
*still Jungkook's pov*

Jungkook: "yes dude, you're fucking in time." i thought in disgust

Taehyung: "how's the shoot?" he asked while he's gently dragging you beside him.

Jungkook: "it's good too" i smiled

Taehyung: "okay then how about let's eat in the restaurant?"

Jungkook: "maybe next time bro, i need to do something to do." i pretended. why? because my good mood turned into a bad.

Taehyung: "ohh okay, we should leave now then."

Jungkook: "yeah, be careful." i smiled same with them as they walk away, while talking and smiling to each other. "can you just please don't be like that when i'm around the two of you? i'm not used when i'm seeing the girl i love being happy with another guy." i sadly thought while watching them walking away.

*Your pov*

...on the way...

Taehyung: "did you enjoy it?" he smiled

Y/n: "it's nice working with chanel, but i felt so uncomfortable that it makes me didn't enjoy it."

Taehyung: "and why?"

Y/n: "i told you that i can reject the offer, but you didn't want...." i said "it's not good, i'm telling you love. i'm worrying about your reaction when they finally released" i sadly continued

Taehyung: "what? why? why are you sad? did jungkook did something?" he knitted his brows

Y/n: "No, he didn't but the outfits, the pose and the positions especially my partner" you madly said but worrying at the same time that makes him chuckled

Taehyung: "huh? maybe you're not just use to it" he chuckled

Y/n: "even though i'm a first timer to this, i can handle it. but love!! arghhh i'm just worrying. call me weird or what but in this kind of situation makes me worry a lot. you're such a jelousy!" you teased.

Taehyung: "then let's take your worries away later" he evily said that makes you quite

Y/n: "you can't--- arghhhh! you're not listening again!" you said and he just smirked


You and taehyung were in your parents house now.

Dad: "tae y/n!" he smiled

Y/n: "hello dad" you smiled too same with taehyung "where's mom and kyle?"

Dad: "they went to shopping"

Y/n: "aren't you bored here?"

Dad: "i'm fixing some files about company so that it will be fully yours"

Taehyung: "don't over work auncle, it's bad for your health"

Dad: "aigooo tae, i told you that just call me dad and call your auntie mom"

Taehyung: "i'm sorry DAD" he said as y'all chuckle

Y/n: "let me cook for dinner, we all didn't eat yet" you said as you left them

Dad: "so how's the relationship?"

Taehyung: "it's so good. we're comfortable and happy to each others." he smiled

Dad: "that's good to hear" he smiled back

*Jungkook's pov*

After they left, i left the building too. call...

Jungkook: "hyung"

Hobi: "kook what is it?"

Jungkook: "are you free?" i asked in a sad tone

Hobi: "what's with the sad tone? do you have a problem? i'm free for you" he worriedly said

Jungkook: "let's meet in the bar we usually drink by"

Hobi: "okay, i'll be there." he said as i cut the call and went straight to the bar.


i arrived first in the bar now so i already ordered my drink and just waiting to hobi hyung to arrive.

Hobi: "jungkook" he said while walking towards me and sat down too.

Jungkook: "hyung" i smiled and give his drink

Hobi: "what's up?"

Jungkook: "i called you 'cause you're the one who i can share this for now." i said and he nodded "am i that a stupid guy?"

Hobi: "what are you saying?" he knitted his brows

Jungkook: "about love. i'm stupid when it comes to love"

Hobi: "is this about y/n, am i right?" he asked and i nodded

Jungkook: "hyung, we ended up being together before. she took care of me, she stayed with me when i had problems, she comforted me, when we're arguing we choose to fix it, we understand each other, she loved me. she loved me more than herself but what did i do hyung?!" i cried "i broke her, i cheated on her, i hurt her, i ignored her, i made suffer a lot when i'm dating irene before even though i still have her! and now hyung, i'm regreting it all! i want her to be mine again but how?! now that taehyung already had her! it's all my fault!" i cried more as hobi hyung comforting me by patting my back

Hobi: "you may hate yourself because of those decisions you made but you can't change the fact that you are destined to face this problem or situation. you can over come that kook, trust yourself."

Jungkook: "it's so fucking hard hyung!! seeing the girl that i still love being happy with tae hyung is hurting me! if it's just another guy i can fight for her but he's kim taehyung."

Hobi: "because he likes her since college and his love for her never fade, kook. he stayed to y/n since then, he was with y/n when she's suffering because of you. he was with y/n when you two broke up so don't get shock that they are in relationship now."

Jungkook: "i still love her hyung, i want to be with her forever again. i-i don't know what to do hyung" i cried a lot that makes hobi hyung worry

Hobi: "arghhh i don't know what to do with you, you make me worry."

Jungkook: "you should go home now hyung, you need to rest too." i smiled as i wiped my tears "thank you for comforting me. i released the pain that was staying inside me so you helped me a lot hyung" i smiled

Hobi: "how can i leave you alone here?! i know you will drink a lot!"

*Your pov*

You and Taehyung will leave your parents house now and will go back to taehyung's house.

Y/n: "we'll leave for now dad"

Taehyung: "we will visit again soon"

Dad: "okay, be careful." he smiled same with you and taehyung as you two left.