Chanel: Fashion Model

You were at your office now, doing your work as an CEO.

Sec.: "Ms. Y/n..." she said as she entered "this is the files you want me to give to you." she smiled and handed the file

Y/n: "ohh thank can leave now." you smiled

Sec.: "by the way Ms. Y/n, is it okay to ask you?" she said innocently

Y/n: "what's wrong with you?" you chuckle "of course!"

Sec.: "ahmmm are you and the CEO of TAE'PLE COMPANY is in relationship?" she shyly asked

Y/n: "why are you being shy?" you smiled

Sec.: "because we both entered the same university when we're college. i always heared your name around the campus, and the famous group called bts there became so close to you including the CEO of TAE'PLE COMPANY, and..."

Y/n: "and?"

Sec.: "and i was so shy 'cause i didn't expect you to be my boss, the both of us gratuated at the same time but you were more succesful than me" she looked down

Y/n: "then what's wrong with that? as long as you were living your life happily, then that's enough. some of us didn't need to be successful, being happy with a simple life was don't be sad, shy or whatsoever! atleast you picked the right company to work on 'cause you know the CEO" you smiled

Sec.: "thank you Ms. Y/n, you are really so kind."

Y/n: "it's just a simple thing" you smiled

Sec.: "so what's your answer?"

Y/n: "yes we're in relationship" you said and she's shocked

Sec.: "oh my! so it's true! in college days, he used to like you but you ended up with Mr. Jeon the famous member of their group in uni. and the CEO too, and now it's a famous member too and a CEO again!" she happily said "i admire you so much Ms. Y/n! i envy you!" she continued

Y/n: "ohh come onnnn just go back to your work you silly girl" you smiled



Y/n: "tae..."

Taehyung: "are you done working now? my meeting is over, i'm with my secretary here in the restaurant. you didn't have your lunch yet, so come here."

Y/n: "okay i'll be on my way"

Taehyung: "take care and i love you" he sweetly said that makes you smile

Y/n: "i love you too" you said and hang up


you parked your car now and about to leave. you grabbed your phone from your bag when someone texted you. later on, you bumped into someone.

Y/n: "ohhh i'm sorry, my mistake." you bowed and apologized without looking in to that person

???: "No it's oka--" he stopped when the both of your eyes meet

Y/n: "ohh Mr. Jeon" you said

Jungkook: "Ms. Min..." he said looking so deep in your eyes.

Y/n: "i'm sorry. i'm not paying attention in my way" you said

Jungkook: "it's okay, my mistake too." he said and taehyung's secretary suddenly shouted to you when he saw you

Mr. Choi: "future Mrs. Kim!! Mr. Kim is waiting for you!" he shouted as you both looked to him

Y/n: "gotta go now...i'm sorry again." you said and left him

Jungkook: "future Mrs. Kim..." he sadly thought and left.

Y/n: "so how's your work?" you asked as you sat down beside him and starting eating

Taehyung: "has a projects to do. how about you?"

Y/n: "Chanel choose me to be their fashion model....for the magazine?"

Taehyung: "that's nice" he smiled "by any chance, do you have a partner?"

Y/n: "yeah but i don't know who he is yet, and i don't even care who he it okay for you? just tell me, i can reject it." you calmly said

Taehyung: "hey love are you mad?" he chuckle "of course it's okay!"

Y/n: "you know, i just thought that you don't want me to be a model with a guy're a jelousy" you teased

Taehyung: "aishhhh! as long as there's no wrong doings, i'm not going to jelous." he said that makes you

Y/n: "okay fine Mr. Kim...let's just eat." you both chuckled and continue to eat.

*Jungkook's Pov*

I entered my company with anger and sadness inside of me. i don't know, i don't know why i am mad and sad after hearing that 'Future Mrs. Kim' earlier. Yes, i still love her, i really really still love her that i want to make her mine again, so maybe that's the reason why i am like this...but Kim Taehyung! why?! why it has to be you?! you have her now, is there still something i can do? I AM SUCH A STUPID!! i lost her, i lost the one who loved me the most!!

Ms. Lee(Jk's secretary): "Mr. Jeon, you have a meeting now." she said when i entered

Jungkook: "cancel it" i said in a cold tone and went to my office

Ms. Lee: "in a bad mood huh" she whispered

**Ms. Lee, jungkook's secretary. she likes jungkook, because he is handsome, has a kind personality, but a baddass sometimes, he's also rich that's why she like him a lot. and the worst is, sometimes she will try to flirt with him.**

When i reached my table, i saw a file in the top of my table.

Jungkook: "what's this?.....*we would like you to be our fashion model, for Chanel Magazine.*" i read "there's so many famous and rich guy in this country, so why they choose me?" i irritated said as i turned to another page that makes me stop.

...The message above the picture of my partner...

*She will be your partner for this project. The CEO of MIN'S COMPANY, Ms. Min Y/n....please inform us if you will take our offer or not. Thank You*

Jungkook: "Y/n" i smiled "they choose you too...but why? why they did they choose me instead of taehyung? ohh right, maybe they didn't know that they were in relationship. arghhhh JEON JUNGKOOK!!! what are you saying?! you should just be thankful that you both are on the same project!" i said.