Great revenge

Taehyung: "huh? since when?"

Jungkook: "a year ago" he replied as he drink his wine

Taehyung: "hmmm okay...let's watch some interesting movie" he said as the others agreed.

Y/n: "then excuse me for awhile. i'll make some snacks" you said and left.

the boys started to watch movie and you started to make too and about to finish.

Jin: "kook, we're out of water now. can you please go and take another bottle?" he asked and jungkook nodded as he went to the kitchen.

Y/n: "do you need something?" you asked as you finished.

Jungkook: "water"

Y/n: "it's in the refrigerator." you said as he went to open it. when he's about to leave, you called him. "kook..." you called and he turned to you.

Jungkook: " used to call me that before" he smiled between his thought. "hmm?" he said

Y/n: "what's with that smile? kook, yeah i used to call him that before" you thought "can you please take this snacks for y'all? since you're going back to them." you said

Jungkook: "sure" he smiled and take the plate

Y/n: "thanks" you smiled back and he left.


After making their snacks, you went straight to your room to do something and now you're done. you decided to go down now and join them again but you only saw jungkook, who's staring at his DRUNK hyungs!

Y/n: "what happened to them?" you asked while going down

Jungkook: "they drunk too much!" he irritated said

Y/n: "aishhh! be the one to take care of them." you said going upstair again

Jungkook: "yahh! it's not my fault why they're drunk."

Y/n: "i told them that i don't want this to happen again like in the past! arghhh these guys" you said as you go down to carry them.

Jungkook help namjoon to go to the guestroom, while you help jimin too.

Jungkook: "HYUNGGGGGG!!!!" he angrily shouted because namjoon vomitted on jungkook's shirt that makes you secretly chuckled. while carying jimin, he suddenly stop and feels like he's going to vomit too.

Y/n: "no no please NOOO!!" you angrily said when he vomitted in you. "arghhhh! it stinks!" you madly said that makes jungkook secretly chuckle.


you and jungkook carried them all and jungkook was helping taehyung now.

Jungkook: "where do i put him? there's no guestrooms anymore."

Y/n: "just put him in my room" you said that makes him shock a bit but he just do what you said. "our shirt was dirty now. do you have your extra shirt?" you asked

Jungkook: "i don't have"

Y/n: "then go and take a shower now. i'll put the clothes in your bed." you said and left him

Jungkook: "why do you still care?" he thought as smiled and went to his room to take a bath.

You're done taking a bath now and grabbed some clothes for jungkook and you're going to give it to him now.

Y/n: "Mr. Jeon....i'll put the clothes in your bed now." you said as you put it but the bathroom was open that makes you think that maybe he's done and you're about to leave his room now when he suddenly showed up infront of you.

Jungkook: "thanks" he appeared with the towel covered in his lower body and with his showing wet perfect abs.

Y/n: "welcome" you looked down slightly blushing and about to leave again but he pulled you and pushed in the wall. he came closer to your confused face.

Y/n: "what are you doing?" you asked

Jungkook: "i just missed you being so close to me" he smirked

Y/n: "remember..." you said as you hold his cheek "it's not my fault why you lost me, Mr. Jeon." you said and left his room.

...Your room...

before going to sleep, you help tae first to change his clothes.

Y/n: "i told you not to get drunk" you said as you sat down beside him when he's done changing.

Taehyung: "i'm sorry, it's been so long since we had a fun...please understand it and let's sleep now." he said in sleepy voice as he pulled you to him to hug you and go to sleep.


Jimin: "arghhh it's so cold. there's no blanket." he said and stood up to go in your room to ask you for blanket. "Y/ there an extra blan---" he stopped when he saw taehyung hugging you and you're just sleeping in his arm. "holyshit" he murmured with his wide eyes and drop jaw. "let me capture this for memory" he smiled and take a picture of you two, grabbed an extra blanket for him and go back to his room.


You woke up so early, and the boys were still sleeping.

Y/n: "let me do something for revenge" you smirked and went to the kitchen to make a coffee. after few minutes, jungkook woke up too.

Jungkook: "morning" he suddenly said that makes you startled.

Y/n: "you scared the hell out of me"

Jungkook: "sorry" he chuckled "ohh coffee" he said and about to pick one

Y/n: "no" you stopped him

Jungkook: "why?"

Y/n: "that's for the 6 boys and this is yours" you said as you give his coffee

Jungkook: "wait....what's with their coffee?"

Y/n: "just see it later. i am doing this for the two us, let's just say it's revenge for what they just did to us last come and just wait them in the living room." you said as you both left in the kitchen.

after few minutes of waiting, they already woke up and go down to see the two of you.

Taehyung: "morning..." he said and you smiled

Yoongi: "you both are so early" he said as they sat down with you two.

Y/n: " i want to prepare a coffee for your hangover, so get your coffees now" you smiled as they grab their coffee and sat down again

Jin: "it smeels so good" he smiled as they drink it...

Jimin: "AHHHH!!!" he said as they vomit

Rm: "y/n what's thi--" he didn't complete his sentence when he's about to vomit again.

they all rush to the kitchen and bathroom.

Jungkook: "what a great revenge" he laughed same with you

Taehyung: "what did you put in this?!" he complained as they came back

Y/n: "is it creamy?" you teased

Hobi: "why did you do this? did you both plan it?"

Jungkook: "it's just y/n's plan, but she told me that it's our revenge"