The truth untold

Yoongi: "revenge for what?"

Y/n: "i warned y'all to not get drunk but when i cameback, the thing that i didn't want to experience again already happened" you said as you glared to them

Jungkook: "when you're being kind so you carried them one by one but one of them vomitted on your you know what's the feeling,NAM.JOON.HYUNG?" he glared to namjoon who just gulped

Y/n: "and yeah, the past really happened again. in the past, i carried him to his room and he kissed me. and now that i carried him again, he you really want me to kill you now PARK.JI.MIN?" you glared to him as he gulped.

"S-sorry" they said

Yoongi: "arghh! it's so bitter!" he complained to the coffee

Jimin: "ah ah ah! wait for a moment" he smiled teasingly "open your phones and check my message" he said as y'all really check your phones

Rm: "tae? y/n?" he said and they were all shocked but jungkook were just silent looking at the picture.

Jin: "you both were not telling something to us" he said as you and taehyung chuckled to each other and before you hide your phone, you texted something in jimin first "NICE.I.D.EA.MR.PARK." you texted, and when jimin read it he just looked to you and gulped

Y/n: "i need to leave for now" you sighed and stood up "my work will start today"

Taehyung: "i'll see you later, be careful."

Y/n: "yeah, you too guys!" you said as you picked your important things and left the house.

Jimin: "yah tae! just tell us! you can't hide it to us."

Taehyung: "tell you what?"

Hobi: "you and y/n...are you both in a relationship? you two were so suspicious!" he asked and they were all interested in his answer, including jungkook.

Taehyung: "where do i start.....ahmm okay."


You and taehyung were sitting in the balcony.

Taehyung: "y/n..."

Y/n: "hmmm?"

Taehyung: "do you know that i still like you?"

Y/n: "yeah i guess"

Taehyung: "i confessed to you before, but you ended up with jungkook. i tried my best to remove my feelings for you but i failed. when you and jungkook were together, i just became your bestfriend and thankfully, i helped you a lot...but it makes me love you more." he looked down and you looked to him.

Y/n: "then what do you think we will do?"

Taehyung: "i don't know. i want you to decide for it, i want to hear your response 'cause i'm respecting your decisions...i can't handle the pain that was hiding inside of me, so i tried to tell you about this again...the decision was in you."

Y/n: "tae....we stayed here together for almost two years now, and i'll tell the truth that i really really love every moment when i'm with you. i used to be with you now and i'm happy of it....i don't want to hurt your feelings 'cause you helped a really really lot and i don't want to feel shame since we've been together for 2 years, we comfort each others and we're happy together, you even made me stopped when i'm suiciding that i think, we need to try." you said smiling and he looked up to you

Taehyung: "try what?"

Y/n: "try ourselves. let's try to be in a relationship, like what you want since i want to give you a chance. you're perfect for me too, i have no problem with you" you smiled to him

Taehyung: "REALLY?! there's no taking back?! are you telling the truth?! promise?!" he happily said

Y/n: "arghh stupid" you chuckle and he quickly hug you so tight.

Taehyung: "thank you! thank you so much! i promise, i will protect and love you always!" he happily said between the hug

Y/n: "i love you" you whispered to him and he heard it

Taehyung: "what? repeat it! i didn't hear"

Y/n: "i don't want" you chuckle and broke the hug and left him alone.

***End of flashback***

Hobi: "ahhh so you both tried" he smiled and they all except taehyung suddenly looked to jungkook who's just looking down.

Jungkook: "what?" he said when he noticed them

Taehyung: " you mind to tell why did you and irene broke up?" he asked and kook sighed

Jungkook: "we broke up 'cause she kept flirting with another boys while she still had me. i found out too that she's just using me for money, but i got my revenge on that. we broke up too because....after one year when you and y/n left, regrets hits me so hard. i regret for hurting y/n, i regret for choosing irene over her, i regretted all of my stupid decisions in the past. i regret why i lost her...i became cold in irene that time because of y/n." he explained with his teary eyes

Taehyung: "so now you know the feeling when your love one was flirting with someone while you still have your girlfriend?" he said as jungkook's tears rolled down while he's just looking down.

Jungkook: "does she suffer a lot?" he asked while crying as hobi and jin were comforting him

Taehyung: "you knew what she did when you both broke up in the grad. ball. when it's our first day in france, she recall all of your memories. she cried it all, she released her pain that time and she had a hard time 'cause whenever we were going to go out and have fun, some things will remind her of you...and the worst of all, she tried to kill herself 'cause she can't really handle the pain. so i tried my best to make her feel okay again, then i succeed."

Jungkook: "i'm sorry" he murmured while he's covering his face and crying more.

Taehyung: "you can get rid of that too kook, trust now, let's get ready and go to work." he said as they all agreed.

they all left taehyung's house to prepare their selves to go to their work, and now you're the one who's taking care of your father's company.