
*After 2 years*

*You and Taehyung's pov*

In 2 years, there's so many things that happened in the france. you both enjoyed everyday, will fought sometimes, but will going to fix it immediately. you two had so much fun since that was your purpose and reason why you flew to the france. you both did many things to enjoy and it's was really so fun...but one mistake happened between the two of you.


You went to the bar to drink and release all of your anger, pain and problems. you and taehyung fought as well, so you decided to get drunk alone without telling him.

Y/n: "this life of mine sucks" you murmured as you drink your alcohol

Bartender: "miss, you're already drunk" he worriedly said

Y/n: "that's why i came here, to get drunk." you glared to him and he just gulped.

after awhile, you fell asleep but not that so much drunk that you can still control yourself and know what's happening. the bartender take your phone to call someone because he thought that you're really drunk.

Bartender: "taehyung? i hope he will answer" he said and call him

Taehyung: "hello? y/n where the hell are you? i've been looking for you!"

Bartender: "ahmm hello sir, this is not y/n. i'm the bartender here in the bar house, and she's drunk. fell asleep too."

Taehyung: "what?! where is that?" he said and the bartender told him where is that bar.

Taehyung: "can i ask?" he said and the bartender nodded "someone didn't touch her right? like trying to seduce her"

Bartender: "none sir, she just sat here" he said and taehyung just sighed and take you to the car.

-in the house-

taehyung carried you in a bridal style to take you in your room. you felt that someone was carrying you and when you open your eyes you saw taehyung

Y/n: "hey what are you doing? how did you know that i was there? put me down, i'm not drunk!"

Taehyung: "just keep quite" he coldly said to you so you just leaned your head to his chest and closed your eyes.

taehyung put you down when you both entered your room. as soon as he put you down, you pushed him to the wall and quickly kiss him.

Y/n: "i don't know why i am doing this but....i feel like i wanna kiss him and hug him so tight" you thought

Taehyung: "y/n....." he thought as he kissed back.

after a few minutes, you broke the kiss.

Y/n: "arghhh what am i doing" you held your head with your both hands "i'm sorry" you said and turned around to lay in your bed but he grabbed you and turned you around and kiss you again.

Taehyung: "you started it, so we need finish it" he stopped from kissing you for awhile and kissed you again as you kissed back.

you both lay in the bed without breaking the romantic kiss and the s*x happened.

-end of the flashback-

*Jungkook's pov*

in 2 years, there's so many happens to me. i keep hanging out with my friends(bangtanboys). i'm now succesful and handling my company very well. Irene and i broke up after 1 year when y/n left korea. there's so many things that we can't really handle between me and irene, we kept arguing about some small things. it's her fault sometimes, we argued for something of what bad she did but later on, i'm the who's going to apologize. but when it comes on my mistakes, she never did the same of me. for her, when it's my fault i'm the one who need to say sorry. she's so different with Y/n, 'cause when me and y/n argued about something, we both will talk and fix together so that it will never be a big fight. y/n is so understanding that's why i really really love her but i lost her...but after 1 year when y/n left, i became cold of irene. like, our relationship was just a play game for me. i lost love for her, i became a bad boy of her. she kept flirting with some boys too, that's why.

-the break up of jungkook&irene-

Jungkook: "where were you?" i coldly asked when she cameback home late at night and she smells alcohol

Irene: "at the bar, why?"

Jungkook: "you have a time limit right?"

Irene: "and so? i don't care about that"

Jungkook: "seriously?! do you know that i've been waiting for you for so long?!" i stand up angrily

Irene: "you wait for me?" she smirked "don't joke around Jeon Jungkook! you never love me!! you never care for me like before!! you know why? because of y/n!! am i right?"

Jungkook: "shut the fuck up irene!!"

Irene: "it's the truth! your love for her came back!! don't try to deny it!"

Jungkook: "yes!! i still love her! i fucking regret now because i choose you over her! yes, i loved you before, but now that i realized what's your real personality, i lost my love for you...it's your fault too, you keep flirting with other guys when you know that you still have me!"

Irene: "yes that's true, i'm not going to deny it. but don't forget jungkook, you did the same too when you and y/n was still together. you flirted with me while you still have her. we're just the same!"

Jungkook: "that's why i regret all of my stupid decisions that i made! i started to hate myself when i realized it all!! then you came along, i became cold to you 'cause i found out that you're just using me. do you think i'm fool like you?? when i found it out, this relationship became just a game to me. so i played it...when you're using me, you didn't realized that i'm doing something to ruin your family status too" i smiked

Irene: "yah jungkook i'm sorry" she cried and kneeled down begging me.

Jungkook: "get your ass out of my house, we're over!" i said and left her.