Being worst

Taehyung came to you and your family to have a conversation too after a long time.

Taehyung: "congrats again uncle and auntie" he smiled as he sat down next to you

Dad: "thank you tae" he smiled

Mom: "the two of you are really grown up now" she smiled while looking at the two of you as you both smiled too

Dad: "by the way, how's the life of you two there?"

Y/n: "so pissed with this idiot guy" you said as you glare to taehyung

Taehyung: "honestly, she used to pissed me too! when our first day in france, she left me alone in the house! i got worried so i decided to find her, but i ended up getting lost!" he said starting to argue with you

Y/n: "but you're still the worst!" you argued back

Taehyung: "am i?! don't joke around y/n!" he said so loud with a chuckle too that the attention of everyone was in the two of you.

Suga: "what's with the two?" he asked so confused while they are looking at you and taehyung.

Taehyung: "do you remember when we went to eat in the restaurant and you accidentally splash the water that you were drinking to the waiter?" he teased and laughed at you while the guests chuckled in to it too. "SUCH.A.CRAZY.GIRL.!!" he shouted that makes you just laughed

Y/n: "okay let's see who's the crazy between us" you chuckled as you stood up and went to the front and grabbed the mic "Hello everyone! i just want you all to know the one stupid and craziest thing that happened in Mr. Kim Taehyung while we're staying in the france" you said as the everyone's attention was just in only you and taehyung.

Y/n: "yah taehyung-ahh! do you remember that time when you went to the bar and got really really drunk?" you chuckled

Taehyung: "y-yahh y/n stop!!" he laughed as he realized what you were going to say

Y/n: "yes everyone, this idiot guy went to the bar when we fought again with something. i got worried 'cause maybe something might happen to him. i don't know where he was that night so i just stayed in the house and waited for him. later on, my phone suddenly rang and it's taehyung's number so i answered it...i got shocked 'cause he's not the who talked to me, he said he is the bartender." you said

Taehyung: "y/n!!!! don't say it, i'm begging you!" he laughed but you shoke your head

Y/n: "the bartender said that taehyung was already drunk so he told me to come at the bar, so i went to pick him up. when i arrived at the bar, do you know what i just witnessed when i entered?" you laughed so hard and then taehyung quickly run to catch you and to make you stop but you run too so that he won't catch you. "when i entered, i saw this idiot guy who wants to kiss the bartender" you laughed as the everyone laughed so hard too "now, who's the worst Mr. Kim? you're forcing the bartender so that you can kiss him" you laughed

Taehyung: "listen's so embarassing" he said laughing

Y/n: "of course it is!" you said that makes them more laugh as taehyung finally reached you "i looked like his girlfriend that time 'cause i took care of him!"

Jimin: "how can you do that tae?!" he shouted "you are not like that when you was still here before!" he laughed

Taehyung: "stop! i was drunk that night okay!" he chuckled

Guest: "you both look so cute together!"

Jin: "yeah it's true! you two looks like a couple especially when you both entered the hall!"

Taehyung: "ahh uhmm t-thanks for that complements" you both smiled awkwardly as you both looked to each others

*Jungkook pov*

the other boys and me was just sitting at our table and just enjoying the event. Mr. Min and Mrs. Min came in the front and thank us for coming here, and Mr. Min suddenly said that this night won't be completely enjoyable without them as he pointed the door so we pay attention in to the door who's about to open wide to reveal y/n and taehyung. when i saw y/n, it feels like my whole world just stopped. i feel my heat beat so fast while my eyes were just staring at her.

"she came back, she finally came back." i thought. i missed her so much that i want to go to her and hug her so tight. i miss everything of her! her scent, her softness, her hands, her beautiful eyes, her smile, her lips, her perfect body, the hotness of her, her hug, her kiss, everything!! yes, me and irene broke up because of what she just did. and i also became cold to irene before because of y/n, i regreted it all. i regreted all of my stupid decisions that i made in the past, i'm the worst!. and now that y/n cameback, i want to make her mine again, i want her to be by my side to love me and take care of me like what we are before, but i thought that would be hard for me since i don't know what was the relationship between her and taehyung now.

-end of pov-

*Your pov*

Some of the guests was dancing since there's a dance for all. and some of the guests was just having a talk with others. me, taehyung, mara, my parents and the other boys was sitting in our table and having a conversation.

Y/n: "ahmm excuse me for awhile" you stood up

Taehyung: "where are you going?" he asked as he hold you hand that jungkook noticed and just stare in the both of you

Y/n: "i'll just need to use restroom" you smiled same with him and let you go. later on, jungkook excuse himself too.

You went inside the restroom to pee and fix your looks. after looking at yourself and about to go out, someone suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulled you into an empty room, closed the door and hugged you so soft but tight as well.