
*Continues of after 2 years*

*You & Taehyung's pov*

Taehyung: "so are you ready to go back and meet your families and friends there?" He asked while you both is on the flight to seoul

Y/n: "No, i'm not." You coldly replied "let's just go back to france and live there forever" you sadly said

Taehyung: "why?"

Y/n: "because i already got used to it...i used to live with just one person. I got used to live with you there without any of my families and friends" you said looking down

Taehyung: "so are you saying that you want to live there forever together with me?" He said pissing you

Y/n: "you!" You said so pissed

Taehyung: "just kidding" he chuckled

Y/n: "but i'm really serious...if we came back, it will feel new to me again"

Taehyung: "don't worry, you still have me." He smiled

*Your families and Bangtan's pov*

Dad: "y/n and tae will be here later!" You dad excitedly said

Mom: "they are going to be our special and surprise guest to our event" your mom happily said


Rm: "Mr&Mrs. Min invited us to their company event. It will start in 9 pm, so we should be there in 8:30."

Suga: "it's their wedding anniversary too" he smiled same with the others

Jin: "it's just sad that y/n can't attend their wedding anniversary again" he sadly said and then there's jungkook who's just quite.

Jimin: " i miss tae too!"

Hobi: "arghh~ i should take a bath now so that i'm already ready" he stretch up and left the boys

Yoongi: "same" he stand up

Jungkook: "same" he stand up

Jimin: "same" he stand up

Rm: "same" he stand up

Jin: "let's just get prepare together!" He said so pissed

*Your pov*

Y/n: "so where are we going now? i don't want my parents to see me already"

Taehyung: "we only have 1 hour before the event so let's go to my house and have some rest for awhile"

Y/n: "okay then let's go, i want to sleep." you said and you both left

-on the way-

Y/n: "did you already told someone that you finally came back?"

Taehyung: "i didn't..i want to surprise the boys"

Y/n: "i'm sure they're going to be happy" you smiled and taehyung just nodded

Taehyung: "ahmm how about kook?"

Y/n: "about him? nothing. back to normal, where we're not yet talking to each others. like when we're still college student."

Taehyung: "okay"


Host: "Ladies and Gentlemen, let's congratulate Mr and Mrs Min for their Wedding Anniversary!" he said as everyone gave applause to them

Dad: "thank you everyone!"

Mom: "thank you for coming here to celebrate with us" she said happily

Dad: "but we will not completely happy without them!" he said as he pointed the door and everyone including bts and mara was looking at the door while it's opening slowly.

You and Taehyung came in together wearing a hot outfit that suits you two very well. everyone was clapping as you two were walking.

Dad: "i know that you know them right? my dear daughter and taehyung came back" he said happily

Y/n: "happy anniversary mom and dad" you said smiling and hug them

Mom: "i miss you my dear" she said

Taehyung: "happy anniversary auntie and uncle" he said as he hugged them

Jimin: "yah tae finally came back!" he said happily same with other boys

Rm: "he didn't tell us about this"

Suga: "y/n came back too" he said smiling and the boys looked to jungkook who's staring at you

Hobi: "kook...."

Jungkook: "she came back, she finally came back." he thought and smiled

Jimin: "opsss he's smiling" they giggled

Jin: "easy Mr. Jeon Jungkook, she might melt because of your stare" he said teasing him

Jungkook: "ahh what?" he said when he got out of his thoughts.

Y/n: "tae, come with the boys too and enjoy this night. i'm sure you missed them so much same with them" you smiled to him

Taehyung: "okay" he smiled back and left then mara approached you.

Mara: "y/n!!" she hugged you so tight "i miss you so much!"

Y/n: "it's so obvious" you chuckled

Mara: "i've waited for you and now finally! i can be with you again!" she happily said

Y/n: "okay calm down and let's eat first" you smiled and you both eat together.

Hobi: "yeahhh look who's back" he smiled as they hugged each others

Jimin: "why you didn't tell us about this?"

Taehyung: "nothing, i just want to surprise y'all" he smiled

Yoongi: "so you both will stay here and won't go back in the france or?"

Taehyung: "we will not going to go back there. we need to work too"

Jin: "then that's good!"

Taehyung: "hey! why are you so quite?" he said as he tapped jungkook

Jungkook: "bro, when you left this country, you're mad at me. so how can i talk to you when i don't even know if we're already okay or not?"

Taehyung: "aishhh this's been 2 years bro! i missed you a lot but seems like you're not the same" he said that makes them all laughed

Jungkook: "i missed you too bro" he smiled

Rm: "so how's y/n? still a scary girl or what?"

Taehyung: "she's really a lovely girl like always, but still the same scary girl. nothing change." he said

Hobi: "we miss her a lot, we want to have a talk with her again." he said as he looks at you

Taehyung: "Y/n!!" he shouted and you looked to them "come here for awhile!" he said again and you came to them as you want to approached them too.

Yoongi: "wow...that damn glow up huh!" he smiled

Y/n: "you still didn't change" you smiled

Jimin: "so how's your life now?"

Y/n: "it's really good" you smiled

Jimin: "ohh really? or just pretending again?" he teasingly chuckled

Y/n: "this knife will be thrown at you if you didn't stop Mr. Park" you scared him

Jimin: "y-you're r-right tae, it didn't change." he gulped that makes some of them laughed

Y/n: "so i need to go back to my parents now to help them. hope y'all will enjoy this night" you smiled "right Mr. Jeon?" you patted him "don't stay quite, you're handsomeness won't notice by everyone if you stay like that." you smiled to him "i'll talk to y'all again later boys" you said and left them alone as jungkook just smiled on what you just said.

Hobi: "what's with that smile huh?" he chuckled

Jungkook: "nothing, i just feel happy that they came back, nothing else." he pretended