Spending time together

Y/n: "YAHHH! wake up!" you shouted while sitting at the top of him and waking him up

Taehyung: "what? let me sleep" he said in a low tone sleepy voice

Y/n: "you won't wake up? huh!" you pinched his nose so he can't breathe and a while ago, he removed your hand and breathing heavily.

Taehyung: "are you trying to kill me?!"

Y/n: "if i want to kill you, i won't do it in this stupid way" you smirked "SO WAKE UP!"

Taehyung: "why are yo--" he suddenly stopped when he realized that you're sitting in the top of him. "ohhhh seems like you want to stay like that forever" he said smirking at you

Y/n: "aishhh if you don't want then don't" you said as you go down the bed "i can go alone" you left his room

Taehyung: "did i do something wrong?....you're so stupid taehyung!" he said and quickly went to his bathroom.

After you get ready, you left the house already without telling taehyung.

When taehyung was done, he went down stairs to talk with you but he didn't saw you around

Taehyung: "Y/n, i'm sorry so come out" he calmly said but no one answered "wait did she--" he stopped with his eyes open wide. "aishhh!! how can she leave without me!" he continued as he grabbed his phone and go out side to search for you.

-Amusement park-

you were walking around, looking at the people whose having fun and looking to those rides.

(in call)

Taehyung: "yah y/n! where are you?! how can you leave me alone huh?!"

Y/n: "ohh Mr. Kim..."

Taehyung: "where are you?!"

Y/n: "i left you alone 'cause you said that you're still sleepy, so i did! why? do you want me to wake you again now?"

Taehyung: "stop pissing me again and just do something too 'cause i don't know where am i now!" he worriedly said that makes you chuckled

Y/n: "so you're saying that you're lost?"

Taehyung: "i don't know the places in this damn country so how can i not get lost huh?!"

Y/n: "then that's not my fault anymore, i'm waking you earlier so you can come with me but you said you're sleepy. and now you're lost, maybe that's your karma for being such a sleepy head" you said while coming closer where he was standing now since you found out that you both were in the same place

Taehyung: "okay i'm sorry! so please find me" he beg

Y/n: "a gentleman being so scared huh" you said chuckling and standing at his back, so when he turned around and saw you, he realised a sigh.

Taehyung: "arghhh thank God, my savior was here" he sigh

Y/n: "are you finally awake? what if you're just dreaming? wait let me punch you to make it sure"

Taehyung: "aishhh you! what a evil savior"

Y/n: "savior my foot" you said as you left him alone again

Taehyung: "yahh wait for me" he followed you.

Y/n: "are you hungry? do you want to buy something?" you asked while you two were walking

Taehyung: "are you mad at me?"

Y/n: "No, why would i get mad at you?....two popcorn please" you two stopped by the popcorn store

Taehyung: "because....because you became sad when you get out of my room earlier"

Y/n: "ahhhh don't mind it" you chuckled as you looked at him but he's just standing and looking down "okay, i want to be honest with you. i just felt sad 'cause i want to have fun with you since you're the only one i have here now, but when i'm waking you up earlier to tell that we're going somewhere, you said that you're sleepy so i left alone"

Taehyung: "i'm sorry"

Y/n: "it's okay now, don't worry" you smiled to him as you give his popcorn

Taehyung: "then, i promise that i will make you happy and enjoy this day" he winked at you and grabbed you to choose a ride.

Y/n: "wahh! let's start now" you smiled

Taehyung: "what do you want to ride? i'll ride what you want too"

Y/n: "of course you should!" you look around and the roller coaster caught your attention "roller coaster" you smirked to him

Taehyung: "w-what? r-roller coaster?" he stuttered and you nodded "there's so many rides here but you choose that scary and life taking one?!"

Y/n: "yep 'cause it's exciting! don't tell me you're scared" you laughed

Taehyung: "yes i'm scared! when i rode it for the first time, i really regret it and now you want to ride that, with me?!"

Y/n: "you said, you'll also ride what i want so don't be scared and let's just sit there hmm?!" you grabbed him and sat down but he's really scared that he almost cry, and you just laugh and calm him.


Y/n: "yah are you okay?" you asked laughing so hard as you both were done riding the roller coaster

Taehyung: "you're too mean!" he said while sitting at the corner

Y/n: "i'm sorry" you said still laughing "come and let's buy some foods for a while"

while you both were eating and walking down the streets, taehyung spoke.

Taehyung: "where do you want to go now?"

Y/n: "everywhere, but a happy place" you smiled

Taehyung: "then let's so to the eiffel tower"

Y/n: "okay" you both chuckled.

The two of you enjoyed the day, spending so much time in a exciting things. Taking pictures, visiting beautiful places, enjoying the views, eating delicious foods, didn't waste every seconds minutes and hours. laughing together, pissing each others and not thinking about those problems that keeps bothering you and just doing all the things with Taehyung just to feel the happiness again.