Like a couple

*Your pov*

The hug feels different but familiar as well. the hug, the scent, the softness, the size of the arms that cover me so gentle. it's all look so familiar, it feels like i already experience this kind or feeling of take away your thoughts.

Y/n: "ahmm excuse me...who ever you are can you please let me go now? i really really need hug or comfort because of my situation this day so thanks for the hug, but this is disrespectful even though you're my friend, close one or what. you shouldn't suddenly grabbed me here and hug me without my permission when i don't even know you...if you need hug, then you should tell me first so that i can hug you in my own." you calmly said while he's still hugging you.

Jungkook: "i need hug...i need your hug so stop talking and just let me hug you again after so long" he said and makes your eyes widened

Y/n: "jungkook?"

Jungkook: "yes this is me so please keep quite and let's just stay like this for a while"

Y/n: "Mr. Jeon--"

Jungkook: "PLEASE..."

Y/n: "fine, 5 minutes." you said

Jungkook: "i missed you so much...." he said and you didn't expect him to say that "i miss your hug, your smile, your laugh, your tease, your face, your lips, your whole body, your hands, your scent, your love, your care, your cuddle, your sweet voice. i miss everything of you...i don't know why but i want to tell you what i felt while you're gone. i can't hold myself anymore, i want to hug you so bad when you appear with tae earlier so this is what i did. i know that you won't hug me if i tell directly..i'm sorry.." he said and you're just quite, listening to him.

Y/n: "i missed you too" you hugged back "but not as what you think. i missed you like the other boys(bts members) that's all. i heard that you're taking care very well of your company. that's so nice to hear" you smiled while you both were still hugging and jungkook was just listening to you "i hope that you'll keep going, protect the people whose around you, do your best, don't give up, live your fullest life and just be happy. don't think of those negative thoughts that will make you down...i'm already hugging you now 'cause you said that you need it and you want to hug me so i did. you said you missed me so i said that i missed you too. hope that you feel okay now Mr. Jeon." you smiled as you broke the hug "let's go now, others were waiting for us." you said and left.

*Jungkook's pov*

I feel very happy when she hugs me back then she suddenly spoke.

Y/n: "i missed you too" she said. i got more happy when i heard that from her but i know that she misses me as a friend only but i didn't care about that. as long as she's hugging me now, it's okay.

her advices makes me really wanna live my fullest life. it's streghten me more....thanks y/n. thank you for the hug and understanding. you never change. i think it's not yet the right time to tell you that i love you again, that i want you to be mine again and that i regreted to not choose you. i'm sorry, i'm really really sorry...i'll try my best to make you love me again but when it won't work, maybe i'll let it go. it's my fault too in the first place.

You both cameback where your parents and the boys was. it makes the boys confused why you and jungkook cameback together but they just let it away.

Dad: "by the way, what if you boys and y/n go for now and have some fun together, since y/n and taehyung was gone for 2 years?" he smiled

Y/n: "how about the event? you need help to manage this. is it okay?"

Mom: "don't worry my dear, we can handle this." she smiled

Y/n: "then how about you boys? do you like to hang out?"

Hobi: "of course!" he agreed with others

Taehyung: "then we will go for now" y'all stood up and left the hall.

Suga: "we used van to go here together"

Taehyung: "y/n and i used my car, so let's just see each other in my house" he smiled as the boys went to their van while you and tae went to the car.


(Mara didn't come with y'all)

Taehyung: "me and y/n bought drinks already like just before" he said as the boys sat down

Y/n: "and i hope that it won't happen again like the last time were y'all were drunk" you said while coming upstairs that makes them chuckled

Taehyung: "where are you going? join us"

Y/n: "i'm just going to change my clothes." you said and enter your room that makes the boys looked to taehyung so confused

Taehyung: "what? we just cameback from france and she told me that we can just stay here for a while 'cause she doesn't want her parents to see her immediately" he explained as they nodded

Jimin: "you two really look like a couple! you both are so sweet earlier, and you both are staying here in your house for a while. we know that you used to like her in our college days, and you both stayed in the france for two years. i wonder if something happened there that we didn't know" he chuckle and taehyung just smirked

Rm: "what's with that smirk huh?"

Taehyung: "nothing" he chuckle

you came down wearing a simple tshirt and short with your messy bun.

Jimin: "mind to drink?" he asked offering a glass of wine

Y/n: "thanks" you smile as you sat down beside taehyung

Taehyung: "so how's you lives boys? y'all has your own company now, i wonder if you already have a girlfriend now." he chuckle

Jimin: "Namjoom hyung, hobi hyung, jin hyung and yoongi hyung has a girlfriend already." he said as they smiled

Taehyung: "how about you?"

Jimin: "i don't have. i can't find someone like y/n" he jokingly said that makes y'all laughed

Taehyung: "how about you kook? does you and irene were planning to get married now?" he asked chuckling

Jungkook: "what are you talking about?" he chuckle same with other boys "we broke up already" he said that makes you a little bit shocked.