyung: "thank you for letting me..." he smirked in a flirty way and about to kiss your reddish and smooth lips but you make yourself in the top of him and pinned his both wrist too

Y/n: "your wish is already granted, so stop now....lend me one of your shirt or hoodie so i can change" you said and stood up same with him. you went to the bathroom to wash up and taehyung went to his wardrobe to pick the clothes you're going to wear.

Taehyung: "y/n, i'll put the clothes in the bed...i'm going to take a shower down stairs" he said

Y/n: "thank you!" you shouted and he went out to the room.

after a few minutes, you wear his botton up white long sleeve he gave and just wearing your cycling short showing your beautiful legs. you just dry your hair, brushed it up and leave it open since it makes your head comfortable. taehyung came in and closed the door behind him, he looks at you and saw your attractive chest again.

Taehyung: "damn! are you teasing me or challenging my patient?? cover your fvcking chest! don't make me lick it again"

Y/n: "excuse me Mr.'re the one who picked this not me, and also i said shirt or hoodie"

Taehyung: "i haven't done my laundry yet..." he innocently said

Y/n: "then it's not my fault. keep your patient's long 'cause i won't give you a chance anymore" you said "i want to sleep now, i'm a little drunk and you should sleep too" you said as you laid down in the bed and put the blanket in you.

Taehyung: "what a sad and romantic night" he said as he laid down to sleep too.