Untold decision

-At the airport-

Mom: "be careful there okay?" she said while y'all was sitting at the waiting area

Y/n: "don't worry mom, i can protect myself" you smiled

Kyle: "make sure that you're gonna buy me many chocolates before coming back here"

Y/n: "yes little prince" you pinched his cheeks

*Bangtan's pov*

Jin: "yah jungkook, we're going somewhere. do you want to come too?" he said as he grabbed his coat

Jungkook: "where?" he replied and stopped using his phone

Yoongi: "at the airport"

Jungkook: "huh? why?"

Yoongi: "to send off y/n...she's leaving" he coldly said that makes jungkook stop for a while

Taehyung: "just come if you want and if not then don't." he seriously said as he go outside

Jungkook: "i don't want to go hyung, just go and be careful" he said and went back to his phone again

Jimin: "then let's go guys! we might not send her off"

Rm: "it's already 8:20, and her flight is 9 o'clock. we better hurry"

Hobi: "we'll going kook bye!" he said and they a leave

Jungkook: "she's going to leave?.....am i going to see her one last time or just ignore it?" he thought.


Taehyung: "uncle auntie!" he said as he approached y'all with the other boys

Y/n: "y'all really came" you said smiling

Jimin: "of course!"

Dad: "so this is your friends you were talking about sometimes?"

Y/n: "yes dad" you smiled

Dad: "hello boys! thank you for being good friend with my daughter" he sweetly smiled to them

Yoongi: "she's good with us, so we just doing the same" he calmly said

Mom: "that's great! so let's do our best right now just to make her not leave"

Y/n: "Mommmm" you look to your mom and they just laughed.

jungkook secretly went to the airport too but he's hidding so y'all can't see him and he's watching y'all too.

Jungkook: "you're going to leave because of me...i know that i'm going to regret all of this, all of the decisions i made, all of the stupid things i did" he sadly thought

Kyle: "sis!"

Y/n: "hmm?" you said as you sit down infront of him

Kyle: "can you just please not leave" he said sobbing

Y/n: "and why my little prince?"

Kyle: "i promise you can call me chipmunk anytime, i'll call you sis forever, i'll prepare your breakfast everymorning, just please not leave" he said that makes y'all chuckled

Y/n: "you're being sweet again when i'm about to leave...don't worry bro, i'll comeback for you" you said as you stroke his hair and he hugged you so tight then someone suddenly shouted while coming closer to y'all

Mara: "yah Min Y/n!!"

Y/n: "ohhh you're late mah friend, i'm about to leave...bye bye~" you jokingly said while waving at her and stepping backwards.

she just stopped from running as her tears fell down on her cheeks and just standing there crying like a kid.

Y/n: "i'm just kidding! don't cry!" you said and she quickly hugged you so tight

Mara: "how can you leave without telling me huh?!"

Y/n: "l-let me go first, i-i can't breathe" you said and she broke the hug

Mara: "sorry" she wiped her tears

Y/n: "okay....i'm sorry if i didn't tell you about this, to everyone too. this decision of mine made all of a sudden" you looked down "but i promise! i promise that i'll comeback" you smiled to them

Mara: "even if you don't promise, you must comeback 'cause we're here!"

Y/n: "that's my point" you said and there's a silence for a while

Mom: "by the way, i noticed that jungkook is not with you boys. is he busy?"

Jimin: "yes auntie, he's busy" he smiled

Y/n: "come on mom, i'm going to leave and you're teasing me again...don't look for someone who's not here" you said looking at your mom

Mom: "i'm just kidding my dear" she said chuckling and hugged you

Y/n: "it's already 8:40, soooo i'm going to leave now" you said and take your luggage

Dad: "take care of yourself there okay? eat and call us everyday" he said as he hugged you and you just nodded

Mom: "make sure to call us everyday, if you have a problem tell us, we're always here for you" she hugged you and you nodded.

Kyle: "sis.....i'm going to miss you" he sob and quickly hug you

Y/n: "i'll come back for you" you said.

the five boys hugged you one by one, and it's mara's turn now.

Mara: "you're going leave me now" she sadly said while hugging you

Y/n: "because i don't want to see you anymore"

Mara: "stop joking around!!" she said as she punched you

Y/n: "okay okay i'm sorry! i'll miss you!" you said chuckling, she move backward and taehyung is the last one to hug you

Taehyung: "this silly girl were going to leave me alone" he hugged you pretending to be sad

Y/n: "i'm sorry tae" you hugged back "thank you for all, thank you for taking care of me, thank you 'cause you always stay by my side and also thank you for you love" you continued

Taehyung: "how can you leave me huh? after all the things i did for you, and this is what i got in return?" he said

Y/n: "i told you, i'll comeback and i promise that i'll return all the things you did for me....thank you and i love you always tae" you whispered to him that makes his eyes widened and smiled as he broke the hug

Taehyung: "I Love You..the word that i want to hear from you" he thought "did i heard it right?" he said chuckling

Y/n: "stop being stupid! i'll go now" you said and he went to your dad to take his luggage

Taehyung: "then let's go! we're going to be late" he said that makes you, mara and the boys confused

Y/n: "w-what's this? that luggage?" you asked with your knitted brows

Yoongi: "yah taehyung-ah, what's with that luggage?"

Taehyung: "i'm going with her"

Y/n: "huh?!" you looked to your mom and dad whose just smiling while looking to all of you

Y/n: "mom dad, what?"

Dad: "he's going with you"

Y/n: "stop joking! you're lying" you chuckled

Taehyung: "we're not...so let's go and the plane will leave us"

Jungkook: "tae will come with her?" he thought full of confussion

Hobi: "taehyung-ahh, stop playing around. you didn't tell us about leaving with her"

Taehyung: "why y'all don't believe me? uncle already said it"

Mara: "if you're just lying you're a dead meat and if not thennn....good! y/n is not alone" she giggled

Y/n: "you're lying tae" you glared at him

Taehyung: "no i'm not" he said and the speakers of airport switched on


after hearing that, y'all stared at him chuckling

Taehyung: "still not believing me?" he laughed and you're just standing so confused same with the boys and mara also jungkook who's hidding.

Dad: "i told him about your plan and beg him to come with you 'cause me and your mom is worried about you"

Mom: "we trust him, so just let him go okay?" she said, you just released a sigh.

Y/n: "no choice" you said as you raised your shoulder

Taehyung: "then we'll leave now auntie, uncle, bro, boys and mara...i'll call you later boys! sorry for not telling" he smiled

Yoongi: "okay, take care!"

Mara: "look for y/n okay?!" she said and taehyung just nodded

Y/n: "goodbye for now!" you said and you both left.