Graduation; leaving this country


After the graduation event, some of the students together with their families was staying at the university park.

Taehyung: "Congratulations!" he said happily as he hugged you so tight

Y/n: "Congratulations too!" you hugged back

Mrs. Kim: "congrats y/n!" taehyung's mom hugs you

Y/n: "thank you auntie!" you smiled, yours and taehyung's parents are having some talk after so long.

Y/n: "Congratulations boys!!" you smiled as you and tae approached them but jungkook wasn't there

Yoongi: "Congratulations too!" he smiled back

Jimin: "sooo what about the plan? i can't wait to hang out for free!" he said

Y/n: "want it right now?" you giggled

Hobi: "of course!"

Y/n: "then let's go" you said and y'all left

-at the amusement park while eating streetfoods-


Jin: "i wonder if when is the next time that you will treat us again" he giggled

Y/n: "maybe after 2 to 3 years?" you chuckled and taehyung suddenly looked at you

Rm: "huh?! that's so long!"

Y/n: "then tell me what all you wants!"

Yoongi: "wait-- are you not even joking?" he knitted his brows and you just chuckled

Y/n: "let's go in a restaurant, i'm sure y'all are hungry and want to eat a rice" you chuckled and they nodded too.

-timeskip- -restaurant-

Taehyung: "all the foods are already here! let's eat!" he said as he stretch his arms and y'all started to eat

Jimin: "i feel so sad for you y/n" he giggled

Y/n: "why?"

Jimin: "you have to pay for all of this" he laughed

Y/n: "as long as it's bts boys there's no problem"

Yoongi: "yah Min Y/n, are you just lying earlier or it's true?"

Y/n: "wait...why are you so serious about that?" you chuckled

Yoongi: "because we want a treat like this again" he chuckled same with others

Y/n: "yes i'm not lying"

Hobi: "after 2 to 3 years?! does your credit card will going to have a rest for that long?" he said that makes you laughed

Y/n: "i'm leaving" you said chuckling while their eyes was only focusing at you

Taehyung: "finally you spill it" he thought

Jin: "w-what?"

Hobi: "are you going to the comfort room? go ahead we'll wait for you" he said showing his bright smile but you shoke your head

Y/n: "i'm going to leave..." you stared to them

Yoongi: "going home? if you wanna go home already then, let's go"

Y/n: "no guys, that's not what i mean....i'm leaving--- this country" you said and looked at your food, avoiding their gaze.

Rm: "what? why? where? when?"

Y/n: "woahhh that's a 4 straight question huh" you chuckled "i'm going to france" you continued

Jin: "is it for your dad's business, family reunions or what?"

Y/n: "it's for myself...want to have a break" you smiled bitterly

Yoongi: "it's because of jk right?"

Y/n: "i just found myself that she's suffering so much now, i think she can't handle it anymore if she didn't take a break from all"

Jimin: "so when is your flight?" he said in a sad tone

Y/n: "tonight at 9pm"

Hobi: "already?!"

Y/n: "yeah"

Taehyung: "that's why you want to treat us" he said and you nodded

Yoongi: "when are you going to comeback?"

Y/n: "i don't will take a year or years or maybe i should not comeback at all?"

Jimin: "ohhh come on please comeback! and don't stay there for too long!"

Yoongi: "he's right. we are here, we can help you to be fully okay again."

Y/n: "thank you, but a break that i want is a something that i can really feel the peace of my life. managing it all by myself, will try to protect and take care of myself again. that's what i want"

Yoongi: "how about mara, did she already know about this? she's your bestfriend"

Y/n: "she didn't come with us so she doesn't know yet. i'll tell her later"

Jin: "let us send you to the airport"

Y/n: "huh? you don't need to, but if you want then it's your choice"

Yoongi: "we will send you" he smiled

Y/n: "then have more fun!" you smiled.

Y'all didn't waste any seconds to have fun. went to the mall, amusement park, restaurant, movie theater and many more.

Y/n: "it's already 7pm, y'all should go home and take a rest already, specially me. i need to prepare." you smiled

Jimin: "it's so fun but tiring too"

Y/n: "so go home and take a rest"

Jimin: "yeah i should" he smiled

Rm: "then we'll go y/n"

Y/n: "yeah be careful" you smiled as you waved to them while they are leaving.

Y/n: "tae, why you didn't go with them? are you going somewhere?"

Taehyung: "Nope, i'll send you home"

Y/n: "NO"

Taehyung: "and why? you're leaving us and you don't still want me to take you home?!"

Y/n: "i'm just kidding! of course i'll let you" you said as you playfully hit his arm and go to his car

-on the way-

Taehyung: "why you didn't tell me?" he said breaking the silence

Y/n: "because i know that you won't let me"

Taehyung: "of course i won't. how can i let you leave if you're going alone?"

Y/n: "i know but i'm sorry tae...." you sadly said as you looked down "i already made my decision, i'm doing this for my self" you looked at him

Taehyung: "that's why i can't always do anything at the end when it comes to you" you both chuckled

Y/n: "thank you tae" you smiled

Taehyung: "for what?"

Y/n: "for being with me from the start. even though i'm in a relationship with kook, you're still staying beside me. how can i return all your love, care and efforts for me?"

Taehyung: "just be happy again, always be happy. that's enough. i love seeing you smiling" he smiled same with you

Y/n: "i'll miss you. i'll miss the guy who's always crazy, the guy who makes me laugh when i'm sad, the guy who will do everything just to cheer me up and the guy who kept messing around" you glared to him and he just laughed

Taehyung: "don't miss me 'cause i'm with you stupid girl" he thought

Taehyung: "that was so mean! leave already!!" he said and you both laughed.